Get current page

1. In VUE (H5) Project:

this.$route.path   // Routing path
this.$route.params  // Route path parameters
this.$route.query  // Route query parameters
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2. Mpvue Project:

const pages = getCurrentPages() // Get the loaded page
const currentPage = pages[pages.length-1] // Get the object of the current page
// const url = currentpage.route // currentPage url
// const options = currentPage.options // If you want to get the parameters in the URL, see options
// console.log(options)
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3. In uniAPP Project:

// If you need to reload the current page
// getCurrentPages().pop() gets the current page number and executes onLoad(or onShow, onReady) for the current page.
const currentPage =getCurrentPages().pop();
// if (currentPage == undefined || currentPage == null) return;
// currentPage.onShow(); 
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Gets the page URL and parameters

1. In vUE project:

(1) Complete URL:

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(2) Routing path:

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(3) Routing path parameters:

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Such as:

/ user / : - / user/id2044011030this.$
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(4) Route query parameters:

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Such as:

/user/search? Name = sf - >this.$
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2. In the UniAPP and MPVue project pages, the following methods can be used to obtain routing path parameters:

(1), unified to the parameters of onLoad, in fact, is the native small program to obtain:

onLoad(options) {    
  let {link,pms,title}=options
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Currentpage.options = currentPage.options = currentPage.options = currentPage.options = currentPage.options

3. Mpvue project

(1) How to get the options passed by the applet when page onLoad

This is available in all page components via

(2) How to get the options passed by the applet during app onLaunch/onShow

Within all the components by enclosing the root, root, root, mp. AppOptions to obtain