Chinese programmers have only two states, just job-hopping and ready to job-hopping.

    With the rapid development of China’s IT industry, the demand for IT professionals is constantly expanding. I remember that when I graduated in 2008, I was particularly satisfied to find a 3k job in The Imperial Capital. Now even programmers who can only write “Hello World” without five digits are embarrassed to say that they are developers. If your salary does not rise by half, you are embarrassed to change your job. After working for more than 2-3 years, your resume will be in the hands of various companies and headhunters. If you do not receive several calls from HR or headhunters in a week, it is really a little uncomfortable. In the face of the beautiful prospects described by HR and headhunters, and think about your own experience, the decision of job-hopping will be happily confirmed.

    I often read some articles, sometimes also pay attention to some workplace articles, so I have a relatively clear understanding of my career, but there are still a lot of shortcomings in retrospect. I thought e-commerce was a good industry early on. When I changed my job after working for two years, I planned to work for an e-commerce company. Check out the list of Hao123 e-commerce websites one by one and see their recruitment positions and requirements. Basically, all the well-known companies have looked over and found that only Taobao and Kuba use Java, while JINGdong uses.NET, but there are Java positions. Later, after some efforts, X East turned over the brand and entered the e-commerce industry.” Compared to the efforts of most people, there is no need to fight for talent. “I like this sentence very much. In order not to fight for my weak talent, I study and work very hard. But someone where there is a river’s lake, everyone on the team’s ability to have differences, but the contribution and the role of individuals in a team is very difficult to quantify and compare, so although I very hard (personal will infinite amplifier amplified the advantages of each other’s weakness), but found that I still not a member of the core, in the team did not undertake the task of the core, Of course, they don’t get any benefits. Therefore, in the face of competition from other partners, I gradually fell into the disadvantage. After working for almost a year, IN the face of endless bombardments from HR and headhunters, I had the idea of job-hopping. Therefore, I gradually put down the competitive mentality and focused on the work at hand, and felt that my mood and thinking were broadened.

    Although I have the idea of job-hopping, there is no suitable position, so I will interview some companies when the leaders do not pay attention. As a professional, team work should be done well at any time and should be done well in any state. Therefore, ALTHOUGH I had the idea of job-hopping at that time, I still did my job conscientiously and conscientiously. At that time, the team had an important task, which was also very important to the company, so our team was riveted during that period. It took 2 months of development and 2 months of online testing. At least once a week, we pulled an all-nighter. I was recognized by leaders for my contribution and gradually became the core of the team. Job-hopping is slowly subsiding, but HR and headhunters continue to bombard. One day, a headhunter introduced a position in a tuhao company. The salary was very good, so I went to the job with the attitude of trying. The interviewer was so proud that he simply accepted. Although I did, I didn’t really want to go there, because my work place was far away and I gradually gained recognition in the original company. So I asked the headhunter to offer me twice my current salary, and the rich company agreed with me and offered me a bonus of 4 months. This time, I was ready to quit my job. After two days of hesitation, I decided to go there. The leader also talked to me about the salary. When asked about the salary, he also said that the salary was really powerful, and it would take us 2-3 years to reach this figure.

    Reasons for job-hopping at that time:

    The company has a good treatment, and the company is a department vigorously developed by the group. It has a good development prospect, so it should give priority to accumulation of capital since it has worked for two years and started a business in its hometown. X East has already a large scale and even passed the expansion period, so there is little chance of rise.

    Even now, it is still an attractive position.

    But here’s the difference:

    Me: The company did not develop, has been in chaos, because the company did not develop personal promotion channels are not unobstructed. Now he has resigned from tuhao company.

    Because there is no more than two years of experience in the last five years, many well-known companies directly pass the resume.

    My friends at that time:

    X East continues to expand, some partners become management posts, some become architects, welfare benefits and title have been greatly improved, major companies compete for recruitment.

    When should we change jobs and what positions are worth changing:

    1. The leading company in the sun industry.

    2. The core department of the company.

    3. If it’s a startup company, it needs a good leadership team.

    4. Have a good fit with your immediate supervisor (the first or second interview is likely to be your immediate supervisor).

    Their ability can not play in the original company, no pay, no gain

    The taboo of job-hopping:

    1, low salary, mature company salary is its own set of mechanisms, the company in the industry goal and position positioning salary is related.

    2, encountered difficulties, difficulties have always existed, every position has its advantages and disadvantages, the way to overcome the opponent is to “endure” each other.

    3. It is normal to find that there is a difference between the current situation of the company and their expectations when they have just joined the company for about 1 year. The matchmaker will praise his daughter.

    There is no end in front, hope in the corner. IT people calm down, make an effort, maybe the current company gains more.

    As a professional, no matter what state must do their own hand work.

    Reprint please note: Sun Haojie’s blog » HOW should IT personnel job-hopping