Let’s say you’re playing SimCity, but you have to build cities using the following tools:

Central theme – city center, key ideas – main roads, secondary ideas – secondary roads, signs – landmark pictures

So what do you do to make the structure of the city logical, to make the planning of the city more reasonable? That’s what we’ll be talking about, as well as how to make structure sound in our mind mapping XMind: ZEN.

Balance mind maps

Balanced mind maps are a common structure in mind maps that have a point of view on each side of the central topic, providing a clear view of all the key ideas of the topic.

It’s very effective to make shopping lists, packing lists, travel planning lists, etc., so that you don’t miss all the points/categories.

The timeline

A timeline is a list of events arranged in chronological order. A timeline is usually a long horizontal/vertical bar with parallel dates.

The timeline shows each time node of the event, or important historical tipping point. You can also use it for a history lesson or to create a special anniversary book.

Organization chart

Daniel McCallum, a Scottish-American engineer, created the first organisational chart of American business. An organization chart is a chart that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative grades of its parts, positions, and jobs.

With a clear view of the structure, complex relationships can be eliminated, but brief information can be provided to the organization.

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This article reprinted from: https://www.xmind.net/blog/en/2019/03/chapter-i-of-structures-in-xmind-zen/