An overview of the
MVPArms is an Android that integrates a number of major open source projects Mvp quick build framework, which contains Dagger2Retrofit,Rxjava and Rxbinding,RxCache and other Rx tripartite libraries, and provides UI adaptive solutions, this framework will combine them, and all use Dagger2 management and provide developers to use, use this framework to develop your A Pp means you already have an MVP+Dagger2+Retrofit+Rxjava app, and you can easily get a STAR.
- Automatically generates MVP,Dagger2 related classes
- Support the development of large projects for easy expansion,Demo package structure can be directly used
- All use
Manage (use all modulesDagger
Connected, by no means simple to use) - A lot of use
- After modifying the package name, you can use it directly and quickly access it (for old project access, please follow the steps below).
- all
The adaptive - The image-loading class ImageLoader uses Policy mode and Builder mode to easily switch between image-loading frameworks and extensions
- The Model layer provides the Retrofit API and RxCache, which is optional
- global
Request(Request parameters.headers) Response(The result returned by the server.headers.Time consuming) information monitoring, can parse JSON according to the status code to do the corresponding global operation - global
Error handling, automatic retry after errors, capture all errors throughout the application
Package structure
Development of guidelines
- Developers need to have a certain
Ability to develop - Developers must have use
Experience, have not used must also understand, otherwise it is difficult to use
Introduction of Libraries
Google official productMvp
Schema project with multiple different schema branches (this is the Dagger branch).Dagger2
Google’s dependency injection framework, based on Square’s Dagger1, generates code dynamically through APT, which performs better than the dependency injection framework using reflection technology.Rxjava
Provides an elegant responsive Api to resolve asynchronous requests.RxAndroid
Provide responsive apis for Android.Rxlifecycle
A well-known pitfall for using RxJava on Android is life cycle unsubscription, which the framework solves perfectly by binding activity and Fragment lifecycles.Rxbinding
JakeWharton’s View binding framework gracefully handles View response events.RxCache
Is a cache library that adds a level 2 cache (memory, disk) to Retrofit using annotationsRetrofit
Square’s web request library greatly reduces the code and steps required for HTTP requests.Okhttp
Square also produced, not much introduction, do Android should know.Autolayout
Hongyang Dashen Android full size adaptation framework.Gson
Google’s official Json Convert framework.Butterknife
View injection framework from The God of JakeWharton.Androideventbus
A lightweight Eventbus that uses annotations.Timber
JakeWharton makes a Log framework with very little internal code, but a very good idea.Glide
This library is the framework’s default package image loading library, can follow the example to change to other libraries, APIS andPicasso
Almost. The caching mechanismPicasso
Complex, fast, suitable for processing large image streams, gFIT support,Fresco
It’s too big! In 5.0, the advantage is great, 5.0 and above the system default use of memory management andFresco
Speed and cross-platform make it one of the hottest databases available today, but the only problem is that the so library is too bigLeakCanary
Square made it for testingAndroid
Memory leak information is displayed in the notification barRxErroHandler
Error handling library that can be retried after an error occurs
1 Development Preparation
This framework is suitable for your own customization, all temporarily not uploaded to Jcenter or Maven, please download or clone
1.1 Importing a Framework
compile project(':arms')
Copy the code
1.2 reference config. The build
This framework provides a config.gradle file that references a large number of third-party libraries for third-party library versioning, copies config.gradle into the root directory, and references it in your project’s top-level build.gradle
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. apply from: Gradle file buildScript {repositories {jcenter()} dependencies {classpath 'com. Android. Tools. Build: gradle: 2.1.2' the individual module build. Gradle files allprojects {repositories {}} Jcenter () maven {url ""}} task clean(type: Delete) { delete rootProject.buildDir }Copy the code
1.2.1 使用
Because it is referenced in top-level build.gradle, you can use rootProject. XXX to use its contents in all build.gradle projects
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
testCompile rootProject.ext.dependencies["junit"]
compile rootProject.ext.dependencies["support-v4"]
compile rootProject.ext.dependencies["gson"]
compile rootProject.ext.dependencies["appcompat-v7"]
compile rootProject.ext.dependencies["cardview-v7"]
compile rootProject.ext.dependencies["autolayout"]
compile rootProject.ext.dependencies["butterknife"]
compile rootProject.ext.dependencies["androideventbus"]
Copy the code
You can also use it to manage project information, so that multiple modules can use one information directly
android {
useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'
defaultConfig {
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
Copy the code
1.3 depend on Dagger2
This framework is managed by Dagger2, so you must rely on Dagger2. Go to build.gradle of your app and add the following code
apply plugin: '' apply plugin: '' / / Use apt plugin buildScript {repositories {jCenter () mavenCentral()} dependencies {classpath 'com. Neenbedankt. Gradle. Plugins: android - apt: 1.8' / / use apt dependencies}} {apt RootProject. Ext. Dependencies [" dagger2 - apt - the compiler "] / / depends on apt plug-ins provided RootProject. Ext. Dependencies [" javax.mail. The annotation "] / / dagger2 must rely on JSR annotation}Copy the code
1.4 configuration AndroidManifest
1.4.1 Adding Permission
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
Copy the code
1.4.2 Configuring Autolayout Meta
To use the Autolayout adaptive framework, you must configure the Meta attributes and the width and height of the design diagram. See Autolayout for details
<meta-data Android :name="design_width" <meta-data Android :name="design_width" android:value="1080"/> <meta-data android:name="design_height" android:value="1920"/>Copy the code
1.4.3 Reference Glide Custom Attribute
The framework uses Glide by default to load images, but provides a unified interface to the ImageLoader manager, which makes it easy to replace the image loading framework with policy mode. The framework provides Glide’s custom cache configuration information by default and references its custom configuration information before using it
<! - glide configuration - > < meta - data android: name = "com. Jess. Very different. The widget. The imageloader. Glide. GlideConfiguration" android:value="GlideModule"/>Copy the code
1.5 confused
Since the framework relies on a large number of third-party libraries, all rules are already provided in under arms Module. If you want to use it, please copy it and replace the app Proguard-rules. pro in Module, you can modify or add rules according to your own requirements in case of confusion. Before confusion, be sure to add Java beans and custom components to the rules
2 Quick Start
2.1 inheritance BaseApplication
The Application of a new project inherits from BaseApplication and is declared in AndroidManifest
//BaseApplication is an abstract class that must implement getBaseUrl, which returns the required baseurl @override public String getBaseUrl() {return Api.APP_DOMAIN; }Copy the code
2.1.1 AppComponent
Application life cycle is the same as App, so it is suitable to provide some singletons. The framework uses Dagger2 management, so AppComponent is used to provide all the global singletons
- Create the AppComponent interface
@Singleton @Component(modules = {AppModule.class, ClientModule.class, ServiceModule.class, ImageModule.class, CacheModule.class}) public interface AppComponent { Application Application(); // ServiceManager,retrofitApi ServiceManager ServiceManager (); // CacheManager CacheManager CacheManager (); // RxErrorHandler RxErrorHandler (); OkHttpClient okHttpClient(); ImageLoader (); ImageLoader (); ImageLoader (); //gson Gson gson(); }Copy the code
- Construct the AppComponent object
@Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); MAppComponent = daggerAppComponent.Builder ().appModule(getAppModule())//baseApplication provided .ClientModule (getClientModule())//baseApplication provides.imagemodule (getImageModule())//baseApplication provides.Servicemodule (new) ServiceModule())// You need to create it.cachemodule (new cacheModule())// You need to; } // Return the AppComponent for use elsewhere, the instance returned by methods declared in the AppComponent interface, Public AppComponent getAppComponent() {return mAppComponent; }Copy the code
- ServiceModule(provide
Api) andCacheModule(provide cache) need to create their own, detailsServiceModule (2.1.2) ,CacheModule (2.1.3)
2.1.2 ServiceModule
ServiceModule provides RetrofitApi services. These Service objects are injected into AppComponent and managed by ServiceManager(inherited from BaseServiceManager)
- Self-defined Retrofit Service is as follows, skilled Retrofit please ignore
public interface CommonService {
String HEADER_API_VERSION = "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json";
Observable<List<User>> getUsers(@Query("since") int lastIdQueried, @Query("per_page") int perPage);
Copy the code
- Define the ServiceModule, which uses Retrofit objects (provided by ClientModule) to instantiate the Service interface, providing all Service objects (multiple Service interfaces can be divided according to different logic)
public class ServiceModule {
CommonService provideCommonService(Retrofit retrofit) {
return retrofit.create(CommonService.class);
Copy the code
- The AppComponent injects all services into the ServiceManager. All Model layers can access this object, meaning that each Model can request any Api
@Singleton public class ServiceManager implements BaseServiceManager { private CommonService mCommonService; / / If you want to add a service, just add the corresponding service in the constructor. Dagger2 injects @Inject Public ServiceManager(CommonService CommonService){If the ServiceModule provides this service, Dagger2 injects @Inject Public ServiceManager(CommonService CommonService){ this.mCommonService = commonService; } public CommonService getCommonService() { return mCommonService; }}Copy the code
2.1.3 CacheModule
The Cache layer uses RxCache by default. CacheModule provides RetrofitApi Cache objects. These Cache objects are injected into The AppComponent and managed by the CacheManager(which inherits from the BaseCacheManager)
- Self-defined RxCache providers are as follows. If you are familiar with RxCache, ignore them
public interface CommonCache {
@LifeCache(duration = 2, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES)
Observable<Reply<List<User>>> getUsers(Observable<List<User>> oUsers, DynamicKey idLastUserQueried, EvictProvider evictProvider);
Copy the code
- Define the CacheModule, which uses the RxCache object (provided by ClientModule) to instantiate all Cache interfaces and provide all Cache objects
@Module public class CacheModule { @Singleton @Provides CommonCache provideCommonService(RxCache rxCache) { return rxCache.using(CommonCache.class); }}Copy the code
- The AppComponent injects all caches into the CacheManager, and all Model tiers have access to all Cache objects
@Singleton public class CacheManager implements BaseCacheManager{ private CommonCache mCommonCache; / / If you want to add a Cache, just add the corresponding Cache in the constructor. If the Cache is provided in the CacheModule, Dagger2 injects @Inject Public CacheManager(CommonCache CommonCache) { this.mCommonCache = commonCache; } public CommonCache getCommonCache() { return mCommonCache; }}Copy the code
2.2 inheritance BaseActivity
Make project base class Activity inheritance BaseActivity, inject Presenter BaseActivity default, so if you want to use the Presenter must specify the corresponding paradigm, and provide the Component into the Presenter need
public abstract class WEActivity<P extends BasePresenter> extends BaseActivity<P> { protected WEApplication mWeApplication; @Override protected void ComponentInject() { mWeApplication = (WEApplication) getApplication(); setupActivityComponent(mWeApplication.getAppComponent()); } // Provide AppComponent(provide all singleton objects) to subclasses, Component depends on protected abstract void setupActivityComponent(AppComponent); }Copy the code
2.3 inheritance BaseFragment
Make project base class fragments inheritance BaseFragment, inject Presenter BaseFragment default, so if you want to use the Presenter must specify the corresponding paradigm, and provide the Component into the Presenter need
public abstract class WEFragment<P extends BasePresenter> extends BaseFragment<P> { protected WEApplication mWeApplication; @Override protected void ComponentInject() { mWeApplication = (WEApplication)mActivity.getApplication(); setupFragmentComponent(mWeApplication.getAppComponent()); } // Provide AppComponent(provide all singleton objects) to subclasses, Component depends on protected abstract void setupFragmentComponent(AppComponent AppComponent); }Copy the code
2.4 the MVP of actual combat
The MVP class can be defined using the same business logic. Instead of having a different MVP class for each Fragment or Activity(or page), you can use a set of MVP classes for the same business logic
Against 2.4.1 Contract
According to the official Google MVP project, you can define the MVP interface in Contract, which is easy to manage. This framework does not need to define the Presenter interface, so Contract only defines the Model and View interface
Public Interface UserContract {// The BaseView extends BaseView {void for commonly used UI methods, such as displaying hidden progress bars and displaying text messages setAdapter(DefaultAdapter adapter); void startLoadMore(); void endLoadMore(); Interface Model extends IModel{Observable<List<User>> getUsers(int);} // The interface extends IModel{Observable<List<User>> getUsers(int) lastIdQueried, boolean update); }}Copy the code
2.4.2 the View
The View interface for an Activity or Fragment is defined in a Contract. The BaseActivity is injected with Presenter by default. If you want to use Presenter, you must specify the Presenter template, and Implement setupActivityComponent to provide the components and modules required by Presenter
public class UserActivity extends WEActivity<UserPresenter> implements UserContract.View {
protected void setupActivityComponent(AppComponent appComponent) {
.userModule(new UserModule(this))
protected View initView() {
return LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.activity_user, null, false);
protected void initData() {
Copy the code
2.4.3 Model
The Model implements the Model interface of the Contract, inherits BaseModel, specifies the ServiceManager and CacheManager templates defined above, and then obtains the required Service and Cache for Presenter through the two managers Required data (please choose whether to use cache)
public class UserModel extends BaseModel<ServiceManager,CacheManager> implements UserContract.Model{
private CommonService mCommonService;
private CommonCache mCommonCache;
public UserModel(ServiceManager serviceManager, CacheManager cacheManager) {
super(serviceManager, cacheManager);
this.mCommonService = mServiceManager.getCommonService();
this.mCommonCache = mCacheManager.getCommonCache();
public Observable<List<User>> getUsers(int lastIdQueried, boolean update) {
Copy the code
2.4.4 Presenter
Most of the role of Presenter in MVP is to get data from the Model layer interface and display data by calling the View layer interface. First implement BasePresenter, specify the Model and View template. Note that you must specify the interface defined in Contract, which is required by Presenter Dagger2 injection is used for both Model and View.
@ActivityScope public class UserPresenter extends BasePresenter<UserContract.Model, UserContract.View> { @Inject public UserPresenter(UserContract.Model model, UserContract.View rootView) { super(model, rootView); Public void requestUsers(final Boolean pullToRefresh) {}}Copy the code
2.4.5 MVP Module
The Module here provides the implementation classes of the View and Model interfaces (defined in Contract) corresponding to the current business logic. Model needs the ServiceManager and CacheManager provided in AppComponent to implement network requests and caching, so it needs to pass Component relies on the AppComponent to get both managers
@Module public class UserModule { private UserContract.View view; UserModule(UserContract.view View) {this. View = View; } @ActivityScope @Provides UserContract.View provideUserView(){ return this.view; } @ActivityScope @Provides UserContract.Model provideUserModel(ServiceManager serviceManager, CacheManager cacheManager){ return new UserModel(serviceManager,cacheManager); }}Copy the code
2.4.6 MVP Component
Note that this Component must depend on the AppComponent to provide the ServiceManager and CacheManager required by the Model. Provide inject() methods to inject objects provided by the Module and AppComponent In the corresponding class, the parameter of Inject () cannot be an interface, how to inject?
@ActivityScope @Component(modules = UserModule.class,dependencies = AppComponent.class) public interface UserComponent { void inject(UserActivity activity); }Copy the code
2.4.7 Dagger Scope
In the code above, ActivityScope is heavily present in modules and Components. Dagger2 uses Scope to limit the life of objects provided in each Module. Dagger2 provides only one @singletonScope by default Module and Component define the same Scope. Objects provided by the Module have the same life cycle as those provided by the Component
From 2.4.8 MVP summary
- After repeated every business logic structure of these classes, just change a name, it is worth noting that the MVP at first you do have available refer a lot more classes, is cumbersome, but the page code, such as logic to long, you will find it’s advantages, the logic is clear, decoupling, facilitate team collaboration, easy test, error good positioning, so now this framework Automatically generating code for Template solves this pain point, making it more enjoyable for developers to use the framework
3 Function Usage
3.1 Capturing Http requests and responses globally
Override the getHttpResultHandler method when inheriting BaseApplication,
/** * We can provide a class that handles HTTP requests and responses globally * Here you can get the request before the request server, such as adding a token or header * here you can get the result returned by the server one step earlier than the client, you can do some operations, such as token timeout, retrieve * * * @override public GlobeHttpHandler getHttpHandler() {return new GlobeHttpHandler() { @Override public Response onHttpResultResponse(String httpResult, Interceptor.Chain chain, Response Response) {// The client can get the result of each HTTP request first, parse it into JSON, and perform some operations, such as detecting that the token expires // request the token again, and execute the request again try {JSONObject object = new JSONObject(httpResult); String code = object.getString("code"); If (code. Equals (TOKEN_EXPIRE)) / / if found here token expired, can request the latest token first, then before to get new token to the request of the HTTP request / / create a new request and the modify it accordingly using the new token Request newRequest = chain.request().newBuilder().header("token", newToken) .build(); // retry the request originalResponse.body().close(); return chain.proceed(newRequest); } catch (JSONException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (JSONException e) {e.printStackTrace(); // Return response if no other request is made. } } @Override public Request onHttpRequestBefore(Interceptor.Chain chain, Request Request) {// If the server needs to do something before the Request is made, a new Request is returned, such as adding headers. If no action is taken, Request //return is returned chain.request().newBuilder().header("token", tokenId) // .build(); return request; }}; }Copy the code
3.2 Global error handling and reexecution when an error occurs
If you want to use Rxjava’s global error handling, you need to override the getResponseErroListener when inheriting BaseApplication, and use ErrorHandleSubscriber every time you call SUBSCRIBE using Rxjava and pass it in Subscribe to the RxErrorHandler provided in the AppComponent, which by default implements OnError. You can override the OnError method if you want to customize it
@Override protected ResponseErroListener getResponseErroListener() { return new ResponseErroListener() { @Override public void handleResponseError(Context context, Exception e) { Timber.tag(TAG).w("------------>" + e.getMessage()); UiUtils.SnackbarText("net error"); }}; }Copy the code
- Used in Rxjava
Observable. Just (1).retrywhen (new RetryWithDelay(3,2))// retryWhen an error is encountered. The first parameter is the number of retries and the second parameter is the retry interval ErrorHandleSubscriber<Integer>(mErrorHandler) { @Override public void onNext(Integer Integer) { } });Copy the code
3.3 Adding a custom Intercepter for Okhttp
When inheriting BaseApplication, override getInterceptors to provide multiple Intercepters for Okhttp
protected Interceptor[] getInterceptors(){
Intercepter[] intercepters = new Intercepter[1];
intercepters[0] = new Interceptor();
return intercepters;
Copy the code
3.4 Switch the picture request frame
The framework uses Glide to load images by default, and uses ImagerLoader to provide a unified interface. ImagerLoader uses policy mode and Builder mode, can dynamically switch image frames (say, to Picasso), and the parameters passed in when loading images can be expanded at will
- To use ImageLoader, you must pass in an image-loading implementation class that implements the BaseImageLoaderStrategy interface to implement dynamic switching. Therefore, you must first implement BaseImageLoaderStrategy by specifying a real inherited from ImageConfig Existing classes, using the Builder pattern, can store information such as urls, ImageViews,Placeholder, etc., which can be extended over time for image loading frameworks
public class PicassoImageLoaderStrategy implements BaseImageLoaderStrategy<PicassoImageConfig> { @Override public void loadImage(Context ctx, PicassoImageConfig config) { Picasso.with(ctx) .load(config.getUrl()) .into(config.getImageView()); }}Copy the code
- Implement ImageCofig using builder mode
public class PicassoImageConfig extends ImageConfig{ private PicassoImageConfig(Buidler builder) { this.url = builder.url; this.imageView = builder.imageView; this.placeholder = builder.placeholder; this.errorPic = builder.errorPic; } public static Buidler builder() { return new Buidler(); } public static final class Buidler { private String url; private ImageView imageView; private int placeholder; protected int errorPic; private Buidler() { } public Buidler url(String url) { this.url = url; return this; } public Buidler placeholder(int placeholder) { this.placeholder = placeholder; return this; } public Buidler errorPic(int errorPic){ this.errorPic = errorPic; return this; } public Buidler imagerView(ImageView imageView) { this.imageView = imageView; return this; } public PicassoImageConfig build() { if (url == null) throw new IllegalStateException("url is required"); if (imageView == null) throw new IllegalStateException("imageview is required"); return new PicassoImageConfig(this); }}}Copy the code
- inImageLoaderCan be passed in when constructingPicassoImageLoaderStrategy(), can also passAppComponentgetImageLoaderAfter the object,setLoadImgStrategy(new PicassoImageLoaderStrategy)Replace the previous implementation (default
Methods a return in ImageModule PicassoImageLoaderStrategy @ Module public class ImageModule {@ Singleton @ Provides public BaseImageLoaderStrategy provideImageLoaderStrategy() { return new PicassoImageLoaderStrategy(); } @Singleton @Provides public ImageLoader provideImageLoader(BaseImageLoaderStrategy strategy) { return new ImageLoader(strategy); }} Method 2 gets the ImagerLoader mApplication.getAppComponent ().imageloader ().setLoAdimgStrategy (new) in AppComponent PicassoImageLoaderStrategy()); Mapplication.getappcomponent ().imageloader ().loadimage (mApplication, GlideImageConfig .builder() .url(data.getAvatarUrl()) .imagerView(mAvater) .build());Copy the code
3.5 AndroidEventBus Tag
This framework uses AndroidEventBus to implement the event bus. This framework uses annotations to mark the target method and writes the constant Tag to the EventBusTag interface for easy management. If you want to use AndroidEventBus in the current object, please use the required Activity,Fragme UseEventBus () is not used for Presenter, but is not used for Presenter
3.6 AutoLayout components
This framework using AutoLayout framework, to realize the adaptive control, adaptive this frame to make components, must let its parent controls, redrawn, and rewrite the LayoutParams, and official default only provides three ViewGroup, AutoRelativeLayout, AutoLinearLayou T,AutoFrameLayout implements these operations. For the convenience of developers, the author provides some commonly used AutoLayout components. In the Autolauout package under the widget package of the framework, references can make the sub-components adaptive
3.7 Customizing PopupWindow
The framework provides a CustomPopupWindow component in builder mode, CustomPopupWindow. After implementing the layout, you can directly use this component to implement PopupWindow
3.8 Quickly realize RecycleView
This framework provides DefaultAdapter and BaseHolder base classes to quickly realize Recycleview.
- BaseHolder defaults to the initialization of ButterKnife and AutoLayout, which can be inherited to inject views directly and to adapt the layout to the screen
- RecycleView does not provide Item click events by default. Use DefaultAdapter to call setOnItemClickListener to implement Item click events
3.9 Permission Management (For Android6.0 Permission Management)
The framework uses RxPermissions for permission management (for android6.0) and provides a line of code from the PermissionUtil utility class to implement permission requests. Adaptation Android6.0 permission management details
PermissionUtil.launchCamera(new RequestPermission() { @Override public void onRequestPermissionSuccess() { launchCapture(); }}, mRxPermissions, mRootView, mErrorHandler);Copy the code
3.10 Gradle configuration starts DeBug mode
Configure debugging tools such as printing Log or using LeakCanary in the main project (app) build.gradle
- Configure in build.gradle
Android {buildTypes {debug {// These two variables are custom. You can also customize your own fields, which will be configured in BuildConfig by default "boolean", "LOG_DEBUG", "true" buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_CANARY", "true" minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } release { buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG_DEBUG", "false" buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_CANARY", "false" minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } }Copy the code
- Use in code (such as doing some initialization in application)
public class WEApplication extends BaseApplication { @Override public void onCreate() { if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) {// log logs print Timber. Plant (new Timber.DebugTree()); } if (buildconfig.use_canary) {//leakCanary Memory leak check leakCanary. Install (this); }}}Copy the code
3.11 AppManager(Managing All Activities)
The AppManager is used to manage all activities. It has an internal List of all active activities (which do not call onDestroy) and one Activity currently at the front (which does not call onPause). The AppManager encapsulates multiple methods that can be very simple You can also remotely control all of its methods through EventBus without owning the AppManager, so that you can globally manipulate any Activity anywhere in the app, such as having the front-most Activity display a connection timeout if the app requests a network timeout (This logic is not written to the currently requested Activity, but can be used globally in a singleton class, since the current Activity can be retrieved from the AppManager at any time.)
- Remote pass
post MessageRealization, distinguish different methods and through different whatHandlerIn the same way, according to their own needs can be appropriate inAppManagerTo add the corresponding method
/** * Remotely execute the corresponding method */ @subscriber (tag = APPMANAGER_MESSAGE, mode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onReceive(Message message) { switch (message.what) { case START_ACTIVITY: dispatchStart(message); break; case SHOW_SNACKBAR: showSnackbar((String) message.obj, message.arg1 == 0 ? false : true); break; case KILL_ALL: killAll(); break; case APP_EXIT: AppExit(); break; }}Copy the code