When I graduated from college and applied for a job, I used to do some bizarre interview questions. Here’s a trick question. It’s not really an interview question. You can use it to trick your programmer friends.

How to implement 2+2=5 in JavaScript?

Here are the answers.

Create a TXT file, change the suffix to.html, and open it in your browser.

< HTML > <script> g = function () {H = 3 return H + H} f = function () {degree = 2 return degree + H} // 3 + 3 = 6 alert(g()) //  2 + 2 = 5 alert(f()) </script> </html>Copy the code

Two dialog boxes will pop up successively, showing 6 and 5.

However, in the second function f, it is clear that H is assigned 2. 2 + 2 should be equal to 4. Why is the answer 5????

Let’s use Chrome developer Tools to debug it and see what’s going on.

Why is it that f has two H’s that look exactly the same, but one has the value of 2 and one has the value of 3?

By now, the naked eye can’t help us. Here comes winHex, a hexadecimal file editing and disk editing magic.

A search for ASCII on Baidu shows that the hexadecimal code of uppercase H is 48.

Then we open the code file with WinHex, and sure enough we find the hexadecimal code of 48 with a capital H.

Similarly, the hexadecimal code for the plus sign “+” is 2B:

The space is 20.

So here’s the answer: the variable “H” in front of the plus sign that looks like a capital” H” to the naked eye isn’t actually AN “H.” It’s coded in hexadecimal CE 97. Its value is given 2 in f, and capital H is given 3, 2 + 3 = 5, so what we see in the popover is 5.

This question is not about closures in JavaScript.

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