Someone asked me:

Without money and resources, can I earn my first bucket of gold on the Internet alone?

Start-up companies, marketing promotion pre-sale is very few, can low cost customers?

The answer is yes.

By the end of 2018, the non-we-media matrix is the way to do both.

You may think that the we-media matrix is to distribute the written articles to various platforms, but it is not. Both the concept and behavior are wrong.

What is we media matrix?

We media matrix is a kind of content marketing distributed on multiple platforms. It must first include a definite business objective, which can be traffic acquisition, brand influence, promotion of transaction, etc.

What kind of platform can be considered “we media”?

“We media” can be divided into “we media” in a broad sense and “we media” in a narrow sense. “We media” in a broad sense can be traced back to the end of the last century, when personal home pages and BBS personal albums can be called “We media”.

In the narrow sense, we media is marked by wechat public account, new media open platform dominated by Toutiao, Baidu Hundred and Tencent Penguin, as well as the current short video platform, Douyin Kuaishou Weishi and so on.

You need to understand the characteristics and gameplay of each platform, and then distribute and even re-create it, rather than just use the distribution platform to send it in one click.

Therefore, to do a good job in the we-media matrix, we need to choose the best media mix according to our business goals and output creative content that matches the market demand. All three are indispensable.

Why do we do we media matrix?

According to Baidu Traffic Research Institute, PC traffic is decreasing year by year, and mobile traffic is becoming more and more fragmented. In today’s era of “eyeball economy”, one of the effective ways to compete for users’ limited attention is to continuously output content, and we media matrix is the most cost-effective way, which can not only distribute through multiple traffic channels, but also effectively avoid platform risks. In addition, it has the following three functions.

Jumei excellent product was established at the beginning, Dai Yusen (one of the founders) registered a female vest in renren network, disguised as a BB cream with many years of experience in the use of beauty makeup master, wrote a soft text to tell you what BB cream is, how to judge the pros and disadvantages of the purchase. The article was read hundreds of thousands of times, generating hundreds of thousands of sales for Jumei, at almost zero cost. Low cost to obtain more accurate flow, this is any product can use the method.

Moreover, IP features inherent traffic and transformation, if any condition is not met can not be called IP. The way to build AN IP is to export content that meets the needs of the market. For example, Fan Bingbing is entertainment IP, Ye Maozhong is marketing IP, Xu Xu Baobao is game IP. This is a strong example of building IP.

Also, we know that good content will help you retain users and convert them into fans. Conventional marketing is usually after users buy, they get a good experience to become loyal to the brand. But content marketing breaks this rule, and you may be attracted to it before you buy it, become a fan, and spontaneously forward Amway. Sedimentation fan essential.

How to do we media matrix?

The gameplay of we media matrix can be divided into enterprise version and personal version.

For the enterprise edition, I have developed a set of templates, which have been used to connect with 3 companies to help them build the we-media matrix. The following is the outline framework.

Personal we media matrix approach

Individuals do we media matrix, to put it bluntly, is empty – handed. The benefits mainly come from platform subsidies and business cooperation (connecting with upstream and downstream suppliers in the industry).

So this is how you play (video only) —

Choose the platform

Select field

To make content

1. Choose a platform

Mainly we media platforms, because there are subsidies ~

Today’s headline | large flow stability

Baidu hundred | unit price is high

Penguin Numbers | high subsidies

The big fish, | special bonuses

Subsidies let me use the headline as an example:

Original fan broadcast unit price increased to 3~6 times

The unit price of signed authors has risen 16~20 times

Let’s say 10,000 streams cost $5, and a signed writer might be $100 per 10,000 streams. Single number single-day earnings easily broken thousands… (Recent data is not much asked, to say the meaning…)

So that set of online handling pseudo-original practice is not reliable, both platform suppression, less money to let a person feel distressed.

2. Choose your field

The field has no good or bad points, with their own hobbies, in addition to social and military classes, because often prone to audit, but the weight is too low.

If you don’t have any special skills or hobbies, you can try some simple fields and learn them in a few days by buying a book. Stick figure drawing, for example, is something that many people want to learn (there are many similar fields)

3. Create content

All I have to say is two things: elements and processes.

It can be people, pets, tools, memes, emotions, sounds, colors, lights, subtitles.

The process should be coherent, such as the food number, the process can be show – processing – cooking – finished product.

According to these two directions to think, and then to “learn” peers, will soon be able to make high-quality works.

And then the material is the most efficient —

The relevant public number (new list | sogou WeChat)

Weibo – Same field


Self-media coffee platform


In a society where patience is scarce, it can be difficult to attract new users, which is why there is so much creativity. In the era of “content is king”, we-media matrix is particularly important for both individuals and enterprises.

Author: Yu Mumu

The original address:….

Source: Lu Songsong blog, QQ/ wechat: 13340454