
About inheritance, how much do you know, what kind of inheritance is the most optimal, let’s learn some knowledge about inheritance, take you to understand their implementation process, as well as their advantages and disadvantages

The relationship between constructor, prototype object, and instance object

Understanding their relationship first helps to understand inheritance better

Prototype chain inheritance

Core: The parent class instance as a subclass prototype code implementation process:

function Parent(name){ = name || 'xt'.this.arr = [1]}function Son(age){
    this.age = age
Parent.prototype.say = function() { // Define methods that need to be reused and shared on the parent class prototype
Son.prototype = new Parent()
let s1 = new Son(18)
let s2 = new Son(19)
console.log(s1.say() === s2.say()); //true
console.log(,s1.age); //xt 18
console.log(,s2.age); //xt 19
console.log(s1.arr,s2.arr); // [1, 2] [1, 2]
Copy the code


  • Instance inheritable properties are: constructor properties of the instance, constructor properties of the parent class, and stereotype properties of the parent class. (The new instance does not inherit the attributes of the parent instance!)


  • Subclass instances share reference properties of the parent constructor, such as the arR property (attributes on stereotypes are shared; if a stereotype property is modified by one instance, the stereotype property is modified by the other!).
  • You cannot pass parameters to the parent constructor

Borrow constructor inheritance

Core: To enhance a subclass instance by borrowing the parent class’s constructor is to copy the instance attributes of the parent class to the subclass

Code implementation:

function Parent(name) { = name;
    this.arr = [1].this.say = function() { console.log('hello')}}function Son(name, age) {, name) // Copy the instance properties and methods of the parent class
    this.age = age
let s1 = new Son('XiaoTan'.18)
let s2 = new Son('Ming'.19)
console.log(s1.say === s2.say) // False methods cannot be reused methods are independent, not shared
console.log(, s1.age); / / XiaoTan 18
console.log(, s2.age); / / xiao Ming 19
console.log(s1.arr, s2.arr); // [1, 2]
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  • Only the properties of the superclass constructor are inherited, not the properties of the superclass prototype.
  • Can inherit multiple constructor properties (call multiple)
  • Arguments can be passed to the parent in a child instance.


  • Only attributes of the parent constructor can be inherited.
  • Constructor reuse cannot be implemented. (Call it again every time you use it)
  • Each new instance has a bloated copy of the superclass constructor.

Primary inheritance

Core: Wrap an object with a function, and return a call to that function. The function becomes an instance or object that can be added any properties you want

function Parent(name) { = 'xt';
    this.arr = [1]}function object(obj){
    function F(){}
    F.prototype = obj;
    return new F();
let s1 = new Parent(object) = 'Ming'
let s2 = new Parent(object)
console.log(,; Xiaoming / / xt
console.log(s1.arr, s2.arr); //[1, 2]
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  • All instances inherit properties from the stereotype and cannot pass parameters
  • Reuse cannot be achieved. (New instance attributes are added later)

Parasitic inheritance

Core: On the basis of the original type inheritance, enhance the object, return the constructor

function Parent(name) { = 'xt';
    this.arr = [1]}function object(obj){
    function F(){}
    F.prototype = obj;
    return new F();
let Son = new Parent()
function addobject(obj){
    var add = object(obj) = 'white'
    return add
var s1 = addobject(Son)
console.log(; / / a small white
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  • No prototype, no reuse.
  • The prototype chain inherits multiple instances of reference type attribute pointing to the same, there is the possibility of tampering.

Composite inheritance (composite stereotype chain inheritance and borrowed constructor inheritance)

Core: Inherits the attributes of the parent class and retains the advantages of passing arguments by calling the parent constructor. Then the function reuse is realized by using the parent class instance as the prototype of the subclass.

Code implementation:

function Parent(name) { = name;
    this.arr = [1]
Parent.prototype.say = function () { console.log('hello')}function Son(name, age) {, name) / / second
    this.age = age
Parent.prototype = new Son() / / a
let s1 = new Son('XiaoTan'.18)
let s2 = new Son('Ming'.19)
console.log(s1.say === s2.say) // true
console.log(, s1.age); / / XiaoTan 18
console.log(, s2.age); / / xiao Ming 19
console.log(s1.arr, s2.arr); // [1] [1] does not share reference attributes of the parent class,
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  • The advantage of preserving constructors is that you can create subclass instances and pass arguments to the superclass constructor.
  • The advantage of preserving the prototype chain is that the method of the parent class is defined on the prototype object of the parent class, which can realize method reuse.
  • Reference attributes of the parent class are not shared. For example, the ARR attribute


  • Because the constructor of the parent class was called twice, there is an extra copy of the parent instance attribute

Parasitic combinatorial inheritance

Core: a combination of borrowed constructors for passing parameters and parasitic patterns for inheritance

function Parent(name){ = name || 'xt'.this.arr = [1]}function Son(name,age){,name) / / core
    this.age = age
Parent.prototype.say = function() {  
Son.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype) // The core is separated by creating intermediate objects, subclass stereotypes, and superclass stereotypes.
Son.prototype.constructor = Son
let p1 = new Parent()

let s1 = new Son("Little red".18)
let s2 = new Son("Black".19)
console.log(p1.constructor); //[Function: Parent]
console.log(s1.constructor); // [Function: Son]
console.log(s1.say() === s2.say()); //true
console.log(,s1.age); / / the little red 18
console.log(,s2.age); / / the little black 19
console.log(s1.arr,s2.arr); // [1, 2] [1, 2]
Copy the code

Parasitic combination inheritance can be regarded as the best reference type inheritance

Hope this article can be helpful to you!