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It’s been two weeks since Google picked Kotlin. How much have you learned? I’m learning it as I go, NA! It’s not that it’s updated again.

Android geek

“Android geek “is a geek app specially designed for Android app apes. Your support is my biggest motivation !!!!

We warmly celebrate the entry of “Android Geek” into GitHub Trending, of course, this cannot be done without your support, thank you!! .

GitHub Trending.png

Recommendations updated this week

  • Some of the features were introduced this weekKotlinImplementation, all new features will be usedKotlinPS: Have you learned how to use Kotlin yet? Let’s masturbate code!
  • After two weeks of polishing, the experience effect of the article reading function has a qualitative leap
  • Add a lot of dry articles
  • Most importantly, it solved the issue of updating articles online (no longer relying on version updates).
  • The reading experience will be further improved in future releases. I’m sure most users are like me, working during the day and studying at night, so consider adding a night mode

GitHub address:…

The Demo Apk download

The main technical

  • Kotlin
  • MVP architecture
  • Retrofit + Okhttp
  • RxJava + RxAndroid
  • EventBus
  • Glide
  • Dagger2
  • Material Design
  • Logger
  • Butterknife
  • BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper






Update log

If you use the password management function, you are advised to use the backup function to export data to the local PC before the upgrade. If data is abnormal after the upgrade, you can import data for restoration.

The 2017-6-2

Release 1.2.1

  • Some of the features were introduced this weekKotlinImplementation, all new features will be usedKotlinimplementation
  • Optimize the experience effect of article reading function
  • Add a lot of dry articles
  • Fixed the issue of updating articles online (no longer relying on version updates to update articles)

The 2017-5-18

Release 1.2.0

  • Add technical dry goods module, Kotlin, RxJava to take the lead
  • Add online update function, can be updated to the latest version of the first time

The 2017-5-12

Release 1.1.2

  • Example Modify the password management search function
  • All GitHub modules support loading more features

The 2017-5-6

Release 1.1.1

  • GitHub adds more features for pull-up loading
  • GitHub added a search feature
  • Added check for updates and personal home page functions
  • Fix the bug that homepage does not refresh after login

The 2017-5-3

Release 1.1.0

  • Fix Android 4.3 and later failed to back up to SD card bug
  • Add sharing App feature
  • Add the Github module

The 2017-4-20

Release 1.0.1

  • Fixed a bug where some Android 6.0 devices could not back up and import data
  • Fixed a bug where Andorid 7.0 devices could not save passwords

The 2017-4-18

Release 1.0

The Demo Apk download

GitHub address:…

The GitHub module references the open source project… And modified it on its basis.