As the saying goes, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, while men are afraid of entering the wrong line.

Programmer this line, neither poor nor rich, rely on technology to eat, has been the individual face of the occupation. Into the programmer of this line of brothers, even after the apprentice, talking about the early programming career, are still proud.

One of the sad things about the programmer profession, though, is that it has a very high percentage of useless jobs.

To put it bluntly, most of the code that programmers work so hard on is useless and will be thrown away.

This characteristic is very distinct, and other profession gap is quite big.

Compared with farmers, farmers produce little waste. Some years, cabbage harvest price is too low, but can feed pigs? Even if it can only rot in the field, it will still be fertile, not a total waste.

Compared to construction workers, it takes them decades to lay bricks and build houses. There are unfinished buildings, but the proportion is very low, right? Is it rare to see a half-built building torn down and relaid because of poor quality? Even if there are newly built houses, torn down, they are in the minority.

Well, one occupation that has a high percentage of invalid jobs is the military. Soldiers practice hard every day, to shoot tens of millions of bullets, but most soldiers in their lives, never put a bullet into the human body. But, on the other hand, the effective job of a soldier has to be one of shock and awe. In this sense, the rate of ineffective work in the military is not really low.

Programmers are different.

Casually in shangdi west two flags stopped a dusty face, temples has frost man, asked him this ten or twenty years of code, how many percent, still in operation? When he thought about it, he would cry a thousand times.

If a programmer says, no, almost all the code I’ve written over the years runs and works. Then he must be in enterprise application projects, not products. Enterprise application projects, at any rate, can last for years. Do products, do not throw a few versions, can a boutique?

Programmer’s fate ah, is thrown, this code ah, is written, thrown to write.

Moreover, the programmer’s code is thrown away completely, useless. Clothes thrown can also be donated to the disaster area, waste code can not be donated to the disaster area, but can not feed pigs, rotten in the hard disk can not fat hard disk.

Complete and utter rubbish.

In the brotherhood, we have a saying: we are paratroopers, destined to be surrounded. Sounds like a hell of a lot of fun and heroic.

Programmers should say: We’re programmers, and code is meant to be thrown away. This sentence sounds, but it has a different taste of desolation.

Don’t talk about Ken or Linus. They’re “makers.” “makers” is not a profession, and you can’t measure effective work in percentage terms.

Throw throw, fortunately, programmers are Buddha sex, know color is empty namely is color, everything is illusory, it is virtual digital originally, throw. Plus, the more you throw, the more development jobs you get.

The bosses didn’t really feel bad, even though it was their money.

A boss, for example, said: “This code, and sperm are similar, writing code is like sex, you can not expect to produce results every time. The process is important. Enjoy the process.

The boss likes to throw away code.

Halfway through development, demand problems, throw; After the development of the online, the structure can not withstand the pressure, throw; Online to find users, no users willing to use, throw; Online users have used for half a year, the interface is not good-looking, throw; Don’t like a programmer, throw this write-me, throw;

Interestingly, however, the boss’s most successful product was developed 10 years ago, and the technology has long been on the verge of obsoleting, but he has been reluctant to throw it away.

Bosses who have been programmers, who have written code, are more likely to throw code away and have more waste on the team.

These tech-obsessed bosses are perfectionists, obsessive-compulsive, and obsessed with maintaining large teams of programmers. Waste is a waste, but it’s good.

But the boss of marketing background, is not so romantic, more be a trader, always want to ask: can change scrape together live line use?

What kind of boss do programmers like? Programmers, of course, have their own preferences and choices, the ones who pay the most.

Creative TV people could create a survey competition among programmers to see who has the highest rate of code being thrown away. The name of the show is. Where’s the code? Or you could say, throw away the code.

There are some professions that seek to make a work immortal, such as painting and writing. But interestingly, the top people in their industry are prone to rebellion. For example, the writer Franz Kafka burned his novels before he died, and the painter Gauguin burned his paintings before he died. These geniuses feel that there is no need to talk to the idiots all over the world. No one can understand them, let alone explain their secrets when they die. Oh, it’s lonely. Burn it up.

Programmers don’t. Programmers don’t go down in history in the first place, let alone burn their hard drives before they die. Programmers’ code is thrown away long before they die.

In case of death, there is still their own code running in the world, programmers will be very scared: I fuck, I die, who will maintain the code?

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Therefore, it is better to throw away the code early.