Today’s programming is no longer a one-man operation. Good programmers, even beginners, must learn how to collaborate effectively with others. Github is the foundation of programming collaboration. How to start as soon as possible, less detours? Hopefully, after reading this article, you can get some help.


A few days ago, some students left a message on Knowledge Planet asking me how to learn how to use Github.

I think it’s a very important question. I intended to write a tutorial that would take you through it from start to finish, based on the simplest examples.

However, as I searched for information, I realized that the existing Github tutorials were pretty comprehensive. So I didn’t feel the need to write one.

I will sort out the better tutorials and resources I found and send them to you. If you can learn directly, please let me know. If you encounter any problems in practice, you are also welcome to feedback to me. I will write a targeted tutorial to answer the questions in order to help more students.

The tutorial

The most recommended tutorial is the official Hello World tutorial. That’s got to be the best.

Read and practice this tutorial in 10 minutes. The official promise is that no basic knowledge of programming is required. The way to do this is to use text files in tutorials rather than code as examples.

Once you’ve completed the official Hello World tutorial, you can explore Github’s Help page.

Bootcamp here explains Git, Github Repo in detail all kinds of knowledge, suggested exploration.

A bit of conceptual differentiation is needed here. Github is a code-hosting platform and a tool for collaboration; Git is a version control tool. Git doesn’t require an Internet connection and can be used locally. For example, I often use it to save intermediate status documents for my paper changes. Git can also be used in conjunction with other code hosting platforms.

Of course, Git and Github work best together. It’s like macOS can interact with Android phones, but it’s obviously better to interact with iphones.

If your English is not up to scratch and you are looking for Chinese resources, I recommend this wiki page.

The editors of the Wiki have carefully summarized and translated a lot of Github knowledge and techniques. The 4,775 stars indicate the popularity of the Wiki.


If you’re a visual learner looking for Github video tutorials, you can check out Github’s Youtube channel. Explanations of various application types can meet your individual needs.

In addition, I personally recommend Github video tutorials for Learncode. academy. On Youtube, the video has been watched more than 1.3 million times and liked nearly 10,000 times.

Using a split-window editor, we bring to life some of the most common problems in programming collaboration — pull, push, conflicts, and so on.

If you can’t easily access Youtube, please click on this link to see the version I saved to Tencent Video. Unfortunately, the video resolution is not very high. The video I downloaded has no problem in definition. When I uploaded it to Tencent Video, I was not prompted to choose the definition option. If you know how to improve the picture quality of the uploaded video, please let me know in the comments. Thank you very much!

I hope the above summarized learning paths and resources are helpful to you. Of course, it’s not enough just to watch tutorials. You’ll need to follow the tutorial and start practicing with the most basic commands. Your fingertips will become familiar with and memorized commands, completing the progression from beginner to master.

I hope you can have fun coding with others soon. Zhu shunli!


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If you’re interested in data science, check out my series of tutorial index posts entitled how to Get started in Data Science Effectively. There are more interesting problems and solutions.