Recently, I got a new Macbook Pro because I had to work from home due to the pandemic. I used a Mac for the first time.

There are some differences between The Mac and Windows, both in terms of shortcuts and usage patterns. Xiaobian I got the start of the time is also a face meng.

Of course, xiaobian I am spicy yao smart (do not twist a smile hey hey hey), a night on the almost familiar touch. The next step is to set up the environment needed for the project. The record the building project environment for the following reasons: one is want to record the environmental structures, the process of the whole project as well as the need to avoid the pit (because of small make up the company’s computers are bosses, help repair the project environment in fact this is also my first complete on your own computer built environment), the second is to provide a reference to people in need (gnome male – “).

Okay, let’s get started!!

First, there are three things to download: the code compiler VScode, git, and Node.js. Vscore: (all Mac versions) ITT

Open the Mac command panel and type git –version,node -v and NPM -v, respectively

Once you’ve got the software, the next thing to do is to do some configuration, because you’re going to use VScode to upload code to Git, and you’re going to have to be a little bit careful with git configuration.

$git config –global “XXX” $git config –global “”

Then, check whether there is an. SSH file in the computer by running the open ~/. SSH command. If not, run the ssh-keygen -t rsa -c “mailbox name” command to create an SSH file.

Open the file in notepad and copy and paste it into the setting- SSH keys of your git account.

(Paste it into key, title, whatever you want)

After the public key is configured, if it goes well, there is basically no problem. At this time, you can try to pull the code on Git. For example, if you randomly pull the code of a repository, you can use git Clone XXX /xxx.git to directly pull the code on Git. Open it directly in vscode, and that’s the end. (Remember to install dependencies before running the project)

Extra: add a little extra dry stuff

1. When using VScode, you can install some plug-ins to improve efficiency. Please refer to the following link:…

  1. When configuring, I sometimes step on a pit, xiaobian I really stepped on a pit, the above said is completely not configured git situation, according to the operation, fortunately, there are eight or nine no problem.

But if before the computer with SSH and files in the file known_hosts file exists, need the known_hosts file deleted first, and then execute the SSH – the keygen -t rsa – C “mailbox”, generate a new SSH file, overwriting the previous, Execute according to the step above again, ok!!

Well, to this end, because of the time problem, may write a slight oversight, if there is insufficient, welcome to point out, together with learning progress a.