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In my last article, I took a look at how to do Android development in UE4. Today, I’m going to talk about how to add a character to a UE4 scene.
This article doesn’t cover code, so it seems relatively simple, so without further ado, here we go.
Create a subclass of Character
In the UE4 editor, open file – new C++ class.
Select Character, and I’ll name this subclass that inherits from Character: Hero.
Once created, your VS project will have two more files, hero.h and hero.cpp, which I will explain in the next article.
Import the resource
UE4 mall provides a lot of free resources for beginners to use, so I plan to use its free resources in today’s article, open Epic Launcher or the web version of Epic Mall, and then search the Animation Starter Pack.
Then add the downloaded resources to the project you want to import.
Once imported, you will have an additional resource, the AnimStarterPack, in your project.
Create the blueprint class for the role
In the UE4 editor, open the Window-Developer Tools-class Viewer to create the blueprint Class.
Search for the Hero class I created above, then right-click to create the blueprint class BP_Hero.
Add Mesh and animation
Select Mesh in the BP_Hero blueprint class.
Then find the Mesh in the Skeletal Mesh on the right and select SK_Mannequin from the Skeletal Mesh.
In the Animation TAB, select UE4ASP_HeroTPP_AnimBlueprint.
Drag BP_Hero into our scene.
Run, and our character appears in the scene.
The last
At this point I’m done putting the character into the scene, isn’t it? In the next article, I’ll show you how to use code to make the character run in our scene.
I am Jie Shao, if you think my writing is good, then please give me a thumbs-up + comments + favorites before leaving oh!
Previous articles:
- UE4: Android Platform development practice Guide
- UE4 Development Pit Avoidance Guide (continuously updated)
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- Love and Hate with Apple auditors (Part 1)
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Finally, creation is not easy, if it is helpful to you, I hope you can praise and support, what questions can also be discussed in the comments section
~ **