In mobile development, fetching colors from UI diagrams is a common part of daily development. However, there are many different ways to get colors from images, and many people don’t get the “right” values in their daily lives.
Best practice: Avoid taking values from pictures
The best case scenario is that you don’t need the developer to get the color from the design. There are three common ways to do this.
Sketch – Measure is directly marked on the design drawing
A good example of this is the Measure plugin for Sketch.
- Annotated elements will affect the aesthetics of the design
- The designer may need to annotate all the elements, which is a lot of work; If only a few elements are annotated, developers will still need to measure them themselves during development
- The design drawing will be sent to the developer after several changes, and I don’t know which version is the final version
The design is delivered as HTML: Marketch
The optimization step solution is to deliver developers not a labeled image, but a web page where you can click on elements to view properties. Typical of this ismarketch:
Measure has added a similar feature in a later version, in an online 。
This solution eliminates the need for designers to manually annotate elements. The exported web pages are deployed to the Intranet to facilitate the development of access to the latest design drawings.Off-the-shelf online spec tagging software: Zeplin
Exporting to a web page also needs to address the issue of web deployment, just like Github code hosting, there is a similar online hosting service spec annotation:zeplin.
Zeplin has a Sketch plugin that syncs directly to Zeplin in units of Artboard. Zeplin has a web app as well as a local client. In addition to the traditional element annotation, it also provides many convenient functions, such as automatic generation of cut diagrams, marking the update record of each version, annotating the design drawings and so on.
You can also generate code for multiformat text:
The value can be PS
A conservative, error-free solution is to use professional photo editing software, open the image and use a color picker to pick it up.
Take color from the screen
The intuitive way is to use the system’s colorimeter to take color directly from the screen.
The color taken directly from the screen may be different from the actual color of the design
Rambling on display color management
The operation of selecting the color
After selecting the color, you need to use this color value. So how do I get the color value? Use CMD +L to lock the selected color and choose Copy color to text.
0, 147, 255
XScope: Loupe
XScope is an old helper tool. Using the inside Loupe to pick colors will make the process much easier. You can select color space on the right side of the interface. We choose the third “Gneric RGB-for Xcode”
At this point, select the format we want to output, it can be RGB, it can be CSS #, or it can be direct code. Then select the color of your choice and copy to get the final output format. If you select uIColor-Swift, your clipboard will have strings like this:UIColor (red: 0.00, green: 0.58, blue: 1.00, alpha: 1.0)
. So you can use it directly in Xcode.
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