First look and then like, give yourself a little time to think, wechat search [Silent King 2] focus on this talented programmer. This article has been collected at GitHub, along with interview questions compiled by top companies, and my series of articles.

A few days ago, I saw a friend programmer Xiao Hao sharing his open source project in the article, on the GitHub trend day list, and successfully ranked the first. I expressed very sour, because I also want to have a thousand star open source project, when the time comes can boast unbridled force.

For good programmers, Google is the search engine, GitHub is the open source project, and Stack Overflow is the answer, right?

If you have a GitHub repository with tens of thousands of stars, you’re an iconic open source author. When you’re out looking for a job, just showing it on your resume can paralyze the interviewer.

But the reality is often more subtle, as my GitHub repository demonstrates.

The most star is still a two-dimensional code sharing poster warehouse written many years ago, only 48, terrible to see ah, poor me a snot a tear ah. Some readers may feel uncomfortable after seeing this picture, “Brother, you are my idol, how come GitHub is so weak!”

But in my opinion, quite normal, a person’s energy is limited, do all aspects of excellent are very few. Besides, I see great potential. Yes, my GitHub has great room for improvement. As long as I can work hard, more than 48 star warehouses can be realized, right? !

For most regular programmers, including me, it’s important to use GitHub to find good open source projects, even though I can’t be a good open source author. We can’t make wheels. Why not “bring them”? So how do you find good open source projects?

01. Search for projects directly on GitHub

There’s a search box on the GitHub homepage. Just search for the project’s keywords, such as wechat Pay.

At present, we can search 2,754 warehouses, which is quite a lot.

This is equivalent to adding in:description or in: About to the search box.

What about description and about? Refers to the brief introduction of the warehouse, as shown in the red box below.

Are there any other keywords after “in”? Yes, it can be in:readme.

For most Chinese warehouses, the readme section is the most detailed. The difference between a good warehouse and a bad one is how carefully the READme section is written.

GitHub Pages for my personal blog:…

I just cleaned up the readme of this warehouse yesterday and it looks much bigger than before. I feel good about myself, I will spend some energy to maintain it in the future, readers please look forward to ah, I am sure that in the near future, the star number will definitely exceed 48, I bet 100 yuan!

The number of warehouses after in:readme is a little too large, reaching 16432, which is also too much, how can we select them?

A good repository depends on whether it has enough stars, so you can add stars>2000 to the end, so that the filter results are much less.

02. Search for the author on GitHub

Location is the country you are in, language is the programming language, followers is the number of followers, fullname is the author name.

For example, if I search location: China Followers :>4000, notice the left side select “Users”, the top two are Ruan Yifeng and You Yuxi big guy.

Check out the page of The Mighty Man of Rain Creek, the profile picture is really comely and handsome, do I know who comes to mind at first impression? Xu zhimo. The author of the front-end framework vue.js, is really awesome.

The author is awesome, so naturally his project is good – basically an unassailable theorem.

03. Google it

Also take the previous “wechat pay” keyword, Baidu search results are as follows:


Yeah, the first one is exactly what I want.

Star number up to 20K, can be said to be a very high quality project. The Java SDK developed by wechat supports back-end development of wechat functions, including wechat payment, open platform, public account, enterprise wechat/enterprise account, small program and so on.

04, making Trend

GitHub trending list (GitHub trending list)

As the tagline goes, learn about the most exciting repository or author on GitHub today. The fourth place in the picture is Xiao Hao’s niubi Niubi.

You can choose the programming language, and you can choose the daily, weekly, or monthly list.

If you choose the author, you can see some quality projects.

05, making switchable viewer

GitHub Topics shows the latest and most popular discussion Topics, not only open source projects, but also more non-development technology Topics. The address is as follows:

The downside of the theme section, however, is that it’s sorted by the first letter from A to Z, which means that if I want to see Java, I have to load more, load more, load more, and I still can’t see it.

Let’s hope GitHub improves on this, or at least chooses to. Luckily, load More has a “Popular” tag, which contains the Java tag.

Click the label to jump to the Java theme, the second place is actually my good friend Guide brother’s warehouse, star has 84K +, awesome awesome awesome awesome.

06, making Explore

Explore stands for Explore, and it will make smart recommendations for projects based on your preferences. The address is as follows:

I don’t know how this exploration algorithm works. I feel that the project recommended to me is not good enough, maybe my own GitHub is not good enough.

07, cattle recommended

Many college readers ask me, “Brother, I heard that companies now value project experience very much when recruiting, but I didn’t have project experience in college! What should I do?”

A great way to gain project experience is to check out the great open source projects on GitHub. Put the open source project down to the local, and then look at the source code of their own research, incidentally on the basis of the original supplement some functions, is not there project experience?

In itself these open source projects are very high quality, but the function is not very comprehensive, after all, the author’s energy and time is limited.

I’m not a great writer on GitHub, but to be honest, I have a lot of development experience, so the projects I recommend are worth learning.

The first one, micro personnel (VHR), my good friend Jiangnan a little rain.

Recommended so many times that I feel the need to ask him for a contributor role so I can go out and brag about pussy.

Second, e-commerce system (MALL), my good friend Macrozheng.

Our company’s mall system upgrade, he used this as the foundation, is really a very powerful open source project.

08, finally

Find a good project, not just go to star it, better fork it to your own name, to research the source code.

If possible, you can try to solve several issues and raise several pull requests. If you can get a quota of contributors, you will be happy. After all, you are very proud to have your avatar in the Readme.

Finally, I hope you all have fun. After all, GitHub is the largest gay dating community in the world.

I am the Silent King 2, a programmer with good looks but mediocre talent. Attention can improve learning efficiency, don’t forget three even ah, like, favorites, leave a message, I don’t pick, Ollie.

Recently, a lot of readers asked me, do you have a big factory face book? That ask second elder brother is right, wechat search “silent king two”, reply “interview” there are three COPIES I carefully prepared for you to brush the title treasure, this article GitHub has included, welcome star.