“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Some people joke that the role of Leader is not to let the product 🐕 harass the working siege lion 🦁-😂 citation, there is no blackguard meaning. An excellent front-end Leader should learn to reject appropriately and learn to say No. It’s not that more is better, it’s that less is more. Behind this is actually the current Internet technology development to a certain stage, the emergence of professional barriers. You need professionals who know the business and know the technology to make the plan.

I was born in the front end, known as a monk sweeping the floor. I led the front end business team for 5 years and led the team to win a number of technical innovation awards successively. At present, HE is the technical director of efficiency engineering.

Technology can’t be lost

As a front-end Leader, the atlas basically includes all the skills that should be possessed, which can be selected according to one’s own business line. No matter how long I post on the Internet, you may not see it, but you should find it yourself, and I won’t talk about it here.

Be technically sensitive

After all, I am engaged in technology, so I suggest that I should pay more attention to technology, keep Coding, and keep learning and understanding cutting-edge technology. Reduce the management of formal processes, reduce unnecessary meetings and so on. But not without the ability to manage, or the team’s output will be compromised.

I usually spend 30 minutes every morning or evening reading some forums and cutting-edge technology blogs such as Hit Up, Search For Knowledge, Minority, etc. Always be sensitive to technology.

Cutting-edge Technology Pool:

  • InfoQ Front end column
  • The daily times
  • indepth indepth-react

Dachang team should pay attention to:

  • Ali.UED
  • dropsFE BLOG
  • The headline front-end
  • Have a great front end
  • tencentAlloyTeam
  • tencentTNFE
  • baiduEFE
  • HYPERS front-end team blog
  • InfoQ Front end column
  • Imprint Chinese Weekly
  • Ruan Yifeng teacher weekly
  • Ant data experience technology team
  • TNFE-Weekly

Sometimes it is necessary to learn back-end Node, because the language of the back-end helps to feed back the front-end technology capabilities. My first teacher is known to all, has more than 90 million reading volume, share pure dry goods most direct Liao Xuefeng – node.js

Maintain technical depth

Writing some functions by hand is a basic skill, it is best to achieve proficiency, can strengthen memory through practice. Here are just a few of them. There are many online sources. It’s best to find someone who can program online and quickly build problems without tools.

Handwritten instanceof

Handwritten deep copy

Handwritten image stabilization

function debounce(fn, delay) {
     if(typeoffn! = ='function') {
        throw new TypeError(F sub n is not a function.)}let timer; // Maintain a timer
     return function () {
         var _this = this; // call debounce to execute scoped this(the object to which the original function is mounted)
         var args = arguments;
         if (timer) {
         timer = setTimeout(function () {
            fn.apply(_this, args); // Apply to the object that called debounce, equivalent to _this.fn(args);
         }, delay);
input1.addEventListener('keyup', debounce(() = > {
}), 600)

Copy the code

Brush algorithm

Make good use of tools

Technology people should despise their repetitive work. Technology is productivity. Learn to use tools to reduce repetitive tasks. Tool mastery can double your productivity and contribute to a pleasurable work experience.

I recommend outils, a lightweight tool library that supports modular loading. It is strongly recommended to read the source code, and then the project can be readily encapsulated a class library.


Unbug.github. IO /codelf/


Web front-end quality Chinese document,docschina.org/


RegExr is an HTML/ JS-BASED online tool for creating, testing, and learning regular expressions.


  • The results are updated in real time as you enter them
  • Supports JavaScript and PHP/PCRE RegEx
  • Moves a match or expression to details
  • Save and share the expression with others
  • Undo and redo using CMD-z /Y in the editor


Tool set:tool.lu/


CodeSandbox is an online code editor that focuses on creating Web application projects. CodeSandbox

Support mainstream front-end related file editing: JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, Less, Sass, Scss, HTML, PNG, etc.


LightHouse is an open source automation tool designed to improve the quality of web applications. In it you can see it gives you advice on various aspects, such as image, CSS, JS file handling, as well as the use of tags in HTML, cache handling and other suggestions, can be based on these to optimize the site.

Can I Use

Can I Use this is a customized for front-end developers a query CSS, Js in the popular browser clock features and compatibility of the site, Can be very good to ensure the browser compatibility of the web page.

With this tool you can quickly see the effect of the code in each browser clock. For example, query the browser support for transform:


Carbon is an online code-to-image tool. Send a friend circle, send a pulse, send a blog what thief can play X. Especially we do front-end, to pay attention to user experience, all output things must look past.


TinyPNG PNG/JPG image compression tool online, intelligent PNG and JPEG image compression. I used 5 years, really want to write a set to sell ~

Github most complete front end navigation

FrontEndGitHub is a collection of the latest and most complete quality github articles and tools from the front end to the full stack.

. There are many more, but it’s the idea of using tools to improve efficiency.

Management thinking

To be a qualified front-end LD is not only to have the ability of code and architecture, but to be able to understand their products from the perspective of business and users, to make technology the cornerstone of business value, and to continuously expand their influence and improve the efficiency of the whole team by leveraging more resources.

  1. You can add value to your business.
  2. You have the ability to seize opportunities without regret.
  3. People like you and stay positive after working with you.
  4. You can keep learning and improving.

Share a few insights from being a manager:

  • Loose management will only make the team more and more lazy, and as time goes by, more and more members of the team will not find the value point, thus losing.

  • Always encourage the team to develop what they are good at, interested in, and willing to do in their field. Guide and channel resources to help them deliver higher achievement and value.

    Note: Many programmers love technology, love to learn new things, and love to use new things in their products. You need to find ways to give them the opportunity to create conditions – this is your responsibility as a manager.

  • High demand for high growth, immediate rewards, work and rest, strong team cohesion, strong execution, landing sound.

If you are interested in the future trends of front-end, please go to “future Trends of front-end 2022”.

💥 I am sweeping the floor blind monk, I hope my share can bring you help ~

Follow me, your encouragement depends directly on whether I have the courage to write a shared post at 😂