The other day, LP told me that she intended to read 50 books last year, but only read about 30. How many books have I read? I said I had written about 50,000 words last year, and then I asked her, how many books do you think you need to read to get this output?

In fact, when I say this sentence, I have no confidence in my heart. How many books did I read last year? I don’t think there are many.

There is more fragmented time to read than there used to be. In these fragments of time, a lot of time is not holding a whole book to read, but read articles.

I don’t think these are books.

Recently I saw an article by Teacher Chi, “Four years, 1.5 million words”. Check the time of the article, it is January 2017. The statistics are the words on wechat official accounts. On average, it is about 400,000 a year, and then on average, it should be 400,000/365 ≈ 1096 every day.

That’s 1096 words a day!

Such a calculation, the pool teacher’s daily text output is quite a lot. In fact, a person to write an article, in addition to the need to constantly modify the article, but also need to continue to accumulate material. I think there’s more to it than that.

The most important thing is to ensure quality in addition to quantity. Average people, can meet the requirements of quantity is good, if the quality can also ensure that it is more valuable.

In the article pool teacher also said a paragraph:

“I occasionally look back at the people who wrote together on wechat four years ago, and very few of them are still pursuing creative fun and original output. They are either not large enough, or completely commercialized, or they have disappeared as if they never existed. Those public accounts that used to be alive are like lightning flash across the sky, and the whistle melts into the wind. All of a sudden, everything disappears. It makes people feel that in a certain field, if you stick to it a little bit, you can get more than 90% or more people.”

Yeah, a lot of things, if you stick to it a little bit, you can get over 90% or more people. When we stretch out the time line, we find that many stories have only the beginning, but lack the process and the result. Outside people look, a lot of things seem not so difficult as imagined, is not insist on it? But the word “insist”, just like his literal meaning, should be both “firm” and “hold”. You can’t say that eating every day counts as persistence, and you can’t say that starting a few days counts as persistence. Only those who have experienced it know that persistence is not that easy.

Li xiaolai said: “Seven years, one life. I have been like this for several lives.

We used to say: A lifetime is a lifetime. Daily, monthly, and yearly life experiences increase in a linear fashion. But the arrival of the Internet has disrupted that growth, which is now exponential.

In 2014, blockchain is only a few years old, but it has reached a hot point.

Mobile payments a few years ago, we may have thought of it as a beautiful vision, but within a few years, it has become a reality.

A few years ago, we still hope to go abroad to learn some advanced technology, but now, many technologies are more developed in China. Online shopping, high-speed rail, bike-sharing and mobile payment have become China’s new “four great inventions”.

We are still young, so let the wasted time pass by. Similarly, stretch out the time line, so that we can see that there are still a lot of road to go, and we need to leave a mark worth leaving in the long river of time.

Today is the earliest of all the days that remain in your future! Start doing it and stick with it. Look back in a few years.
