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This article is only suitable for struggling to make a living in the small business environment, perhaps most of the gold mining grandfather may be in a big factory, if you do not like, do not spray, please leave the keyboard with both hands, click on the upper right corner.

The following are the building Lord’s own summary, or experience, or what he saw and heard. If there is an offence and error, you can contact the author reasonable point out.

It’s really hard for managers

For small business, managers really difficult, on the boss pressure, under the pressure of employees, basically every day to walk on the edge of death. There is a possibility that one can not handle the group dry yellow (really not nonsense, if interested please continue to see).

Team stability is difficult

Some wages and benefits may be good in large and medium-sized factory partners do not understand. For such as pinduoduo and other factories, even if 996,007, not a lot of people want to break their heads to get in.

But for small companies, the boss in order to save money, what can be done, back pay, provident fund insurance base reduction, in order to look cool unpaid overtime, no year-end bonus, business trip. This is normal. It can be summed up in one sentence: women when men, men when animals.

Under this condition, the manager should not only maintain the stability of the team, complete the task according to the time point, but also complete the disgusting thing mentioned above by the boss, say it is not difficult, you come to me to try.

Difficult to deal with interpersonal relationship

This is a problem that all managers need to face. For example, two people have conflicts, the salary is not satisfied, the bonus is not satisfied, the younger brother is not obedient, but the company can not leave, the younger brother does not complete the task well, and does not work overtime. emmmm………… Imagine for yourself.

Quit difficult

In terms of job-hopping, it is more difficult for managers than for technical personnel. To be fair, if a company lacks managers, most of them will be promoted on the original staff, because this can improve the loyalty of employees and save wages!!

So in the above conditions, there are fewer opportunities, even if you succeed in the job, you need to consider how people in charge of the parachuting leader, whether you can convince the old iron.

So when choosing a management position, please be careful whether you can withstand the above test. Maybe you think, I can find a very harmonious company. Non-existent old iron, please remember that every company has its own disgusting parts… If you’re ready, keep looking.

How to Be a Manager

In the daily more common management positions are project manager, department manager, department director, etc., this paper specifically introduces the project manager.

On the way to management, I feel there are two ways:

Steady development and promotion

In small enterprises, many project managers are selected from coder, so they should first become the team leader (if there is no hope in the company, you can change jobs, it is not difficult to recruit a leader). At the same time, they need to strengthen their business ability and team coordination ability, so as to prepare for future management skills. Because the stability of small business is not high, so slowly boil, always can boil up. After experience, everything is easy to say.

If your company is particularly stable and has no organizational changes, get out of here. It can’t be boiled!

The job transfer

This is more difficult, you can consider their own transpose, whether the boss will trust the project to inexperienced personnel. At the very least, you should have lead development experience. Otherwise it will be more difficult.

So this requires you to prepare carefully, such as getting a certificate in management gold plating.

Or choose a start-up company and take a lower salary to show that you are sincere, and you may have an opportunity. When mixed with experience, emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…

Development technology preparation

In my opinion, managers should have certain skills for the following reasons:

  1. Difficult to convince, I once encountered the management that does not understand technology, little brother asks him some basic Java knowledge, he can say I do not understand technology, you ask others……. Is it a young guy who thinks, that’s it… Who are you to manage me…
  2. Easy to fool, when assessing the workload, the boy will ask a lot of questions to delay the workload, in fact, fish.
  3. Leave a way out, if you are young at this time, when you feel that you are still suitable for code, you can also make a living at the keyboard.

In the development of technology, not proficient, but at least should understand. If you want to try the position of department manager or director in the future, server, network and so on should be properly understood. Because you can’t avoid communication and wrangling with clients and bosses.

Responsibilities in development

Need to understand

When a new project is ready to start, the product manager will release the prototype diagram, which requires you to understand the requirements, put forward unreasonable requirements, and connect the process, write flow charts, brain maps and other assistance partners to understand the requirements. During the development process, explain and propose solutions to development partners.

Table structure design

If you are confident in yourself, you can design the table structure according to the business, or you can submit it to the development team leader for review.

Set up workload and distribute it

Use software such as Project to set the implementation time of functions as required by the boss (the owner is the background, so set the time according to each interface), and then assign tasks according to the ability of each partner.

Progress evaluation

Collect your friends’ tasks, and see if you can complete the tasks according to the requirements, and if you need to make new plans, such as working overtime, increasing the number of people, and holding the keyboard by yourself (this is strongly not recommended!!).

Code review

If there are code format or comment requirements in the enterprise, it is recommended to check them yourself.

Functional verification

During workload reviews, a few days are usually reserved for the developer testing phase, where the project manager is required to check that the project meets requirements.

Dealing with interpersonal relationship

How to maintain the harmony between the team, the author summarized the following content:

Rigorous recruitment

In a small business, the technical requirements are not high, so when hiring a business developer. Comfortable communication, obedient, thirst for knowledge is the first requirement. The technology can be mediocre. This kind of old iron works very actively, and then the team atmosphere is very good.

Don’t hire someone who is talkative. The interview process is directed at your boss. I’ll tell you more about the front and back end separation project.

Relationship with team members

To handle the relationship with the team members correctly, just like a normal friend.

Do not become that kind of very familiar friends, one is in the processing, can not do a bowl of even, two is that he may not take you as a leader, do not listen to your arrangement.

Don’t pretend too much. That when coder is relatively peaceful, and then rise to manage the cow x to coax the old iron is not also sick of you.

So you need to think about this on your own. Don’t go too far.

Maintain team stability with human kindness

As the saying goes, the most difficult to return, may be in the boss, welfare you do not say, but in daily life, a little bit of sacrifice themselves, let small partners owe a little bit of their own, is not in communication can give you a little face. Even if you are leaving, why don’t you discuss helping me finish this project before you leave? So how to do this, I think the following is relatively easy to do:

  1. If you’re on your way, give the boys a ride.
  2. You can pay for your own food and drinks.
  3. At the end of the year, if your company doesn’t offer a bonus, buy yourself a snack pack or something, and give your friends a chance to post on Moments. It’s not much, but it’s still better than nothing. Don’t ask me how I know this.
  4. Talk about life and career planning for my young brother (Chui Niu X)

Rational system

Do not make some disgusting system, often encountered some management talent, is quantified performance, and assessment. If you are interested, strongly recommend kangkang this (this article needs about half an hour, it is recommended to study carefully)

Steady improvement

In the team, let everyone be promoted, whether in technology, money, or position. Only by satisfying this, can people keep the company and develop. I’ve never been shy about job-hopping, but I just need you to improve yourself and get the job done, and get the transition done.

Never do

There are some things you should not do in daily management. You may have experienced them all. Ask yourself how you feel at that time:

  1. Often get angry with subordinates
  2. Let the underlings take the blame
  3. Often take up the weekend group building (unless the partners are young and enjoy playing)

In small business, everyone has a word in the mind, that is the big deal to leave, you also tube a wool, you disgusting people do not work. If keep this state of work, work efficiency can be imagined. So make people feel comfortable working for you, don’t want to leave, and start managing.


In short, if the boss is willing to spend money, forget I said anything above.