In the past two days, many Python geeks have joined the group and asked a lot of questions about the basic use of Pycharm. Today, I will give you a brief description of how to configure the Python interpreter.

1. Generally speaking, when Pycharm is activated, it goes directly to Pycharm if Pycharm is activated properly, and Pycharm often brings up the screen shown below. (If your Pycharm has not been activated, you can send a private message. Here are several activation codes to share with you.)

In fact, this is the tip of Pycharm, which is usually a simple or quick introduction of Pycharm or other Pycharm function. You can just click “Close” in the lower right and it will not affect you.

2. Later we may encounter a problem. Several partners consulted Pycharm and could not write the code directly after installing Pycharm.

Pycharm has not been installed, but a configuration has not been completed. Once the Python interpreter is configured, everything will be fine. The Python interpreter is not difficult to configure, as shown in the following tutorial.

3. First click on “Configure Python Interpreter” and Pycharm will automatically navigate to the “Project Interpreter” location, as shown below. Specifically for configuring the Python interpreter.

4. Just click on the little triangle drop-down box to the right of “Project Interpreter” as shown in the red box to the right of the image below.

5. When clicked, Pycharm automatically brings up the Python interpreter path, as shown below.

6. Select one of the Python interpreters and the configuration is complete. Here, using the first Python interpreter as an example, click and wait for Pycharm to load, as shown below.

7. At this point, you can see that the “Project Interpreter” already has a Python Interpreter and that the associated libraries are Loading, which will be done after a while. Once the libraries are loaded, the Python interpreter configuration is complete, as shown in the figure below.

8. Click “Apply” to load the relevant libraries into the Python interpreter. Wait a moment, wait until the “Apply” TAB is grayed out, and then click the “OK” TAB, as shown below.

9. Pycharm then closes the “Setting” window and returns to the Pycharm main page, showing the loading process of the Python interpreter, as shown below, which will be completed after a few moments.

10. After the successful loading, the previous prompts will disappear and Pycharm will return to normal, as shown below.

Now you can use Pycharm to charm your code

11. If the “Project Interpreter” drop-down in the “Setting” window does not pop up the Python installation path or the path pops up in the wrong location, click the setup button next to it, as shown below.

12. Click on the first “Add Local” to Add the Python interpreter locally.

Pycharm will locate the local disk. All you have to do is find the Python installation location and click “OK” to confirm.

13. The following steps are the same as the normal loading of the Python interpreter above. Wish you all the best.

Pycharm is the correct way to load the Python interpreter.