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This article is translated from “Stay Updated in JS Fatigue Universe” with some additions and modifications. HOW TO KEEP UP TO DATE ON Front-end TECHNOLOGIES

Keeping up in the front-end world of “new things popping up every day” has become a daunting task. Many people have the feeling that it doesn’t take a few months for your technology to become obsolete, that new hype, libraries, and frameworks will always get lost in the game and you’ll have to quit.

Many of my colleagues want to know how I manage to stay up to date and still get my day job done. In this article, I will share my daily life and tell you how to find useful information.

Pay attention to Daniel

A lot of my resources come from Twitter. Following the leaders of the JavaScript community made it easy for me to get interesting stuff, despite how hard it is to find them.

Because we care about the open source community very much, Github has become my primary source. First find an industry-top project (like React) and click on the “Coding” TAB to see an archive of those major Contributors. Some of them have Twitter accounts, and they often post valuable information.

Not a complete list of industry leaders

Addy Osmani

Author of projects such as TodoMVC, Material-Design-Lite, Yeoman, and Google Chrome Engineering Manager
The home page

Lea Verou

HCI Fellow at MIT, member of w3C-CSSWG, author of several projects at Github
The home page

Evan You

Well-known vue.js author, front-end evangelist, industry big V
The home page

Axel Rauschmayer

Blogger 2ality is the author of Speaking JavaScript and editor-in-chief of ES.Next News
The home page

Ben Alman

Author of GruntJS, a great god in jQuery world, developed jQuery BBQ and many other plug-ins
The home page

Nicholas C. Zakas

Famous author of advanced Programming in JavaScript, JS evangelist
The home page

Explore new projects

Another big source of information is Github’s Explore TAB. There’s endless content like “Topics”, “Trends”, “Resources”… You can stay for a few days.

Open to see the latest trend libraries and developers. You can also filter them by language and time span (today, week, month).

Look for the best information

I visit these sites every day. I like them because they don’t have spam and all their content comes from the community.



Front-End Front

In addition, I subscribe to the following two front-end technical publications News

Web Design Weekly

How do I find time?

Many people think they’re too busy working during the day and too tired when they get home at night to take the time to digest work-related information. And I don’t think you should do it in your spare time. From a “time management philosophy” point of view, this is a very bad practice.

In my opinion, it is a good way to enrich your inner self during work time. Every morning when I arrive at work, I start browsing news websites. If I find something interesting, I bookmark it for later reading. After all, we are not machines, and there are usually several breaks in a day’s work. Even if I don’t, I spend half an hour a day reading these bookmarks. Before I leave work each day, I briefly look at github’s “Trends” page and start some projects that I think are interesting. I’ll review them in 30 minutes, try them out in my next POC, and even use them at work.

Be a contributor

Contributions can be a great source of information as well as giving you the ability to practice what you’ve learned with your own hands. You can ask or answer questions on Stack Overflow. Submitting issues, requests, participating in discussions, etc., on Github will greatly help your knowledge and skills.

Summarize their own learning methods

It’s important to develop your own way of keeping up with the latest trends. Take a look at how these awesome developers did it!

Axel Rauschmayer:

I recommend reading these 3 resources to keep up with the latest developments: 1. Start by looking at well-known front-end developers you know, such as the authors of a library you use regularly. Then dig through his follow list and sooner or later you’ll come across some useful tweets. 3. Follow these weekly emails (well, I’m the editor of JavaScript Weekly News).

Alex Sexton:

I find that for me, only by practicing constantly can I keep up with the latest developments. I follow a lot of people in the front end on Twitter, and I read blogs and programming news, but I find that I learn more by doing things than just reading them. When I want to learn something, I just go straight to the project and learn from it to understand the core concepts.

Addy Osmani says:

To keep track of what’s going on in the front end, I check Twitter and G+ regularly. For tools and libraries I use regularly, I keep tabs on authors so I know what’s coming next. It’s also good to keep an eye on the people who are setting web standards, so you know what’s coming in the next few years.

Lea Verou:

There are a couple of feeds that I read every day and I follow a lot of people, including Web standards makers, and browser developers, and a lot of other great types of developers. I occasionally read standards, some of which are easy to understand and first-hand. W3C mailing lists can also be helpful: you can start learning about new technologies the moment they come out, and you can even influence the development of new technologies! Attend the meeting


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