There are many mainstream back-end development languages, and C++ development language is one of them, and many people want to become C++ development engineers. So how to become a good C++ development engineer?

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1, because c + + language is near the bottom, need to have some knowledge of computer principle, and the more do finally in the big problems, will involve the very bottom of things, and even catch up with assembly inside to find the crux of the problem is the possibility of things, so to do good, the computer system is clear, basic operating system interface to use, A deep understanding of how computer memory is allocated and managed, stack static data areas, and so on, are the markers that distinguish high-level languages, which do not care about the underlying implementation details and focus on the framework structure.

2, good coding foundation, basic grammar must be solid, some old programmers for the callback function is not clear, only simple module function operation can only do some modular work, C++ grammar details due to more complicated of course also have to keep up with.

The programmer’s experience is mainly reflected in the project experience. The interview for a new company mainly depends on what project you have done before, what role you take in the project, whether you have the ability to lead a team alone and so on are the key points of consideration. Project actual combat will be the usual accumulation of all things out, and dig out their greatest potential.

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