Create a Route Module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { ConfigModule, OccConfig, RoutingConfig } from '@spartacus/core';

  declarations: [].imports: [
      routing: {
        routes: {
          product: {
            paths: [
              'cameras/:productCode/:manufacturer/:name'.'cameras/:productCode/:name'.'cameras/:productCode/',]}}}}as RoutingConfig),

      backend: {
        occ: {
          endpoints: {
              // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
              'products/search? fields=products(code,manufacturer,name,summary,price(FULL),images(DEFAULT),stock(FULL),averageRating,variantOptions),fac ets,breadcrumbs,pagination(DEFAULT),sorts(DEFAULT),freeTextSearch,currentQuery',},},},}as OccConfig),
export class RoutingConfigurationModule {}Copy the code

The default url: the product/productCode/productName

The route URL I maintain in the TypeScript code contains the hard-coded camera as follows:


After enabling my custom routing Module, the runtime effect is:

Another URL that contains manufactor code:

This is because I specified to fetch the Manufacturer field in the API endpoint:

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