
A simple lightweight compiler translation was shared in the last article. In order to strengthen my understanding of the principle of compilation, I have recently implemented a Chinese code interpreter in my spare time. This article introduces the main content and implementation steps of the compiler. The online demo

The project content

  1. Project address… The first edition is designed to be simple and convenient for students who need it. There is no dependency and no scaffolding. The code is also uncompressed. You can debug directly in the browser.
  2. The project is named CCC Interpreter, which is mainly short for Chinese and compiler.
  3. Main function, the Chinese code through lexical analysis, grammar analysis two steps to compile into abstract syntax tree, and then the abstract syntax tree compiled into JS code execution.

Implementation steps

  1. Implement Chinese code interpreter to generate AST syntax tree (code based on acorn.js first git log adjustment modification);
  2. Implement code generator to compile ast syntax tree tree into code;
  3. The implementation code editor is implemented through Monaco custom Chinese highlighting rules;
  4. Implement abstract syntax tree, console display current abstract syntax, and provide printout
  5. Integrate the previous content above

Realize the function

  1. At present, the realization of assignment, expression, logical judgment, function, loop and other related syntax
  2. Provide print and timer contexts for testing
  3. After adding the code in the code editing window, click Execute. The right abstract syntax tree and console generate the content


  1. The main purpose of this project is to move beyond the theoretical learning of compilation principles and deepen the understanding of compilation by practicing on the basis of existing open source projects
  2. Diverging from what you learned, adding other contexts later to achieve something interesting. For example, add context execution in node environment, add some interface context to operate in Chinese. In addition, the current Chinese grammar mainly comes from Acorn. js, which can be regarded as the Chinese version of JS. In the future, we can customize some more semantic Chinese grammar.