This is the 8th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

How to generate an elegant QR code in Python

As a tool of information transmission, TWO-DIMENSIONAL code plays an important role in today’s society. From mobile phone user login to mobile phone payment, the existence of TWO-DIMENSIONAL code can be seen in every corner of life, so how do we generate a two-dimensional code? Using Python, we can quickly generate a QR code, and we can define the information contained in the QR code. This information can be text, pictures, or websites. Let’s see how to generate a QR code.

First, use MyQR to generate two-dimensional code

There are many ways to generate a QR code. Let’s first look at how to generate a QR code using the MyQR module.

(1) Module installation

We need to install the module before we can start using it. Here use PIP direct download, here choose the domestic source:

pip install -i myqr
Copy the code

Once the installation is complete, we are ready to use it. Sir Into a simple QR code:

from MyQR import myqr		# Be case sensitive'Do not go gentle into that good night! ')	# Generate qr code
Copy the code

After we run this program, the py file will generate the picture qrcode. PNG in the same directory, which is our TWO-DIMENSIONAL code picture, scan out is the text information we set above.

(2) Generate an image TWO-DIMENSIONAL code

Two-dimensional code in our daily life are relatively monotonous, there are pure two-dimensional code, the whole two-dimensional code is only black and white square; There are also qr codes with pictures, usually with a picture in the center of the qr code, and what we’re going to do now is a QR code with a picture as a whole. That is, an image in the background. The QR code is also very simple to implement:

from MyQR import myqr
    words=''.# Include information
    picture='lbxx.jpg'.# Background Image
    colorized=True.# Whether there is a color, if False, black and white
    save_name='code.png'	# output file name
Copy the code

The effect of generating two-dimensional code is as follows:As you can see, the information contained in our QR code here is a website. At this time, we scan the QR code and jump directly to the web page. As the code, we only need to set the picture parameter to a GIF, and the output file suffix to GIF:

Two, use Qrcode to generate two-dimensional code

Qrcode is also a convenient tool, using this module we can also quickly achieve the generation of TWO-DIMENSIONAL code.

(1) Module installation

Here again using PIP, we execute the following statement on the command line window:

pip install -i qrcode
Copy the code

Once the installation is complete we can start to generate our first QR code:

import qrcode
img = qrcode.make('')'qrcode.jpg')
Copy the code

After we call the save method, the project will generate a qrcode. PNG picture, the picture is our TWO-DIMENSIONAL code picture, we scan out is also a direct jump to the page.

(2) More accurate generation of TWO-DIMENSIONAL code

In addition to the above methods, we can also use the QRCode class to generate the QRCode, in this way we can control more information about the QRCode:

from qrcode import QRCode
qr = QRCode()	Create a QR code object
qr.add_data('')	Set qr code data
img = qr.make_image()	Create qr code image'qrcode.png')	Save the qr code picture
Copy the code

In this way, we can also generate a TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, of course, we can also enrich:

import qrcode
qr = qrcode.QRCode(
    version=5.The value ranges from 1 to 40
    box_size=10.# The number of pixels in the smallest square of the QR code
    error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H,	# Error correction level of QR code
    border=5	# Size of the white border
qr.add_data('')	Set qr code data
img = qr.make_image()	Create qr code image'qrcode.png')	# Save qr code
Copy the code

Version contains the size information. When set to 1, a 12×12 size QR code is generated in the unit of box_size pixels. We can set version to None and add a qr. Make (fit=True) and the program will automatically generate the appropriate size qr code. In addition, error_correction is the setting of the error correction level. This is the knowledge about the QR code itself.

  • ERROR_CORRECT_L: About 7% or less of the errors can be corrected.
  • ERROR_CORRECT_M (default) : About 15% or less of the errors can be corrected.
  • ROR_CORRECT_H: About 30% or less of errors can be corrected.

Above are a few built-in constants that we can choose from.

(3) Read the data in the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code

Above we have been talking about how to generate two-dimensional code, but we ourselves can not read the information in the two-dimensional code, this is to use our equipment. In Python, we can use the Pyzbar module to recognize qr codes, but there are other methods. Here we use Pyzbar to see how to recognize qr codes. First we need to install the module:

pip install -i pyzbar
Copy the code

In addition, we need to install the OpencV module:

pip install -i opencv-python
Copy the code

Then you can start to recognize the QR code:

import cv2
from pyzbar import pyzbar
im = cv2.imread('qrcode.png')	# Read qr code
data = pyzbar.decode(im)	# Parse qr code
Copy the code

We used the following picture as a test:The information contained in it is, let’s look at the output:

[Decoded(data=b''.type='QRCODE', rect=Rect(left=5, top=5, width=29, height=29), polygon=[Point(x=5, y=5), Point(x=5, y=34), Point(x=34, y=34), Point(x=34, y=5)])]
Copy the code

It’s obviously something we can’t read, but we see the word in it. We can parse the content in the following way:

import cv2
from pyzbar import pyzbar
im = cv2.imread('qrcode.png')	# Read qr code
data = pyzbar.decode(im)	# Parse qr code
text = data[0].data.decode('utf-8')	# Parse data
Copy the code

The output is as follows:
Copy the code

So we’ve actually parsed it out.