Postcsrc. Js

File paths in Node.js include __dirname, __filename, process.cwd(),./,.. Path.resolve (‘./’) is used to convert relative absolute paths

My folder is configured as follows, with the path E:\vue\vue-uk

Now print the three values __dirname, __filename, process.cwd() in build/vue-loader.conf.js, and.postcsrc

1.  build/vue-loader.conf.js

2.  .postcssrc.js

To sum up:

__dirname: Gets the full directory name of the directory where the current execution file is located

__filename: Gets the filename with the full absolute path to the current execution file

Process.cwd () : Gets the directory name of the current node folder

Postcsrc. Js: postcsRC. Js: postcsRC. Js: postcsRC. Js: postcsRC.

First put up the big frame

module.exports = {  
    "plugins": {// various plug-ins}}Copy the code

Now take postCSS-Px2REM and Autoprefixer as examples. Of course, make sure these two plug-ins are installed

npm install postcss-loader --save--dev
npm install postcss-px2rem --save--dev
npm install autoprefixer --save--dev
Copy the code

Postcss-px2rem converts PX in CSS files to REM, autoprefixer adds various browser prefixes

module.exports = {    
    "plugins": {        
        "postcss-px2rem"Remunerate the user for 750px which saves for 75,640px which saves for 64, saves for 75 and remPrecision which saves for 6. 2, // Benchmark Device Pixel ratio defaults to 2 // Of course there are many options configured on NPM on demand}, // to Edit target Browsers: use"browserslist" field inPackage. json // Browserslist is configured in package.json"autoprefixer": {}}}Copy the code

There’s more to PostCSS than that, of course. So far, postCSS has more than 200 plugins

Other common plug-ins are postCSs-import, which resolves @import from files, postCSs-URL, which resolves url references to background images in CSS, and postCSs-assets, which references resources, The resolve method in postCSS-Assets can be used to reference urls in CSS. Width () and height() can be used to directly obtain the width and height of an image

"postcss-assets": {
    loadPaths: [path.resolve(__dirname,'src/assets/img')], // the usage of __dirname is described in relative:true// Enable relative path mode}Copy the code

Img images can now be used directly in the CSS

    background-image: resolve('head_bar@2x.jpg');

Copy the code

You don’t have to write it

background-image: resolve('.. /assets/img/head_bar@2x.jpg');
Copy the code

Can also be

    width: width('foobar.png'); /* 320px */  
    height: height('foobar.png'); /* 240px */
Copy the code

Detailed postcss – assets allocation see…

Finally, the postcsRC. Js configuration is about

const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
    "plugins": {
        "postcss-import": {},
         "postcss-url": {},
        "postcss-assets": {
            loadPaths: [path.resolve(__dirname,'src/assets/img')],
        "postcss-px2rem": {
            remUnit: 75, 
         "autoprefixer": {}}}Copy the code

You can also add many, many postCSS configurations to improve CSS…