Abstract: I believe that everyone wants to have a blog, a place for their own writing. Today, I will talk about how to use VuePress and Github Github Pages to create a blog of their own. The lightweight blog also supports markdown writing without using a domain name, which greatly improves the favorability of writing. This article was published on the public account: Walking Coding
The blog address is as follows:
- Blog: easyhappy. Making. IO/travel – codi…
- Code address: github.com/easyhappy/t…
You can open to see the effect:
Needless to say, VuePress is a vuUe-based static website generator with minimal style and simple configuration. The reason why I don’t use VitePress is because I want to use the existing theme, while VitePress is not compatible with the current VuePress ecosystem. As for why I don’t choose VuePress@next, considering that it is still in the Beta stage, I will start the migration after it is stable.
The installation process
The current version of Node I use is: V16.14.2. Please check your node version before installing it.
You can also see VuePress website tutorial: v2.vuepress.vuejs.org/guide/getti…
1. Create a project
mkdir vuepress-starter
cd vuepress-starter
Copy the code
2. Initialize the project
git init
yarn init
Copy the code
3. Install VuePress
yarn add -D vuepress
Copy the code
4. Add the following script to package.json
"scripts": {
"docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs",
"docs:build": "vuepress build docs"
Copy the code
Create the first file
mkdir docs
echo '# Hello VuePress' > docs/README.md
Copy the code
6. Run the following command to start the local server
yarn docs:dev
Copy the code
If you visit http://localhost:8080/ and the following screen appears, you have set up your blog.
7. Basic configuration
Create a.vuepress directory under the docs directory, where all vuepress-related files will be stored.
The command
mkdir docs/.vuepress
touch docs/.vuepress/config.js
Copy the code
Your project structure might look like this:
.├ ─ ├─ download.txt ├─ download.txt ├─ download.txtCopy the code
6. Add config.js to the.vuepress folder and configure the title and description of the website to facilitate SEO:
cat > docs/.vuepress/config.js
Copy the code
Module. exports = {title: 'walking-coding blog ', description:' walking-coding blog '}Copy the code
At this point you can see that the site title has become a blog for Walking Coding
7. Add navigation
We now add a navigation bar in the upper right corner of the top of the page and modify config.js:
Module. Exports = {title: 'procoding ', description:' procoding ', themeConfig: {nav: [{text: 'home ', link: '/'}, {text:' walk coding blog ', items: [{text: 'Github', link: "Https://github.com/easyhappy/travel-coding"}, {text: 'public number, the link: 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Npkk0oHEszZrUP2yRiTaSA' } ] } ] } }Copy the code
The running effect is as follows:
8. Add the left sidebar
Now let’s add some MD documents. The current directory of the documents is as follows:
Run the following command
Command 1:
Mkdir docs/about cat > docs/about/brief. Md Hello, I'm the author of walking Coding. It's a great pleasure for us to be here. Can pay attention to the public number, communicate together.Copy the code
Command 2:
Mkdir docs/mysql cat > docs/mysql/brief SQL optimization, indexes, storage engines, transactions, deadlocks, optimistic locks, pessimistic locks, relational vs. non-relational databases, etc. Ask these a few points basically also almost 10~20 minutes (general round interview 1 hour or so), basically these can let the interviewer have a certain understanding of your database knowledge. If you have experience in online operations, you will also ask questions such as database expansion, how to add indexes to a large table, how to add fields to a large table during peak business hours, etc.Copy the code
The current document catalog is as follows:
. ├ ─ docs │ ├ ─ README. Md │ └ ─. Vuepress │ └ ─ config. Js | └ ─ mysql | └ ─ brief. The md | └ ─ about | └ ─ brief. The md | └ ─ package.jsonCopy the code
8. Set the sidebar module docs/.vuepressconfig.js, add the left navigation bar, complete the Settings as follows:
Module. Exports = {title: 'procoding ', description:' procoding ', themeConfig: {nav: [{text: 'home ', link: '/'}, {text:' walk coding blog ', items: [{text: 'Github', link: "Https://github.com/easyhappy/travel-coding"}, {text: 'public number, the link: 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Npkk0oHEszZrUP2yRiTaSA' } ] } ], sidebar: [ { title: 'mysql', path: '/', collapsable: False, // Do not collapse children: [{title: "foreword ", path: "/mysql/brief"},]}, {title: 'About me ', path: '/', collapsable: False, // children: [{title: "public id ", path: "/about/brief"},]}]}}Copy the code
The renderings are as follows:
9. Set a blog theme
yarn add vuepress-theme-reco
Copy the code
Put the following code into config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
theme: 'reco'
// ...
Copy the code
You can set the display mode.
9. Now VuePress is basically finished. Here is how to publish the blog to Github Page. We will create a new repository on Github, and here I get the name of the repository: travel-coding.
Module. Exports = {/ / path called "/ REPO name > < your built/" base: '/ travel - coding /, / /... }Copy the code
10. Add the following files or directories to the.gitignore file.
echo 'node_modules' >> .gitignore
echo '.temp' >> .gitignore
echo '.cache' >> .gitignore
Copy the code
Vuepress-starter: vuepress-starter: vuepress-starter: vuepress-starter: vuepress-starter
#! /usr/bin/env sh set -e # generate static file NPM run docs:build # go to the generated folder CD docs/.vuepress/dist git init git add -a Git commit -m 'deploy' ### imporant https://<USERNAME>.github git@github.com:easyhappy/travel-coding.git master:gh-pages cd -Copy the code
12, run the command, the compiled blog file will be pushed to github project gh-Pages
sh deploy.sh
Copy the code
13, In the project Settings -> Pages to see the corresponding blog address, you can also set the root directory and custom domain name
I finally generated blog: easyhappy. Making. IO/travel – codi… Code address: github.com/easyhappy/t…
This completes the deployment of VuePress and Github Pages.
Let’s walk coding and enjoy yourself.