@[TOC] The first step is of course to download the JDK

1. Download

Method 1: the official website

Click on the download website: www.oracle.com/java/techno…

The top is the latest version, and you can pull down to find other versions. Here, I’m an 8

Click enter and select the corresponding system to downloadI have Windows, so I use Windows ×64

New official website, popup window agree, then click download.I don’t think I can get used to it (if you have an account to log in and download it), I prepare JDK 8.0 web disk link resources (also called 1.8) for you, because now the Internet industry most companies use JDK8.0, the new JDK is a hole, I can’t get used to it, We’re not stepping on him.

Method 2: Web disk

Direct access to the web disk link

Link: pan.baidu.com/s/1y4BzOmpg… Extract code: 0eyh Copy this section of content after opening Baidu network disk mobile App, operation is more convenient oh — from Baidu network disk super member V4 share

There are two files, one is exe installation package, one is zip compression package, can be, if the Windows file operation is not familiar with the use of.exe installation package, double-click to find a path, and then foolproof installation on the line

2. Install

Method 1: Install the.exe

First choose a disk, create a folder, install in this folder (according to my experience, do so at least two advantages, 1: easy to uninstall. 2: convenient configuration environment)

Double-click the downloaded JDK to go to the installation page.

When selecting the installation path, select the JDK folder you created earlier. (for example: C:\ Java \ JDK, which means that a folder named Java is created in disk C, and a folder named JDK and JRE are created in the Java folder (preferably not in the JDK folder), and the JDK installation directory is selected here. PS: I personally used to put disk D, each person to create which choose which installation path.

Method 2: Install the. Zip package

First choose a disk, create a folder, install in this folder (according to my experience, do so at least two advantages, 1: easy to uninstall. 2: convenient configuration environment)

Just unzip the package into this folder

For example, I unpacked it into: D: Program Files\Java


The final configuration is the same no matter how you install it

Find “this computer”, right click, choose “Properties” to enter the page, select advanced System Settings, enter environment variables, start setting

Click New to pop up the little window aboveFill in the JAVA_HOME variable and write the variable nameJAVA_HOME, variable value write your JDK location

The JDK locationThen, double-click the PathAnd then I’m going to go new and I’m going to add these two, and if I did %JAVA_HOME% right, it’s going to be exactly what I did here, so I don’t have to change it

Copy the code

==PS== : %JAVA_HOME == : %JAVA_HOME == : %JAVA_HOME == : %JAVA_HOME == % %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin, this is to configure the runtime environment pathMake sure to return and create a new CLASspath

classpath %JAVA_HOME%\lib\dt.jar; %JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jarCopy the code

And then all the way to make sure to exit, don’t cross directly.

Check whether the installation is successful

Using Windows+ R: Enter CMD to enter the system command prompt window (black window)

Type Java, press Enter

Javac is a compiler for the Java language that converts the Java source language into a language that the JVM can recognize, which the JVM can then convert into a machine language that the current machine can recognize

Enter Java -version to view the following versions

If all can, it indicates that the installation is successful, Perfect!

Thank you for watching, the original is not easy, point a collection, give an appreciation, plus attention, grateful