The most straightforward way to learn more about a framework is to understand how it works. React is definitely a framework worth learning from. It is simple in design and does not introduce any new concepts. A component is a method or a class.

The React code is tens of thousands of lines long. Especially after Fiber was introduced, the core of React became very complex beneath its simple facade.

In order to implement React, we need to grasp the core parts of React. I wrote four blogs step by step, which describe the core parts of React:

  • React (1) : JSX and virtual DOM
  • Implement a React (2) from scratch: Components and lifecycle
  • Implement a React (3) : diff algorithm from scratch
  • Implement a React (4) asynchronous setState from scratch

React functions can be implemented at the end of each article. The content is not long, and the code is annotated in detail, so students with basic knowledge can understand it.

The final implementation is also in a separate repository: simple-React

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