One of my classmates showed me some of the brain maps I had found, showing the ways in which various “mentors” here and there gave students an introduction. I looked at it. I told him I couldn’t even cover 100% of it.

Of course, the trolls are coming out again. You can’t cover 100% because you’re faking it.

Anyway, please click close in the upper right corner (upper left corner of Unix based system)

I teach you a simple rule to tell if a “road map” is the right one. Look at four points

Do you have Swing, AWT, guIs? Do you have swing, AWT, guIs

There is no XML as a huge knowledge point, let you look at various SAX, DOM, XSD, XPATH, some, just throw it away

Struts, some just throw it away

Have you been told to learn about a bunch of containers, starting with Tomcat, all kinds of containers, some just throw them away

Why is that? Obviously is the result of closed doors, most of the students guess, or is the product of a very low level of training schools

One thing about the JAVA world is that

The knowledge is scattered, and anything that advises you to study comprehensively is, in my opinion, all guesswork of the student mind. The simple reason is no. How do you go to war when you can’t master 18 weapons? The answer is simple: ten lessons at once.

The JAVA world is fragmented, but there’s always a main thread, and what’s misleading you now is that it’s giving you no priority. J2EE says simple, very simple, 80% of companies need people who know these things:

Layout + Spring +database is so simple, in this combination above, there can be a thousand changes, but, why not you master the most basic one? Shaolin learn thousands of thousands, is it still entry everyone should start from shaolin changquan entry? If changquan is good, can you become a warrior? Xiao Feng can rely on a set of long fists to retreat the enemy, then you as a rookie, why do you have to hurry to see a Yang fingers?

Come on, let’s start shaolin Changquan.

JSP+spring mvc+mysql

Isn’t it simple, don’t look at anything else until you’re good at it?

So, as I said before, with a packaged installation, you can skip the configuration of the environment that you’re most worried about. Simple use of Bitnami tomcat installation package, database has also been included in the inside, it is easy to build the environment, take eclipse official website provided J2EE developer installation package, can simply get IDE, these two steps can be completed in half a day. If you can’t do these two steps by search alone, I urge you to reevaluate your programmer. I’m a Nietzschist, my 2 year old daughter I wouldn’t even spoon feed 100% of you as an adult, I would obviously despise you.

You have Eclipse, you have the environment, you need to start writing code.

Write a JSP, write a Spring Controller, write a database direct access class, there are direct examples on the web, deploy to Tomcat, pay attention to what resources are deployed to where, this can be done in about a week or two depending on your ability, I think 30% of people can do it on their own with web resources, Fifty percent need peer discussion, and the last 20 percent must have a complete success story to follow.

There you go. What’s so hard about that? All that other stuff, it’s on top of this, the front frame? The front-end framework is complex, can jump out of JS into HTML display, JS submit forms? XML, no matter how complex XML is, can it be read and written outside of Element? Json, what’s so hard about it? Any input format that tells you how to read it is input. What’s so hard about databases? Aside from the fact that most companies have their own practical frameworks, it is not up to you to write JDBC or SQL well, but purely experience. Experience is something that you can learn. Woodworking, you don’t sawing patterns, you get experience reading books? IT’s not something you “learn” at all. There’s a lot of “experience” in IT. You learn? You can’t learn. Abandon the student mentality early, you should know what is learning can learn, what is to gain experience.

Since there is J2SE foundation, 2 weeks to 2 months time can be introduced, why do you hesitate, hesitating, you are cheng elder brother?

No, you’re just trying to excuse yourself, using anxiety to cover up your inactivity.

Want to work on it or are genuinely interested in it. You can ask me for some basic learning videos, Q number: 3300863615, this is free, I hope students don’t take it for granted when looking for me, after all, it is my efforts, I hope you really want to learn Java heart, I will do my best to help you become an excellent programmer.

Q plus I have the following requirements, do not disturb the substandard:

1. I majored in Java in college, but I was frustrated in the interview after graduation and could not find a suitable job

2. I have been in the company for a long time and now I am comfortable, but I hit a wall in the interview when I change my job. Need to study in a short time, job-hopping to get a high salary

3. After attending the offline training, I have not mastered the knowledge deeply enough, and it is difficult to find employment. I want to further my study

4, already in the Java related departments work on the job, on their own career planning is not clear, dawdle

5, have a certain C language foundation, contact with Java development, want to change careers

Leave the trumpet alone. It’s a man. Move it.