The background,

Recently, I went to the GMTC conference and saw the speech on how to manage the team given by Zhang Shudi, the head of ali’s front-end management team. So I want to record his management experience.

2. Career paths

  • 2014.4 induction
  • 2016.4 Marketing front-end team (6 people)
  • Hangzhou Front-end Team (20 people)
  • 2018.11 Shopping Guide Team (35 people)
  • Digital Management Team (60 people)

Third, the dilemma of new managers

3.1 The dilemma of technology managers

Managers of technical functions are mostly selected from candidates of high professional level, who have higher technical level and richer practical experience; But most people don’t quickly realize that management itself is a separate discipline, with its own job picture and skill tree requirements. The gap between P and L is often closed by “sacrifice team”

3.2 Transition from partner to leader

Iv. How new managers deconstruct “management”

4.1 Steward (goal-oriented, personnel integration)

4.4.1 target

Core: Direction (sense of vision) and efficiency (execution)

Technical experience => Find the right service feedback => improve efficiencyCopy the code

Methodology: • Bridging technology and business: talking about business in technical language and technology in business language • Sorting out production relations: from the perspective of the team, matching organizational structure with technical structure • Organizing ice-breaking: whether organizational obstacles can be cleared is the watershed of an excellent managerCopy the code

4.1.2 organization

Core: No matter the person or the person, the key is the unity of personnel

Methodology: organization perspective: follow the organization's goals for management decision, some conflict will face to face with competent perspective: the important things with good man or woman is worth spending more time, staff perspective: "130% rule", keep the height of the legs to be able to team perspective: no pot, let the best people faster growth, promote the echelon formationCopy the code

4.1.3 principle

Core: Drive the team by principle, not authority, and let the right things happen naturally

Methodology: • Create organization-pure functions: Goals → Y = F (x) → Results, TL should remain stateless • Keep your eyes focused, hands open: Pay more attention to "organization functions" implementation, precipitation Principles ‣ such as technical reviews, project reviews, grayscale publishing, rewards and penalties rules... • Isolation of the outfield: TL should have a management focus, maintain a unified style of leadership, and refuse to rain or shine, moodyCopy the code


4.2 Managing people (from management to leadership)

2 empathy

Core: Empathy as a science requires both theory and practice

Methodology: • Divide and rule and prune: Rely on scientific methods to reduce complexity and gradually approach the optimal solution • Use evaluation tools: Four images eight Diagrams, MBTI, enneagram, DISC, TUIQue, 360 feedback... • A good memory is worse than a bad writing: Structure your management exobyte and keep it updated • Be grateful: Managers often grow at the expense of their teamsCopy the code

4.2.2 trust

Core: identify the crowd, distinguish the stages, and grasp the key points

Methodology: can shape a sense of security: empathy, 1 v1, instant communication management, dare to promise, keep his promise ‣ typical words: I understand, I believe, you can do to shape a sense of accomplishment: to succeed, to maintain public interests above everything else, is explained, seeking truth from facts, the reward is distinct ‣ typical words: you should, you are great, shaping the sense of mission, you deserve it. You have self-discipline, continuous learning, clarity of purpose, proactive preaching, leading missions and leading statements: See me, follow me, and HAVE meCopy the code

Holdings of collusion

Core: get things done = ability + method, the key to get things done, is to let people have the ability to master the right way

Methodology: • Teach by example: imitation is human's nature, and the supervisor is the first target to be imitated by new employees. • Get out of the way in the torrent: help outstanding students get results, build team influence and form echelon. • Keep introspective: TL's individual ability is the boundary and ceiling of the teamCopy the code


The full text summary

Core: What a manager should do is to stimulate and release the inherent potential of people, create value and benefit others. That’s the nature of management. Education is a valuable thing, just keep in mind that nothing worth knowing can ever be taught.

❤️ Thank you all

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