Huawei hcip certification is the highest value in huawei’s certificate a certificate, everyone wants to get huawei hcip certification as soon as possible, and then to find a job, a lot of friends in the preparation of huawei hcip certification exams, all want to know the test process and get a certificate after work, the problem of how much salary can get, The latter is one of the issues that everyone is more concerned about. Here, I will say to my friends how much a month’s salary is for holding HUAWEI HCIP certification and how the HUAWEI HCIP examination process is.

How much is the salary for a month with HUAWEI HCIP certification?

First, let’s talk about a realistic salary, because most people have average abilities, we don’t say the highest or the lowest, they usually get Huawei HCIP certification, and the salary in second-tier cities is 5 to 8 thousand, and the salary in first-tier cities is 10 thousand, which is a relatively normal salary.

How much is the salary for a month with HUAWEI HCIP certification? What is Huawei’s HCIP exam process?

Why is there such a big difference in salary?

In fact, this is a very easy question to understand, if you study with a partner again, we have to admit that some people have good learning ability, some people have good technical ability, some people come out for interviews, good presentation skills, finally, these factors determine our salary level.

If the salary as a Huawei Certified Network Engineer is not high, how can I improve it

So, if you just come out, and your salary is not very high, for example, some people may get a salary of 3500 or 4000, don’t give up speaking out of turn at this time, because the most important thing for network engineers is your future development.

Your first month’s salary doesn’t mean you’re going to make the same amount of money for the rest of your life. It could be because your company can’t afford to pay you a high salary, or it could be because you make a mistake during an interview.

Therefore, the best way to increase salary is to study more, interview more, and look for new opportunities as much as possible, because in the same situation, some companies may offer you 7000, while others may only offer you 3000, which is completely caused by the strength of the company.

How much is the salary for a month with HUAWEI HCIP certification? What is Huawei’s HCIP exam process?

Huawei HCIP examination process

Make an appointment to take the exam → take the exam → you can apply for the certificate after passing the exam (you need to make an appointment again if you fail the exam).

All certification tests are required to make an appointment in advance of the test time and place, pay the test fee to the scheduled test site to take the exam, after the exam passed to Huawei website to apply for a certificate.

HCIP belongs to the senior network engineer of huawei, mainly engaged in small and medium-sized network planning, design, configuration and maintenance, including network foundation, common interface and cable, Ethernet switch, router principle, TCP/IP protocol, wan protocol, routing protocol, DDR/ISDN, access control lists, simple network troubleshooting, backup center.

How much is the salary for a month with HUAWEI HCIP certification? After you get huawei hcip certification, one month’s salary is very high, if is good economic conditions in the city, can get tens of thousands of yuan a month, this is more than any other industry wages are high, so everyone in order to better future, after all to go to work, hope to get huawei hcip certification at an early date.