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This is absolutely not a hydrology, come in the brothers do not white piao, really sweet warning ⚠️. (Thumbs up!!)

This article has been planned to write for a long time, specially left now because I want to finish all the articles of Redis series, so that partners who need to have a systematic column to learn, rather than some scattered knowledge points (in fact, I broke my leg playing basketball during this period).

In order to summarize this column, I read a lot of Redis books, blogs and various materials. After two months of careful study, I have summed up more than 30 articles with a total of more than 100,000 words, which are lying naked and white in my column, waiting for you to patronize!!

I believe that most of my readers are students or fresh graduates, and there are some junior and intermediate developers. However, the following resources are very suitable for you. Next, follow the steps of Xiao BA (walking stick) and walk into the world of Redis!

Learning path

In fact, there are many learning routes about Redis on the Internet, but I have listed some important or classic things, and have corresponding articles to introduce in detail (if you need the original picture and my manuscript, you can follow my wechat official account at the end of the article and chat with me privately!).

The above line mind map cannot be clicked, so I connect the corresponding articles of each knowledge point and summarize them here:

Redis literacy + Build your own Redis

Redis Scan

CentOS Installation Redis

Redis primary and Secondary Sentinel Monitoring Configuration

CentOS 7 Single-node Redis Cluster(3 Active and 3 Slave Pseudo-Cluster)

Redis has five basic data types

Redis for Advanced Programmers, Part 1 — String

Redis for Advanced Programmers, Part 2 — List

Redis for Advanced Programmers, Part 3: Hashing

Redis for Advanced Programmers, Part 4 — Set

Redis, Part 5: ZSet (Ordered Sets)

Do you really know the 5 basic data structures of Redis?

Redis three special data types


Detailed Explanation of HyperLogLog usage and Algorithm Principle

Geospatial- Geospatial

The Stream of Redis

Redis Mastery series — Stream

The Pub/Sub of Redis

Redis Mastery series — Pub/Sub (Publish subscription)

The Pipeline of Redis

Redis Master Series — Pipeline (Pipeline)

Redis transactions

Redis Transaction Details

Redis persistence

Redis Persistence AOF and RDB

Redis expiration policy

Redis Mastery series — Expiration Strategies

Redis elimination strategy

LRU Algorithm (Least Recently Used – Least Recently Used)

Redis Proficient series — LFU Algorithm (Least Frequently Used — Least Frequently Used)

Redis current-limiting

Redis: Zset for Sliding Window Limiting

More on Funnel Limiting

Redis-cell Token Bucket Flow Limiting Details

Bloom filter

Redis install Bloom Filter

Bloom Filter — Full explanation, suggested collection


“If someone asks you what CAP theory is, you just send them this article!”

Redis Distributed Cornerstone: Master-Slave Replication In Detail

If an interviewer asks you to talk about Sentinel, finish this article!

Redis cluster details (from the internal explanation of the service, this time really understand, the interviewer can ask how easy!)

⭐Redis Distributed — Master-slave replication, Sentinel, clustering thorough ⭐ (after reading this swastika, your Redis level will go up a level)

Detailed explanation of Redis distributed lock (illustrated, hand-built services, code details, suggested collection)

Redis Mastery series – Info Instruction Usage

The client



Super Powerful Redission

Comparison of The Three – from Tencent Cloud Technology Circle

Learning resources

I mainly recommend a few more authoritative websites and a few good courses about learning resources, these I have stepped on the pit, to a head of water fumbling everywhere you! If you really don’t want to read articles or books, I would also recommend some online courses here. So it’s not too much to like!!)

Web resources

The first to bear the brunt is certainly the official website, but the English requirements are relatively high, and the network comparison card you understand!

If English and eight elder brother level is about the same, I suggest or try not to completely hanged in the official website, also don’t use those translation strange strange translation software directly translate the official website to learn, suggest the following website, the network speed is fast, the translation is also more accurate (but there are still a lot of knowledge points is very difficult to say) :

If the command doesn’t remember what to do, bookmark this website, super useful:

Learn technology how to move toward daishen step by step from rookie, so rookie website how can miss? I think it’s also a good way to get started:


Finally recommend a treasure blogger, Eight elder brother also follow step by step to come over:

Video resources

About Redis video, in fact the net speak of very deep I did not discover, but the entry really have a few worth to see, however Eight elder brother think to learn technology or have their own experience, do not only see not practice ha……

Basic video:

Silicon Valley Redis 6, version new, complete information…

Crazy god Redis explained, humorous, easy to understand…

Advanced video:

Dark horse programmer Redis entry to mastery…

Turing College, which includes the Redis section is good, more in-depth:…

Books recommended

This is my first recommendation, of course, I’m just recommended personal book, this is all I read the book carefully, feel more helpful to recommend, and also advice to welcome in the comments section, if you read a good article, fans grow faster, I will send two new books I recommend (need can give me a message, background or directly concern me at the end of the article WeChat public).

Eight elder brother is poor cock silk, but in order to express sincerity, must send!!

Attention, I recommend books, I can confiscate money ha, pure is recommended to the brothers in need !!!!!!

Redis Deep Adventure

The first is a book by qian Wenpin (Lao Qian), an expert in palm reading technology — Redis In-depth Adventure.

Recommended reasons:

  1. Knowledge is comprehensive, Redis version is relatively new
  2. Rich examples, the article is Java and Python examples together
  1. Printed in color and illustrated
  2. From shallow to deep, easy to understand

Suitable for people:

Introduction to Redis friend, student, this year’s graduates looking for a job, junior high school senior development engineer I think can, book is not thick, don’t look easy short-tempered.

Show me some of the contents of the book I bought myself:

Redis Design and Implementation

This book is prepared by Huang Jianhong teacher, what I buy is the second edition, but this second edition is also Redis3.0 version, but bought to guarantee not to lose (iron earn not to lose!!)

The main reasons for recommending this book are:

  • Speak really meticulous, it is meticulous, but you do not feel nonsense, to ensure that you benefit a lot after reading, really condole interviewer series.
  • Rich source code, the principle is very thorough
  • The author has many years of experience, there are very many good way of thinking output, for a sincere exploration to uncover the veil of Redis is very moderated

Of course, part of the knowledge does lag behind, but it does not matter, you pay attention to the official version of the upgrade when reading, changed what to understand.

White piao is not good, creation is not easy, everyone’s praise is the biggest motive force of Plum EIGHT creation, we see the next article, the public concern at the end of the article has welfare!

Continue to update, to be continued…