On November 26, 2019, Tongji Entrepreneurship Valley and PPIO CodeTalks jointly held the blockchain technology sharing event “Innovation X-Blockchain and Innovation and Entrepreneurship”.
In this sharing session, we are lucky to invite four heavyweight guests to share the theme. In this issue, we bring you the theme of “How to develop blockchain underlying Platform” shared by Yang Xianbo, CTO of Rensi Energy Technology, partner of Maker Capital.
Guest Profile:
Yang Xianbo– CTO of Rensi Energy Technology/Maker Capital Partner
“I want to share with you three big questions about what blockchain is, what it can do, and how to do it.
Let’s get straight to the point:
What is blockchain
Literally block + chain.
Block is a piece of data, the chain is between the data is linked, that is, between the data can not plug, link can not change.
The essence of a blockchain is an immutable ledger.
I didn’t add “shared”, “distributed”. From the point of view of the constituent elements of blockchain, it does not include how the ledger is generated or how the ledger is used, which we will discuss in detail later.
I didn’t add “shared”, “distributed”. From the point of view of the constituent elements of blockchain, it does not include how the ledger is generated or how the ledger is used, which we will discuss in detail later.
Data is stored in the form of blockchain. When we solve a business pain point, we need to consider whether we must use blockchain technology.
Blockchain innovation is not a new technology innovation, but the use of the method and data storage innovation, so we can use blockchain to solve some existing problems.
Blockchain application field
In fact, blockchain industry practitioners are very lucky, as long as the data storage related, can be used.
Of course, it also depends on the business scenario, whether the use of blockchain can solve the business pain point, and the pain point facing the Internet industry today is that we lose the sovereignty of data and the right to review data.
We are still in the early stages of blockchain, and we are fortunate to be in this stage where a lot can be done.
The storage aspect of blockchain can be realized in the way of database or file, for example, where is your data stored? Your media database, or relational database, depends on how you store the ledger. Existing enterprises have a large number of legacy business systems, most of which are based on relational databases.
In this scenario, you might choose to store your blockchain solution in a relational database so that your ledgers can be easily read by most people.
Types of blockchain
Public chain;
League chain;
Private chain.
There is an interesting business scenario for private chains. When we talk about blockchain, it is multi-node. Is private chain single node or multi-node? A private chain is a private entity that controls the chain, can it be a blockchain if it’s a single node, if you were to do the solution, what would you do?
A single node does not have a shared ledger to synchronize nodes, only one ledger, others can not monitor. So in this case, you want to publish your hash, you want to publish it in real time, as soon as someone wants to see if there’s a problem with your data, you can pull out the hash, pull out the data from the ledger, and use Merkel to prove that your data is actually in your ledger.
For example:
Published on the official website, refreshed every minute;
Publish the hash value of xyz company in the newspaper every day;
Publish on ethereum’s chain to prove consistency and fairness.
Blockchain protocol
A blockchain protocol, in effect, defines what a blockchain looks like. When developing a blockchain platform, it is to implement a blockchain protocol of its own design.
What are the main components of the blockchain protocol?
How to process and verify transactions;
Who creates the block, that is, the so-called block producer;
How nodes interact;
How the data is broadcast, how the ledger data is synchronized;
The programming interface to the application. (There are internal interfaces, interfaces for each node to call each other, and external interfaces. Other blockchains use this external programming interface if they want to call your blockchain data.)
Typical blockchain protocol
The currency;
The etheric lane;
Account model
First of all, when you design the blockchain protocol, you design the account model first. What does that include? Include what your account name generation rules look like:
Make sure your account type is UTXO/balance based.
The encryption algorithm
What encryption algorithm is used on the platform?
The data structure
Every block has a block header. What does a block header put in? For example, the hash of the previous block, some random values, the hash of the current block, etc. Current height, transaction data structure, a transaction, blockchain all data generation is generated through the transaction. A deal doesn’t mean I sell you something, like IF I send you a message, that’s a deal.
Node communication
How to realize node communication?
If you are developing a public chain, you need to implement a Peer 2 Peer network.
Peer 2 How to transmit data between Peer networks? You need to select a method.
There are many ways to achieve point-to-point, including HTTP, socket, and GRPC.
Consensus mechanism
If your blockchain platform is a public chain platform, you may choose consensus mechanisms such as POW, POS, POA, etc.
But if it’s an alliance chain, you can choose something that works for the alliance chain scenario, like PBFT/RAFT, etc.
Intelligent contract
Smart contract is currently the contract language of most common blockchain platforms, which includes the contract language and operating environment. Ethereum’s smart contracts, for example, are Solidity language and it has its own virtual machine. For example, Hyperledger uses Docker to run go language code and Java language code.
Account design
Account design is one of the first things you face when developing a blockchain platform.
First choose an elliptic encryption algorithm.
Here you can choose curve 25519 and other ellipse algorithms. Why did I say elliptic algorithm? Because your account name is actually your public key.
The account name is not simply a public key, it is calculated from the public key. You can’t tell what your public key is just by looking at your account name, right? I chose the elliptic curve encryption algorithm, in fact, so that when I provide my private key, without any extra data, I can calculate the public key from the private key, and then I can calculate my account name from the public key.
You’ll need to design your own, of course, based on existing practices.
Generally, the account name contains three parts:
One is your account type, usually the first letter of your account name represents your account type. Can contain multiple account type, the key is to see what you want to design a platform, the most typical, for example, you are like the etheric, it has external accounts, account, is our each person control and intelligent contract account, you can use it to identified with 0 or 1, can also keep the creation account separate out and replaced with another character.
Because the Trands account is special, it can only send money, and only once.
At the bottom of the blockchain, trands accounts are actually not allowed to trade any more. The trands account can also be regarded as a black hole account. For example, if you want to destroy some tokens, you can directly send them to the Trands account, because the platform will not allow the trands account to do any transactions.
Another is part of the public key mapping. Part of the public key mapping is that we need to convert the private key to a public key and then display the public key above our account name. The public key is generally calculated by hash, and then the mapped part of the public key can be transformed through Base58.
Why Base58? Base58 is more friendly, he will not say both 0 and O, namely there are 1 and L, otherwise it is difficult to figure out what is it?
In fact, the rule of generating check bits can be used by hashing the first two parts of the content and then taking the first few bits of the hash value as the check bits. This is a typical OPERATION of BTC.
His public key is hashed and then, step by step, generated through Base58.
Account generation is unique in that it does not require any system, can be completely offline, and the generated rules are completely platform independent.
When an account is created, you will be prompted with a secret message. If you’ve ever used a wallet, it gives you about 20 words to remember when you create an account. Why? What you do is you take those words as text, and then you go in the background and you convert that text into your own sequence, and then you hash those sequences, and then you seed those byte sequences to generate your private key, and then you have your public key and your account name.
So, do people feel safe talking code?
Where did the code words come from?
There is a password book in the background, about more than 100 words, when you click to create an account, he randomly selected more than 20 words from the 100 words to display, we can take out the password instinct through his code.
Do you think it’s safe to do that? If I take out the code, and I bump into somebody else’s stuff, and I bump into it, I get the private key, and all of his stuff is mine, right?
It’s actually quite safe.
It’s actually quite safe.
Why would I show you the password and the password book?
Out of 100 words, if I put 20 or more words here, what are the chances of bumping into someone?
How many possibilities are there? There are more possibilities than there are atoms in the entire universe.
It means that someone has chosen an atom in the whole universe, and now they want you to go. Do you have the confidence to try it?
So no one really hit someone else’s private key with secret language, because it will never hit out.
Do we need a password to log in to the system? Not really, because your private key essentially controls everything you own on your behalf.
How do I log in to this system? In fact, you do not need to log in to the system, you only use your account to send transactions, the system will need your private key to sign, why is this? Blockchain is a system in which all accounts are open, and in principle, you can log on to anyone’s system, so for example, you go to the block browser, you find someone’s address, you log on to their system with his address, and you find that you can log in.
Because all the data is there, all the data is public, you can log in, you can see he has 100 digital assets, but it doesn’t make sense to you because you don’t have a private key.
So when we do the blockchain platform, we don’t need to think about another cryptosystem, you just need to choose your asymmetric encryption algorithm.
Choice of encryption algorithm
By transaction data encryption, I mean symmetric encryption.
Why is symmetric encryption also reflected in asymmetric encryption?
For example, if I want to send a private message to you, it must be encrypted, otherwise everyone will see the result of using my private key and your public key to calculate the same thing with your private key and my public key.
You can encrypt messages between you based on the calculated symmetric encryption Key.
The encryption Key does not retain the sender’s information, but encrypts the encrypted data using the recipient’s public Key. However, the encrypted data is not known by whom. Hashing algorithms are also very important in blockchain.
Why hash algorithm is used in transaction signature? You actually sign a transaction, not all the bytes of the transaction, but you hash out the contents of the transaction, and then you sign the hash.
So the hash algorithm is also used in the signature action.
Consensus mechanism in this respect or take the public chain to do a comparison, in the competition of block producers, is actually in the use of hash algorithm to calculate the probability of conventional block production and verification rules have to use hash algorithm.
Can I support different encryption algorithms on a blockchain platform? Currently, all blockchain platforms simply choose an encryption algorithm.
What do you need to think about when doing blockchain platform? One is in the transaction structure, when you initiate a transaction, you sign the transaction. But the asymmetric algorithm for the signature, what kind of signature algorithm it is, you have to add a property to your transaction structure, add a field to identify it, and we’re using the x encryption algorithm for the elliptic curve.
In addition, in the data structure of the account, you may also need to add an attribute account that calculates the public key from the private key. What algorithm is used to calculate the public key from the private key? This is also to consider.
Data structure and storage design
Data storage we can choose any storage mode according to your needs. I think the data storage area can be separated into a more independent area. You can take the consensus part of the blockchain platform, and the data store part, and make it pluggable in the form of an API. This means that you build platforms or solutions that meet different business needs in different business scenarios.
RocksDB LevelDB is an embedded database. LevelDB is an embedded database, and LevelDB is an embedded database. LevelDB is an embedded database. One of the great things about embedded databases is that I can get them up and running with very low performance requirements, and they aim to get more people to use them.
When we go to solve a certain business scenario, we do not need to start docking, we can use the traditional enterprise computing architecture to design the bottom layer of our blockchain, we can run oracle database.
Design of node communication protocol
There is a problem with node communication: there are Byzantine nodes. What do we do with Byzantine nodes?
To build a blockchain platform, you must first define a node seed, which is written in your code. You just write down all of these nodes, and the problem is that they’re not always good nodes, some nodes he might turn on once and then turn off.
There are also some nodes that may be evil, they give you false data or wrong data. In this case, you have to design a punishment mechanism, and it turns out that this number is totally unreliable, it’s different than the number that someone else gave you. And, of course, devise a mechanism to verify that he’s not right.
If I want to access seven nodes and four of them give me the same data, I think the data is correct. When the other three are found to be incorrect, these three nodes are defined as Byzantine nodes. So when you define a node’s database table, there should be a field in it to mark it. Mark what kind of node it is? If it’s a Byzantine node, you might have to punish him, and the general way to do that is to put him on a blacklist, but you don’t have to put him on a blacklist and sentence him to death, you have to design a release mechanism.
Because in some cases, even a good node, it might appear to be a Byzantine node. For example, if the network is bad, when you visit him, he is not online, or the data is lost in the transmission process, you do not get the complete data. At this point, you can’t just assume that the node is no longer accessible. You have to design a release mechanism for, say, too long, and then release it once, and then you go back to it, and you find that it’s still wrong, and you can increase the time that it’s on the blacklist until you think it’s completely dead.
Also add the performance of the node in your node Settings, because some nodes may be far away from you, some may be in the United States, some may be nearby, the performance needs to be marked, and then pick out those nodes that you think are the best to establish a relationship with them.
Design of consensus mechanism
POS is a typical algorithm of consensus mechanism. I recommend that you use consensus algorithms such as POS and PBFT when designing consensus mechanisms.
So one of the nice things about open source implementations is that it’s easy to find code, and it doesn’t really take us too much time to basically fix it. Smart contracts are more complex and have a high threshold.
Intelligent contract
The whole point of a smart contract is, you upload a piece of code, and I execute it for you. This code is available to each node, and if the number of tokens in one account exceeds 10, you must ask it to transfer the excess tokens to another account. Let’s say this is the simplest smart contract, and everyone can read your code and perform the smart contract in advance to verify the results of executing the smart contract.
Purpose of contract
The contract is that I want the program to execute according to the rules of consensus, without anyone controlling it. It doesn’t mean that anyone can change it. All the nodes agree on it. In fact, as I mentioned earlier, all public blockchain platforms offer smart contracts. When we build our own blockchain platform, or provide a blockchain solution to a project party, there is no need to use smart contracts. Smart contracts are intended for common use because, as a generic platform, it does not know the business scenarios it will support.
What is the business logic, like Ethereum: it needs to support everyone to write applications on it, and it doesn’t know what specific business it needs to support.
But if we had to write a generic blockchain platform, it might be to start a business in a vertical industry and then focus on a specific industry and solve a specific problem. When you’re doing this blockchain solution, we don’t actually need smart contracts, we write everything we need to agree on in your underlying code.
That’s actually a more flexible way for you, so smart contracts are complicated. Writing Solidity code would be very complicated if you didn’t have the right module to write and would have to call smart contracts with other business systems out there. It’s actually a crappy thing to do, we can avoid it completely, you have to write compilers, interpreters and you don’t have the expertise to do it.
Are there any blockchain platforms that don’t offer smart contracts? In fact, of course there is, and it’s alive and well.
For example, off-chain smart contracts actually have nothing to do with smart contracts at all.
It provides interfaces on the platform that you can call, which write common logic in code and then call it out of the chain.
For questions
Is it possible to connect various blockchains together to form a network?
Mr. Yang Xianbo replied:
The first thing to think about is, what kind of problem are you trying to solve by making this mesh?
Because the various blockchains are independent of each other, and if you connect them together, you can share resources and connect everything.
Mr. Yang Xianbo replied:
Given that, I think it can be done.
But the problem is, you may want to do a special block chain platform, where each node, you have to actually realize the function block is behind this node represents the inside of the chain network, a node, he should have a double identity, one is his agent chain blocks of data, the other is you set up a unified block chain network, The data behind it is the data of another database, which may have a multi-layer identity in it.
May like I said, the consensus of the platform mechanism may be more complex, to include all your chain platform to connect blocks the consensus mechanism, then your encryption algorithm to support all the block encryption algorithm of chain platform, this is actually more complex, but I think it may be is a good idea.”