At the beginning

I am Peter

Semi Design, the enterprise application Design system of Douyin system, is open source. This is the biggest news I heard today, so I hurried to have a look at it at home tonight

When I opened Zhihu, as I thought, the first thing was that someone must deny this open source library, which was transformed based on others’ open source library

Some people even think that ant-Design and semi-design are basically the same. Is it a complete KPI project?

I have to say, what is “core technology”?

In fact, the real core technology, few and few (especially domestic relative to foreign), it can be said that 90% of programmers are looking for resources to complete, solve the problem (looking for wheels)

When I teach people about the front end, I tell them to understand that when you have a problem, the first thing you should do is find a solution that is already available in the industry, and then find a solution that best fits your situation

Less than 10 percent of programmers will design, set a standard in the industry, and provide wheels.

Such as:

Copy the code

I use it for and-Design And semi-Design, as well as the component libraries I develop at my company.

So we all agree with the standards, the rules. It is very suitable for our component library construction, so all three adopt this way to do.

Then the plug-in’s automatic conversion to a few lines of core code loaded on demand is a core technology. Many component libraries rely on it and follow its design rules for on-demand loading

Core technologies are few and far between, which is also a real reason for our domestic internalization

Back to semi-design, can I use it?

Of course you can. I said it’s enterprise. It is similar to two cars, both are drivable, both are c-class cars of luxury brands, so they do not have obvious fatal weakness. The difference may be that the difference lies in whose appearance you prefer, or the characteristics of a certain aspect, such as chassis and handling? It was the luxury of the interior, or the Rolls-Royce Oscar statuette that attracted you.

I compared the Table components of semi-Design and Ant-Design, and their props fields are almost the same, just to make the switching more user-friendly.

How do you view semi-design?

I’m not sure if it’s a KPI project

But one thing is for sure, even if the source code based on Ant-Design is transformed and packaged, and then open source (the premise is: whether it conforms to the corresponding open source agreement, which is also the charm of open source software), in this process, the people involved in the open source work, their improvement is huge

Actually doing something is much more difficult than you might think, especially if you are deeply involved in it. For example: Why do you design the packaged output of a component library this way? It was originally designed to work with the babel-import-plugin for unobserved on-demand loading

So how does the babel-import-plugin work? To understand, oh, originally is according to the configuration to do a transformation ~

Then you might design your own additional on-demand plug-in next time to fit your own new scene.

This is the significance of doing open source. As long as it conforms to the open source protocol, even if it is based on others’ encapsulation, it will greatly improve the ability of participants and enhance the popularity of the team

What should we do

As a general front-end developer, we should learn more about the difference between semi-Design and Ant-Design in terms of design. For example, you can look at its source code to understand and keep up with changes in the industry. This is not fundamentally different from webpack5 and vite, depending on preference.

In my opinion, compared with other BATJ companies, Bytedance is still in a period of rapid development, and there will be more and more open source products in the future. However, we need time to judge its quality and long-term stability.…

At the end

These days born a baby, a father, writing articles will be relatively less time recently, but will squeeze out some time to write, finally hit an advertisement, my previous some handwritten source article:…

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