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Introduction to the

As the field of machine learning (ML) evolves, so does the list of environments that use this technology. One of these environments is the Web browser, where data-related frameworks have proliferated in recent years, targeting web-based machine learning models. An example of these frameworks is Tensorflow.js, TensorFlow’s JavaScript counterpart for training, executing, and deploying machine learning models in browsers. To make tensorflow.js usable by developers with limited or no ML experience, the library comes with several pre-trained models ready to use out of the box.

Pre-trained machine learning models are ready for machine learning, you don’t need training. Tensorflow.js includes 14 models suitable for a variety of usage situations. For example, there is an image classification model for identifying common objects and a body segmentation model for identifying body parts. The main convenience of these models is that, as the name suggests, you don’t need to train them. Instead, you load them in your application. In addition to their ease of use and pre-trained nature, these models are curated — they are accurate and fast, sometimes trained by the authors of the algorithms, and optimized for web browsers.

In this tutorial, you will create a Web application that uses tensorflow.js to provide a pre-trained model of questions and Answers (QnA). The model you will deploy is a bidirectional encoder represented deformer (BERT) model that takes a paragraph and a question as input and tries to answer the question from that paragraph.

You’ll be deploying the app on DigitalOcean’s app platform, a management solution that allows you to build, deploy and scale applications from GitHub and other sources in a matter of seconds. The application you will create includes a static page with two input fields, a paragraph and a question. Finally, you’ll write and deploy a q&A application from GitHub using a pre-trained model of tensorflow.js and DigitalOcean’s application platform.

A prerequisite for

To complete this tutorial, you will need.

  • A DigitalOcean account.
  • An account on GitHub that you can create by visiting the Create Your Account page.
  • Configure and install Git on your local machine. See How to Contribute to Open Source. Git getting Started and How to Use Git. A Reference Guide.
  • You also need a basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, which you can find in our “How to Build A Website with HTML” series, “How to Build a Website with CSS” series, and “How to Code with JavaScript” series.

Step 1 – Create the application’s interface and import the required libraries

In this step, you will write the HTML code for the application, which defines its interface and imports libraries for the application. The first of these libraries is tensorflow.js, which you will load from the _ content Delivery Network _ or the CDN instead of installing the package locally. A CDN is a network of servers across multiple locations that store the content they provide to the Internet. These include JavaScript files, such as the tensorflow.js library, which can be loaded from the CDN to save you packaging them in your application. Again, you’ll import the library that contains the question and answer models. In the next step, you’ll write JavaScript for your application that uses the model to answer a given question.

In this tutorial, you will build an application that looks like this.

The application has five main elements.

  • A button that loads a predefined paragraph that you can use to test the application.
  • A text field for an input paragraph (if you choose to write or copy your own).
  • A text field to enter a question.
  • Trigger the prediction button to answer the question.
  • In “** The answer!” The ** button has an area (currently blank white space) that displays the output of the model.

Start by creating a new directory called TFJS-qna-do in your preferred location. In this directory, using the text editor of your choice, create a new HTML file called index.html and paste the following code.


<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en-US">

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <! -- Load TensorFlow.js -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <! -- Load the QnA model -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="./style.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <div class="main-centered-container">
        <h1>TensorFlow.js Pre-trained "QnA" BERT model</h1>
        <h3 class="header-border">Introduction</h3>
        <p>This application hosts TensorFlow.js' pre-trained Question and Answer model, and it attempts to answer the question
        using a given passage. To use it, write a passage (any!) in the input area below and a question. Then, click the
        "answer!" button to answer the question using the given passage as a reference. You could also click the test
        button to load a pre-defined input text.</p>

        <h4>Try the test passage!</h4>
        <div id='test-buttons'></div>

            <h4>Enter the model's input passage here</h4>
            <textarea id='input-text' rows="20" cols="100" placeholder="Write the input text..."></textarea>

            <h4>Enter the question to ask</h4>
            <textarea id='question' rows="5" cols="100" placeholder="Write the input text..."></textarea>
        <h4>Click to answer the question</h4>
        <div id="answer-button"></div>
        <h4>The model's answers</h4>
        <div id='answer'></div>

        <script src="./index.js"></script>


Copy the code

Here’s how the HTML is broken down.

  • The original<html>Tags have<head>Tag to define metadata, styles, and load scripts. Its first entry is theta<meta>, where you will put the pagecharsetEncoding set toutf-8. After it, there are two<script>The tag is used to load tensorflow.js and q&A models from the CDN.
  • Between the two<script>After the tag, there’s one<link>Tag to load a CSS file (which you will create next).
  • Next, it’s HTML<body>, the contents of the document. Inside it, there’s a<div>Tag, whose category ismain-centered-containerContains the elements of the page. The first is one with the application title<h1>Header and a smaller one<h3>Header, followed by a brief introduction explaining how it works.
  • By the way, there’s one<h4>Title and one<div>, you will add buttons here, fill paragraphs with sample text and enter text fields.
  • Then, there are the application’s input fields: one for paragraphs (what you want the model to read) and one for questions (what you want the model to answer). If you want to resize them, please change themrowscolsProperties.
  • After the text field, there is an IDbutton<div>Later you will attach a button here that, when clicked, reads the text from the text field and uses it as input to the model.
  • And finally, I have an IDanswer<div>, to display the output of the model, and one more<script>Tag, including the JavaScript code you’ll write in the next section.

Next, you will add CSS to the project. In the same directory where you added the index.html file, create a new file called style.css and add the following code.


body {
  margin: 50px 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial;

button {
  margin: 10px 10px;
  font-size: 100%;

p {
  line-height: 1.8;

.main-centered-container {
  padding: 60px;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  margin: 0 auto;
  max-width: 960px;

.header-border {
  border: solid #d0d0d0;
  border-width: 0 0 1px;
  padding: 0 0 5px;
Copy the code

This CSS styles three HTML elements: body, button, and paragraph (

). In the body, it adds margin, padding, and changes the default font. For Button, it adds margins and increases the font size. In paragraph P, it modifies the line-height property. The CSS has one class main-centered container, which centers content, and another class header-border, which adds solid lines to elements.

In this step, you write the HTML file for your application. You import the tensorflow.js library and the QnA model, and define the elements you will use later to add paragraphs and questions you will answer. In the next steps, you’ll write JavaScript code that reads these elements and triggers the prediction.

Step 2 – Predict with a pre-trained model

In this section, you’ll implement JavaScript code for your web application, read the application’s input fields, make predictions, and write the predicted answers to HTML. You’ll implement it in a function that fires when you click the “answer” button. Once clicked, it will reference the two input fields to get their values, take them as inputs to the model, and write their output to the

you defined in Step 1 with ID Output. You will then run the application locally and test it before adding it to GitHub.

In the project directory tfjs-qna-do/, create a new file named index.js and declare the following variables.


let model;

// The text field containing the input text
let inputText;

// The text field containing the question
let questionText;

// The div where we will write the model's answer
let answersOutput;
Copy the code

The first variable, Model, is where you will store the QnA model; InputText and questionText are references to input and questionText fields; AnswersOutput is a reference to the output


In addition to these variables, you need a constant to store the sample text that you will use to test your application. We’ll use a Wikipedia article about DigitalOcean as a sample paragraph. Based on this text, you can ask the model questions such as “Where is DigitalOcean based?” Hope it can export “New York”.

Copy this block to your index.js file.


// Sample passage from Wikipedia.
const doText = `DigitalOcean, Inc. is an American cloud infrastructure provider[2] headquartered in New York City with data centers worldwide.[3] 
DigitalOcean provides developers cloud services that help to deploy and scale applications that run simultaneously on multiple computers.
DigitalOcean also runs Hacktoberfest which is a month-long celebration (October 1-31) of open source software run in partnership with GitHub and Twilio.
Copy the code

Now you will define the functionality of the application from createButton(). This function creates a button and appends it to an HTML element.


function createButton(innerText, id, listener, selector, disabled = false) {
  const btn = document.createElement('BUTTON');
  btn.innerText = innerText; = id;
  btn.disabled = disabled;

  btn.addEventListener('click', listener);
Copy the code

CreateButton () is a function that creates the application’s two buttons; Because all buttons work similarly, this function avoids duplicate code. The function takes five arguments.

  • innerText: Text of the button.
  • id: ID of a button.
  • listener: a callback function that is executed when the user clicks a button.
  • selector: You will attach the button<div>Elements.
  • disabled: a Boolean value to disable or enable the button. The default value of this parameter isfalse

CreateButton () first creates an instance of the button and assigns it to the variable BTN. It then sets the innerText, ID, and Disabled properties of the button. This button uses a click-event listener that executes a callback function every time you click on it. The last line of the function appends the button to the

element specified in the selector argument.

Next, you’ll create a new function called setupButtons() that calls createButton() twice to create the application’s buttons. First, create the **Answer of your application! * * button.


function setupButtons() {
  // Button to predict
  createButton('Answer! '.'answer-btn'.() = > {
      model.findAnswers(questionText.value, inputText.value).then((answers) = > {
        // Write the answers to the output div as an unordered list.
        // It uses map create a new list of the answers while adding the list tags.
        // Then, we use join to concatenate the answers as an array with a line break
        // between answers.
        const answersList = = > `<li>${answer.text} (confidence: ${answer.score})</li>`)

        answersOutput.innerHTML = `<ul>${answersList}</ul>`;
      }).catch((e) = > console.log(e));
    }, '#answer-button'.true);
Copy the code

The first button created by this function is the one that triggers the prediction. Its first two arguments, innerText and ID, are the text of the button and the identifier you want to assign to the button. The third argument is the listener callback (explained below). The fourth argument, selector, is the one you want to add the button to

The id of the (
#answer-button), the fifth parameter,
disabled, is set to
true, which disables the button (to avoid making predictions before the application loads the model).

Listener callback is a function that once you click **Answer! The ** button will execute. Once clicked, the callback function first calls the pretrained model’s function findAnswers(). See the product documentation for more information about the findAnswers() function. FindAnswers () takes input paragraphs (from questionText) and questions (from inputText) as arguments. It returns the output of the model in an array that looks like this.

Model's output[
        "text": "New York City"."score": 19.08431625366211."startIndex": 84."endIndex": 97
        "text": "in New York City"."score": 8.737937569618225."startIndex": 81."endIndex": 97
        "text": "New York"."score": 7.998648166656494."startIndex": 84."endIndex": 92
        "text": "York City"."score": 7.5290607213974."startIndex": 88."endIndex": 97
        "text": "headquartered in New York City"."score": 6.888534069061279."startIndex": 67."endIndex": 97}]Copy the code

Each element in the array is an object with four attributes.

  • text: the answer.
  • score: Model confidence level.
  • startIndex: Index of the first character of the paragraph answering the question.
  • endIndex: Index of the last character of the answer.

Instead of displaying the output when the model returns, the callback uses a map() function to create a new array containing the model’s answers and scores, along with the list

  • HTML tag. It then concatenates the elements of the array with the

    (newline) between the answers and assigns the results to answer
    , displaying them as a list.
  • Next, add a second call to createButton(). Add the highlighted section to the setupButtons function below the first createButton.


    function setupButtons() {
      // Button to predict
      createButton('Answer! '.'answer-btn'.() = > {
          model.findAnswers(questionText.value, inputText.value).then((answers) = > {
            // Write the answers to the output div as an unordered list.
            // It uses map create a new list of the answers while adding the list tags.
            // Then, we use join to concatenate the answers as an array with a line break
            // between answers.
            const answersList = = > `<li>${answer.text} (confidence: ${answer.score})</li>`)
            answersOutput.innerHTML = `<ul>${answersList}</ul>`;
          }).catch((e) = > console.log(e));
        }, '#answer-button'.true);
      createButton('DigitalOcean'.'test-case-do-btn'.() = > {
         document.getElementById('input-text').value = doText;
        }, '#test-buttons'.false);
    Copy the code

    This new call attaches to the test-buttons

    button and loads the sample text of DigitalOcean that you defined earlier in the variable doText. The first argument to this function is the button’s label ** (DigitalOcean**), the second argument is id, the third is the listener’s callback to write the value of the doText variable in the channel input text field, the fourth is selector, and the last is a false value (to avoid disables the button).

    Next, you will create a function called init() to call other functions.


    async function init() {
      answersOutput = document.getElementById('answer');
      inputText = document.getElementById('input-text');
      questionText = document.getElementById('question');
      model = await qna.load();
      document.getElementById('answer-btn').disabled = false;
    Copy the code

    Init () first calls setupButtons(). It then assigns some HTML elements of the application to variables you define at the top of the script. Next, it loads the QnA model and changes the disabled property of the Answer-BTN button to false.

    Finally, call init().


    Copy the code

    You have completed the application. To test it, open your web browser, write the absolute path to the project directory in the address bar, and append it to /index.html. You can also open your file manager application (such as Finder on the Mac) and click “index.html “to open the Web application. In this case, the address will look like your_filepath/ tfJs-qna-do /index.html.

    To find the absolute path, go to the terminal and execute the following command from the project’s directory.

    Copy the code

    Its output will look something like this.

    Copy the code

    Once you start the application, you need to wait a few seconds for it to download and load the model. When the application is enabled **Answer! When pressed, you’ll know it’s ready. ** You can then use the Test Paragraph button (DigitalOcean) or write your own paragraph and enter a question.

    To test the application, click the “DigitalOcean “button. In the paragraph input area, you’ll see sample text about DigitalOcean. In the question field, write “Where is DigitalOcean based?” From the passage, we can see that the answer is New York. But does the model say the same thing? Click “** Answer!” ** Take a look.

    The output should look like this.

    Right!” . There were subtle differences, but four of the five answers said DigitalOcean is based in New York City.

    In this step, you complete and test the web application. The JavaScript code you write reads the typed paragraphs and questions and answers them as input to the QnA model. Next, you’ll add the code to GitHub.

    Step 3 – Push the application to GitHub

    In this section, you’ll add web apps to the GitHub repository. After that, you’ll connect the repository to DigitalOcean’s application platform and deploy the application.

    First, log on to GitHub. On the home page, click the green button under your name or the plus sign in the upper right corner of the screen to create a new repository.

    Either option will take you to the interface for creating a new repository. In the library name field (after your username), name the library tfJS-qna-do. Select its privacy Settings and click Create Repository to create it.

    Open a terminal and go to the project directory tfJs-qna-do /. From there, execute the following command to create a new local Git repository.

    git init
    Copy the code

    Next, phase out the files you want to track with Git, in this case, all the files in the directory.

    git add .
    Copy the code

    And submit them.

    git commit -m "initial version of the app"
    Copy the code

    Rename the main branch of the repository to main.

    git branch -M main
    Copy the code

    Then connect the local repository to the remote repository on GitHub.

    git remote add origin [email protected]:your-github-username/tfjs-qna-do.git
    Copy the code

    Finally, push the local code base to the remote repository.

    git push -u origin main
    Copy the code

    If you’re pushing code for the first time, it will ask you to enter your GitHub credentials.

    After pushing the code, go back to the GitHub repository and refresh the page. You should be able to see your code.

    In this step, you have pushed your Web application code to a remote GitHub repository. Next, you will link the repository to your DigitalOcean account and deploy the application.

    Step 4 – Deploy the Web application in the DigitalOcean application platform

    In the final section, you will deploy the Q&A application from the GitHub repository created in Step 3 to DigitalOcean’s application platform.

    Start by logging in to your DigitalOcean account. Once logged in, click the “Create” green button in the upper right corner, and then click “Application”, which will take you to the Create a new application screen.

    In this case, select GitHub as the source where the project is located.

    If you haven’t already linked your DigitalOcean account to GitHub, it will ask you to grant DigitalOcean access to your GitHub. After doing so, select the repository you want to link to: TFJS-qna-do.

    Go back to the App platform window, select the app repository ** (TFJS-qna-do **), select the branch to deploy the app ** (main**), and check the automatic deployment code modification option. This option ensures that the application is redeployed every time you push code to the main branch.

    On the next screen, configure your application using the default configuration values. As an extra step, if you want to change the HTTP request routing Web applications, from such as the default example. Ondigitalocean. The app/TFJS – qna – do, instead example. Ondigitalocean. App/my – custom – r…

    Next, you will name the site. Again, you can keep the default ** TFJs-qna -**do name, or replace it with another name.

    Clicking “Next” will take you to the final screen, “Finalised and launched”, where you will select the pricing tier for the application. Because the application is a static web page, App Platform automatically selects the free starter plan. Finally, click the “Start Beginner Application” button to create and deploy the application.

    When the application is deployed, you will see a screen similar to this one.

    And once deployed, you’ll see.

    To access the app, click on the app’S URL to access your app, which is now deployed in the cloud.


    As the field of machine learning expands, so do its use cases and the environments and platforms it involves, including web browsers.

    In this tutorial, you have built and deployed a Web application that uses the tensorflow.js pre-training model. Your “q&A” web application takes a paragraph and a question as input and uses a pre-trained BERT model to answer questions based on that paragraph. After developing the App, you connect your GitHub account to DigitalOcean and deploy the App in the App Platform without additional code.

    As a future job, you can trigger automatic deployment of the application by adding changes to the application and pushing them to GitHub. You can also add a new test paragraph and format the output of the answers into a table to improve readability.

    For more information about tensorflow.js, please refer to its official documentation.