The public,


You probably don’t know about the core-js repository, but you’ve definitely used it in your projects, either directly or indirectly

The Corie-JS repository is a JavaScript standard library that contains polyfills for many features including ECMAScript 2021, features in their implementation stages, new WHATWG/W3C features, and more.

The Core-JS repository has some connections with Babel, and mastering Core-JS will help you better understand the Babel ecology. At the same time, we can get a better understanding of polyfill by parsing core-js.

The latest version of the core-js repository is core-js@3.x.x

The official recommendation is not to continue with core-js@2.x.x, which has a richer polyfill and has a better future when combined with Babel. The following information refers to the core-js@3 version.

The target

Bring the question to find the answer

  • What is a Core-JS repository?
  • What is the difference between the three versions in the core-js repository?

The core – js warehouse

Core-js is a Monorepo-style project built by Lerna. There are five packages in its Packages folder:

  • package/core-js
  • package/core-js-pure
  • package/core-js-bundle
  • Package /core-js-compact: Maintains gasm requirements data in accordance with the BrowsersList specification to help us find a set of polyfills requirements that “fit the target environment.
  • Package/Core-JS-Builder: It can combine Core-JS-Compact and Core-JS, and take advantage of Webpack capability to package Core-JS code according to requirements. The difference between core-js-pure and core-js-bundle Here’s an example from the official documentation:
// global version NPM install --save core-js@3.13.0 // version without global namespace pollution NPM install --save core-js-pure@3.13.0 // Bundled global version NPM install --save

global version

The global version. The polyfill code in package/core-js directly modifies and pollutes global variables. Let’s look at an example of a Promise:

import 'core-js/features/promise'
Promise.resolve(32).then(x => console.log(x));

Core -js/features/promise is a reassignment of the browser’s global window object, overwriting the window’s promise and its prototype chain.

The global version can be used in two ways:

The first way: manually import core-js only in the project entry file. Such as:

import 'core-js'; // <- at the top of your entry point Array.from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])); // => [1, 2, 3] [1, [2, 3], [4, [5]]].flat(2); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Promise.resolve(32).then(x => console.log(x)); / / = > 32

The second method manually introduces the required polyfill on demand in the entry file

import 'core-js/features/array/from'; // <- at the top of your entry point import 'core-js/features/array/flat'; // <- at the top of your entry point import 'core-js/features/set'; // <- at the top of your entry point import 'core-js/features/promise'; // <- at the top of your entry point Array.from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])); // => [1, 2, 3] [1, [2, 3], [4, [5]]].flat(2); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Promise.resolve(32).then(x => console.log(x)); / / = > 32

version without global namespace pollution

Version that does not pollute global variables. Package /core-js-pure provides gasket capability that does not pollute global variables, but when used, it is not possible to introduce all polyfills at once. Instead, modules that need to be introduced individually must be based on the needs of each file. Such as:

import from from 'core-js-pure/features/array/from'; import flat from 'core-js-pure/features/array/flat'; import Set from 'core-js-pure/features/set'; import Promise from 'core-js-pure/features/promise'; // Note that it must be called from form(), not [].from. Package /core-js from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])); // => [1, 2, 3] flat([1, [2, 3], [4, [5]]], 2); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Promise.resolve(32).then(x => console.log(x)); / / = > 32

Similar Array. The from Array. The prototype this on the built-in objects or built-in class extend the new instance method or a static method, can according to the instance method or directly call the static method, must be like the from (new Set ([1, 2, 3, 2, 1))); This way to use.

bundled global version

A packaged global version. Package /core-js-bundle is a compiled, packaged version that contains all of the polyfills and can be loaded directly in the browser in script mode.

CommonJS API

The official documentation has the following example. There are many ways to use polyfill.

// polyfill all `core-js` features:
import "core-js";
// polyfill only stable `core-js` features - ES and web standards:
import "core-js/stable";
// polyfill only stable ES features:
import "core-js/es";

// if you want to polyfill `Set`:
// all `Set`-related features, with ES proposals:
import "core-js/features/set";
// stable required for `Set` ES features and features from web standards
// (DOM collections iterator in this case):
import "core-js/stable/set";
// only stable ES features required for `Set`:
import "core-js/es/set";
// the same without global namespace pollution:
import Set from "core-js-pure/features/set";
import Set from "core-js-pure/stable/set";
import Set from "core-js-pure/es/set";

// if you want to polyfill just required methods:
import "core-js/features/set/intersection";
import "core-js/stable/queue-microtask";
import "core-js/es/array/from";

// polyfill reflect metadata proposal:
import "core-js/proposals/reflect-metadata";
// polyfill all stage 2+ proposals:
import "core-js/stage/2";

Core-JS/Proposals, Core-JS/Proposals, Core-JS/Proposals, Core-JS/Stable, Core-JS/Features, and Core-JS/Stage are they attached to each other. Why is there an equivalence? .

So I have a look at the core-js repository folder structure and it looks like this:

Because the file directory is too long, only the level 1 directory structure is listed here

─ License Heavy Guitar Exercises ─ Configurator.js ── ES Heavy Guitar Exercises ── Index. JS Heavy Guitar Exercises ── License Heavy Guitar Exercises ─ Configurator.js Heavy Guitar Exercises ── Excerpt Heavy Guitar Exercises ── Configurator Modules ─ package.json Exercises ─ Postinstall.js Exercises ── Stable Exercises ─ Stage Exercises ─ Web

Core -js repository source structure, showing the corresponding namespace folders. And under every namespace there is an index.js

  • core-js/index.jsIs equivalent toimport 'core-js'
  • core-js/esIs equivalent tocore-js/es



Let’s look at the source code for core-js/index.js

module.exports = require('./features');

./features folder under index.js

//require('.. /modules/es.* require('.. /modules/es.symbol'); require('.. /modules/es.symbol.description'); . . //require('.. /modules/esnext.*'); require('.. /modules/esnext.aggregate-error'); require('.. /modules/'); . . //require('.. /modules/web.*'); require('.. /modules/web.dom-collections.for-each'); require('.. /modules/web.dom-collections.iterator'); . . module.exports = require('.. /internals/path');

Import “core-js” import “core-js” import

import "core-js/es";
import "core-js/web";
import "core-js/proposals";

Other equivalence, can be seen from the source code clearly.

The polyfill of package/core-js, the underlying mechanism is all done by the modules inside the internals and modules. Using the modules of these two folders directly in a direct project is not officially recommended because they are internal implementations that are likely to change during version iterations

The source code for package/core-js-pure differs from package/core-js only in two folders, Internals and Modules. Everything else is the same. If you open the source library above, you see that there is only one overrides folder in core-js-pure, which contains both internals and modules folders. It’s easy to guess that the core-js-pure package is based on copying the core-js package and then overlaying the internals and modules.

Use in conjunction with Babel

It’s listed in the official documentation

  • @babel/polyfill
  • @babel/preset-env
  • @babel/runtime

This article will not be covered here, but it will be described in the following two chapters, “How to Design the” Perfect “Polyfill Solution for Babel’s Profile”.


  • The core – js’s official website
  • Core-JS and Gasket Concept