Create your own online wiki documentation system using Baklib

What is Baklib?

Baklib is an online document management system designed for use by teams, individuals, etc. The original purpose of the developer is to facilitate the internal use of the company, referring to many foreign wiki tools, among which I think intercom is the most similar.

How do I get Baklib

This is an online web tool, you can use it online by entering the official website address in the browser. This tool is not open source, but all the API interface is open.

Setting up the environment and preparation

As an online saas wiki building tool without database and server… Everything is online on the Baklib platform. The cost of trial and error is extremely low.

How to build

Here’s how to build a product. In this section, we’ll take the tutorial from Baklib’s website and include a real wiki site at the end of the article.

Create a site

  • Choose the use scenario for the production
  • Select a theme style for the help center/Knowledge base site to display
  • Enter the name of the help center/knowledge base site, the domain name visited, and the color of the currently selected topic

Second, add site content

Adding site content

Note: articles should be placed in columns. You can choose which column to store the articles in when editing. Do not select the system will default to the first column, support multi-level column Settings.

3. Setting of basic information

On the Basic Information Settings page, set the name, logo, and icon displayed on the help center or knowledge base site.

Basic information Settings

Fourth, theme style

Theme style setting interface, you can switch the current theme, set the color of the theme, set the slogan, PC and mobile terminal large picture display style (all need to set oh!!) , seo of the help center/knowledge base site (recommended Settings) Remember to click on the lower left corner of save after filling in everything!

Baklib supports changing secondary domain names for “preview sites” and binding independent domain names

Data uploaded to Baklib can be downloaded locally by users in addition to regular backup by the system.

Five, effect preview

Once the content and theme are set up, click the “Preview site” button in the upper right corner to see the final presentation! (Through: “** site permissions” ** plug-in can control user access permissions).
