As we mentioned in our last business introduction, our fresh B2B business logic is based on the three keywords of “scale – cost – efficiency”. Similarly, the product is also based on these three keywords. The questions we consider are as follows: How to use the product to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and realize the growth of the scale, but at the same time, we have been adhering to the concept of a product is: product support business for granted, but it is not enough to support the business product, product must grow their own ability, products division side during the song dynasty, itself is a business unit.

In the first article, we also introduced our eight product modules, but Rome is not built in a day, and we have gradually iterated over three years. Next, we will introduce how our products are iterated step by step to show you a big picture:

It can be seen that our product system has a clear evolution path from 1.0 to 6.0:

1.0 Product system: Build relevant products of the trading platform to prepare for large-scale expansion, including the basic commodity system, user system, pricing system, payment system, order system and other key functions;

2.0 Product system: develop products to improve efficiency, including supply chain efficiency, logistics efficiency, sales efficiency and collaborative efficiency;

3.0 Product system: develop products to control costs, including procurement costs, marketing costs, loss costs, logistics costs, labor costs, etc.

4.0 Product system: explore large-scale products for customers, develop products for upstream and downstream customers, such as marketing tools, side dishes tools, sales tools, etc.

5.0 Product system: continue to explore products to expand the trading scale, such as warehouse receipt trading;

6.0 Product system: No matter any B2B company, it will eventually make money, and there will be products to achieve profit scale.

Here’s a quick look at some of the key points of a 1.0 to 4.0 product architecture:

In the 1.0 product system, since we are positioned as a B2B trading platform, you need to have a trading system first. Our classmates who are e-commerce platforms all know the basic core factors of the trading system: Among the factors of user, commodity, order and payment, the establishment of commodity system is the most troublesome for non-standard commodity trading system. Unlike the transaction of standard products, it is very simple to describe, such as mobile phone: IPhone X 256G black, simple and clear, but we are faced with a pile of potatoes, vegetables, carrots, so it is difficult for a customer to see structured product information to order, but it has to do, such as the following potato:

We are going to use to trade, it is described like this: Shandong Tengzhou Netherlands 15 potatoes 50 kg carton, there are many attributes, including: natural attributes, fixed attributes, quality attributes, as shown below:

In this way, it is a commodity that we can trade, and the attributes of each category are different in the front platform, but they need to be aggregated in the background, and it is very simple to release commodities. Therefore, we must design a set of flexible category attribute library, and we divide the structure of commodities into: BSPU, SPU, SKU, we attach natural attributes, transportation specifications, storage specifications, quality specifications and other attributes under BSPU, and package attributes, origin attributes, brand attributes, specification attributes and other attributes under SPU. SKU can be traded, including: price, inventory, etc., as shown below:

With the product architecture of this set of commodities, we can truly make non-standard agricultural products tradable, and only through simple configuration, we can quickly release a variety of categories, a variety of attributes of commodities, truly tradable;

In the 2.0 product system, our products are all carried out around the keyword “efficiency”. As for logistics efficiency, B2B is a fast transfer. At the beginning, we spent a lot of energy on warehousing and made a SET of WMS system. Getting attention to the logistics scheduling TMS, line planning, line scheduling these are regular features, due to the particularity of fresh products, for the high demand for fresh, so the arrival time is very important, the inside of the TMS system driver GPS trajectory capture becomes a very important thing, we studied the various types of mobile phones, Let the driver in the use of our song Xiaocai driver version will be able to real-time GPS position transmission back, only in this way, to make our goods flow more efficient, customer delivery time is also better control;

In 3.0 products system, our focus is on “cost”, B2B is a low margin of drudgery, must be fine operation is likely to make money, for profit, the most important thing is to closed-loop cost calculation form data, need to purchase cost, marketing cost, logistics cost, loss cost, manpower cost several key cost to complete data collection, We have formed a set of internal calculation formula, which can estimate the profit on the day, and the system can produce accurate profit statements on the next day.

For 4.0 product system, from 1.0 to 3.0, we basically formed a closed loop of “scale-cost-efficiency” products, completing the B2B platform from 0 to 1. Later, we need to scale expansion, and only with a large number of users can we call it a platform. In 4.0 product design, we focus on: How to obtain a large number of potential trading users through the Products of the Internet? We obtain a large number of potential users through the access of high-frequency market information that users are very concerned about every day. The product logic of 5.0 and 6.0 is similar. Our product system always revolves around “scale – efficiency – cost”.

Internet product for B2B industry, must want to clear B2B industry characteristics and the logic behind, and ToC industry difference is very big, internal product promote efficiency and reduce cost, external improve users and platform of products of the replication, finally is around deals, want to clear logic, we around “scale cost – efficiency -” keyword, We can first sort out a big picture of the product, and then iterate quickly one version at a time, and finally develop the platform we want. The platform is never planned, but grown step by step, and our product system has come step by step.

About how to set up efficient raw B2B platform, because of the large contents, also is very complex, unable to give you an article, this article is just beginning, the following will be divided into several articles from industry present situation, the situation of business and product overview, technical team building, the server-side technology platform, the front-end development, such as multiple dimensions to tell, We will be more than three years in the B2B field of the precipitation of core products and technology platform to open, hope that more people in the industry can have a deeper understanding, less detdetments, hope to help you, the distribution of this series of articles is as follows (will continue to update) :

1, “How to build an efficient FRESH B2B platform (B2B technology sharing the first article)”

2, “Song Xiaocai how to enter the fresh B2B market (B2B Technology sharing second)”

3, “fresh B2B platform product system iteration (B2B technology sharing third chapter)”

4, “fresh B2B how to build an efficient technical team (B2B technology sharing fourth chapter)”

5, “how to build fresh B2B technology system from 0 to 1 (B2B technology sharing fifth chapter)”

6, song Xiaocai technology how to deal with the rapid change of fresh B2B business (B2B technology sharing sixth chapter)

7, “fresh B2B technology platform front-end team how to build (B2B technology sharing seventh)”

8, Song Xiaocai about “Ability” design and Thinking (B2B Technology Sharing chapter 8)

9. Design and Thinking of Service Separation (B2B Technology Sharing chapter 9)