• Zombie process definition? Check zombie processes and use the ps command to see that a process marked Z(zombie) is a zombie process.

  • The dangers of zombie progression? Zombie processes consume system resources, which can seriously affect server performance.

  • What are the causes of zombie processes?

    • The child sends a SIGCHLD signal to the parent when it finishes, which the parent ignores by default
    • The parent process does not call wait() or waitpid() to wait for the child process to terminate
    • Zombie processes are sometimes caused by network reasons.
  • How to kill zombie processes? A zombie process cannot be killed with the kill command, but if the zombie daddy dies, the zombie process becomes an orphan process. The orphan process does not consume system resources and is adopted by init, which then recycles it.

ps -A -o stat,ppid,pid,cmd |grep -e "^[Zz]"        // Check the process:killA - 9 pid & emsp;                 // Kill the z process.Copy the code

View all processes related to R. 2. View the parent process of the zombie process. The zombie process was reclaimed. ProcedureCopy the code


  1. https://blog.csdn.net/zjwson/article/details/53321431
  2. https://www.cnblogs.com/sbaicl/archive/2012/09/16/2687201.html
  3. Process with zombie process/https://michaelyou.github.io/2015/03/12/ orphans
  4. https://baike.baidu.com/item/ zombie process / 1036577