Mall-swarm (5.1K +star) address:…


The mall Swarm project was upgraded to use Nacos for the registry and configuration center, but Jenkins’ automatic deployment documentation has not been updated. Some friends refer to the original document deployment a little problem, this time to the mall swarm automatic deployment document to make an upgrade, I hope to help you!

Basic use of Jenkins

To use this deployment solution, you need to know something about Jenkins. For basic information, see “Deploying SpringBoot Applications with Jenkins in one Click, That’s it 6!”.


Before deployment, you need to install the dependent services required by mall-swarm and pack the Docker images of all applications. For details, please refer to “Mall-swarm deployment in Linux (Based on Docker container)”. The document address is… .

  • You need to install the dependencies required by the project and use them directlyDocker ComposeInstall it. The specific service and version information are as follows.
component The version number
Mysql 5.7
Redis 5.0
MongoDb 4.3.5
RabbitMq 3.7.15
Nginx 1.10
Elasticsearch 7.6.2
Logstash 7.6.2
Kibana 7.6.2
Nacos 1.3.0
  • Package the Docker images of all SpringBoot applications. The specific application service information is as follows:
application instructions
mall-monitor The monitoring center
mall-gateway Microservice Gateway
mall-auth Certification center
mall-admin Mall Background Service
mall-portal Mall Front Desk Service
mall-search Mall Search service
  • Add all the application configurations to the Nacos registry as shown in the following configuration file.

Preparing for executing scripts

Jenkins automatic deployment relies on Linux to execute scripts, so we first prepare the scripts to execute.

  • Script files are storedmall-swarmThe project/document/shDirectory:

  • Change the newline format of all script files in IDEA toLFOtherwise, the script cannot be executed.

  • Upload all script files to the specified directory, as we did here/mydata/shDirectory;

  • Change all script files to executable files:
chmod +x ./mall-*
Copy the code

Create a task in Jenkins

Next we will automate deployment by creating tasks in Jenkins. Because our mall-Swarm is a multi-module project, the deployment above is different from the previous single-module project.


Since the creation of tasks performed by each module is pretty much the same, the creation of tasks for the mall-admin module will be explained in detail below, and the other modules will be covered briefly.

  • First we chooseBuild a free-style software projectAnd then enter the task name asmall-adminGit repository address: Gitee Git repository address:

  • And then we create a build, buildmall-swarmDependency modules in the project that would otherwise fail when building working service modules because they cannot be found;
Install ml-common, ml-mbg, ml-mbg
clean install -pl mall-common,mall-mbg -am
Copy the code
  • Schematic diagram of dependency module construction:

  • Create another build, build it separately and package itmall-adminModule:

  • Create another build and execute it over SSHshThe script, which is executed heremall-adminTo run the script:

  • Click Save to complete the creation of the mall-admin task.


The creation of the mall gateway and other modules is basically the same as that of the mall admin. You only need to change the location of the POM. XML file and the location of the script when building the module.

  • We can go straight frommall-adminCreate a copy of the module’s task:

  • Modify the second buildpom.xmlFile location, changed to:${WORKSPACE}/mall-gateway/pom.xml

  • Change the SSH execution script file location in the third build to:/mydata/sh/

  • Click Save to complete the creation of the mall-gateway execution task.

Other modules

For details about how to create tasks for other modules, see creating mall-admin and mall-gateway.

Task creation complete

Docker network problem

If Docker Compose is used to start all dependent services, a network will be created by default. All dependent services will be in this network, and services in different networks cannot access each other. The network I created here is deploy_default, so you need to specify the network where the service in the SH script runs, otherwise the started application service will not be able to connect to the dependent service.

  • You can usedocker inspect mysqlCommand to check the network where the mysql server resides;

  • Also throughdocker network lsTo see all the networks;
[root@local-linux ~]# docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                     DRIVER              SCOPE
59b309a5c12f        bridge                   bridge              local
3a6f76a8920d        deploy_default           bridge              local
ef34fe69992b        host                     host                local
a65be030c632        none     
Copy the code
  • Modify allshScript to modify the network on which the service runs, add a line--network deploy_default \Can.

The module startup sequence is incorrect

Since Nacos, the registry and configuration center, is already started, there is almost no limit to the order in which the other modules start, but it is best to start in the following order.

Recommended boot sequence:

  • mall-auth
  • mall-gateway
  • mall-monitor
  • mall-admin
  • mall-portal
  • mall-search

Run to complete the effect display

  • See the API documentation information, access to the address:

  • Check the registry service information, access to the address:

  • The monitoring center application information, access to the address:

  • Log information collection system, access to the address:


We completed the automatic deployment of the mall swarm project by creating tasks in Jenkins, so that when we modified the code every time, we could just click the start task to achieve one-click package deployment, saving the trouble of frequent package deployment.

The project address…