I have been engaged in software development for nearly five years. Every company I’ve worked with has had to do an online document preview. So why do customers need the ability to preview documents online? This could include the following,

1. The development of the system support files can be downloaded, so the customer will certainly put forward the preview function again, because after downloading to view again, is not a waste of time, and we all know that customers are very “lazy”, so we want to achieve the most convenient software.

2. We all know that documentation is not limited to Office documents, but may include some compressed files, engineering drawings… And so on, these can all be called documents. So having an online preview that supports multiple document formats is going to be a pretty futuristic feature.

3. Nowadays, Internet enterprises are engaged in cloud interconnection. The concept of “cloud” is a future trend in software development and enterprise development. Ok, now LET me talk about how to implement the document online preview, let me talk about the solution I know

1. The first scheme – document conversion

To achieve this function should not be very troublesome, because we only need to customer requirements of several file formats for background processing, such as word text

If you’re a developer, you should know that the major browsers: Chrome, Firefox,

Edge, these browsers have built-in online preview capabilities for PDF viewing. So converting the document to a common format [PDF] is also a good choice.

Advantages: Can solve a small range of documents online preview function

Cons: only supports mainstream browsers, for the case of IE earlier versions, support is not very friendly. EXCEL spreadsheet conversion is not very friendly, because tables

There will be Sheet pages. Whether it’s PDF or HTML. Implementation is more complex, development costs are too high.

2. The second option — third-party platformsClose test

Recently, I am also using the cloud document conversion function in the project I take over, but the cost of research and development is too high, so I learned a good service from the Internet, Yongzhong Cloud conversion (api.yozocloud.cn/).

Just I myself have to buy server on Ali cloud, tried out then, the effect is still pretty good (it is true sweet). And there’s a free version of the service, which makes it very easy to use. You just need to add your domain name to the service, the system will generate a corresponding KEY value for you (used to check whether the domain name matches), so you can call on the public cloud, unlimited free times.


Let’s take a look at the preview effect, very fast speed, very simple call dcsapi.com/?k= domain name key&ur…


Advantages: call and response speed is very fast, conversion effect is very good, support common document format, basically support the daily use of documents (I will always use this, no limit on the number of times), more suitable for personal use

Disadvantages: Because documents are converted by third-party cloud, there may be a situation of document hijacking. In terms of security, the free version may not be suitable for large enterprises. Businesses should consider using a paid version.

3. The third option — private deployment of third-party platforms [strongly recommended]

The third is relatively very safe and efficient, is the yongin DCS (http://www.yozodcs.com/) private deployment, the first is absolutely safe, the second is fast and efficient, it supports the document format and service is relatively more comprehensive. For example, I used to do a lot of projects for power plants, especially in the construction period, they would have to check the drawings frequently, so if you only have a download function, customers have to download before they can check, which will be very troublesome and affect the work efficiency. Customers will also be some comments on some word document content, so it will use the online editing, if only we in the project to develop an online editing function, I don’t think the boss will cost to invest time to develop this (unless) is dedicated to do such a product, the wing is particularly DCS, It integrates the ability to edit documents online. In short, there are many other functions, if the enterprise needs, you can try to experience.


All in all, online document preview is a very handy feature, and if you have a good solution, you can comment on it at the bottom of the article.