How to implement MVVM class Vue mini-framework

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The MVVM framework has three main elements:

  • Data response
    • Use the Object.defineProperty attribute
    • Use the ES6 Proxy
    • Listen for data changes and updates to the view
  • Template interpolation
    • Provides template syntax and data binding
    • Interpolation: {{}}
    • Instructions: V-bind, V-model, etc.
  • Template rendering
    • If you convert a template to HTML
    • Replace the actual data with template interpolation
    • Apply colours to a drawing
    • Template -> vDOM -> real dom

First taste of responsiveness

function defineReactive(obj, key, value) {
	Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
   		get() {
      		// Get data
         return obj[key]
      set(newValue) {
      		// Set the data
         if(value ! == newValue) { value = newValue } } }) }Copy the code

Test to see if the data is actually being intercepted

const obj = {};
defineReactive(obj, 'name'.'ken');; // name = 'KenNaNa'; // KenNaNa
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