Last week, Xiaobai shared an article about the functional mechanism of short video APP source development. In the article, it introduced the realization mechanism of some basic functions needed to build a short video platform. Let’s start with a quick review of some of the important features mentioned in the previous article. 1. Recommendation mechanism. We can adopt the method of “recommendation value = (exposure value + heat value) conversion rate” to achieve the recommendation ranking of the home page of short video content, so that the short video content of the platform always displays new short video content. Of course, the exposure value will decrease over time. Calculation formula of heat value, like point like weight + comment weight + share weight conversion formula of share weight, times of complete viewing of short videos/total viewing times 2. Nearby mechanism is a relatively simple and mature mechanism, which can be applied on various APP platforms. It can sort short video content according to distance from far to near. 3. The popular mechanism is different from the complex calculation formula and strict program logic of the short video recommendation mechanism. The popular mechanism will randomly display several short video contents on the basis of ensuring that the data is not repeated every time the user opens the list of popular short videos or refreshes the list. 4. Mask mechanism: After the mask is blocked, you will not receive private messages from the other party. When the mask is blocked, the message “the other party cannot receive your message temporarily” is sent. 5. Attention mechanism. This mechanism is also widely used by major social networking and live broadcasting platforms, mainly to improve fan loyalty. 6. The identity authentication mechanism, in addition to the system for users to upload identity information for identification audit, also need manual audit cooperation. At the same time, with the maturity of face recognition technology and key point detection technology, video surveillance and audit can also be further improved. The above are the functional mechanisms mentioned in the last article. In addition to these important functional mechanisms, what else should be paid attention to during the development of short video APP platform?