1. Watch video tutorials to learn

For xiao Bai, reading books and documents may be a bit of a deterrent, so watching video learning may be your best choice. When it comes to video learning, we have to mention learning website — B station.

  • I recommend Pink’s JavaScript videos, which start with basic syntax, JS features, and JS Web APIS, followed by the BOM, DOM, and ES6/6+ tutorials (see the comments section). Pink’s lectures are humorous and easy to accept, which bai can also understand. Data Visualization echarts (dom/ BOM/es6

  • If you don’t feel comfortable with Pink’s slow pace, you can also choose the video from Silicon Valley, which is also very good. It is divided into basic and advanced parts. The latest version of JavaScript basic complete tutorial complete version (140 sets of practical teaching,JS from entry to mastery)

2. Modern JavaScript tutorials

Benchmark against the latest JavaScript standards. From the basics to the advanced levels of JavaScript, you’ll be covered in simple but detailed content. Highly recommended!

Link address: modern JavaScript tutorial

3. Ruan Yifeng’s webway JavaScript tutorial

Link address: webpath · JavaScript tutorial

Advantages: Real-time update, corresponding to the latest ES standard.

4. Recommend books

  • The Little Red Book of the front-end: JavaScript Advanced Programming (latest Chinese edition 4) a must-read for front-end staff. This paper introduces the front-end development technology that JavaScript developers must master comprehensively and deeply, involving basic features and advanced features of JavaScript.

  • Classic Rhino Book: The latest edition of the JavaScript Definitive Guide, Chinese version 7 covers HTML5 and ECMAScript6. Many chapters have been completely rewritten to keep abreast of today’s best Web development practices.

  • This three-volume series (Volume 1, 2, and 2) covers JavaScript you really don’t know. The purpose of this series is to get the unsophisticated JavaScript developer to dive deep into the language and understand the purpose of every single component of JavaScript. The first volume introduced two topics in the series: “scopes and closures” and “This and object prototypes.” With this knowledge, no matter what technology, framework, or buzzword, you can easily understand it.

5. ES6 learning

Introduction to ECMAScript 6 by Yifeng Ruan is an open source JavaScript language tutorial that provides a comprehensive overview of the new syntax features introduced in ECMAScript 6.

Link address: ES6 introductory tutorial

6. MDN documentation -JavaScript

Link address: JavaScript tutorial

The open source site that front-end people know about. The latest features are published in MDN, a document for Web developers.

Future learning ES6/7/7+, you can find relevant content and examples here.

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