When you are canvassing for votes, do you find a problem? Because the operation process of voting through the browser plug-in is cumbersome, most of your friends will choose to give up the plug-in vote. This means that by the end of the campaign you are 28 votes short of everyone else.

Words, if I now give the solution, will not be pulled into the small black room 😂

The solution

  1. First, let’s look at the link to the normal voting screen: https://rank.juejin.cn/rank/2021/1117561754756488?utm_campaign=annual_2021&utm_medium=web_entrance&utm_source=nav, The important thing is the value of the utm_source parameter, which I guess is used to distinguish the source of the page, and the nav here clearly represents the jump from the navigation bar.

  2. Next, I opened the voting screen with the browser plugin, and the browser link changed to: https://rank.juejin.cn/rank/2021/1117561754756488?t=user&utm_campaign=annual_2021&utm_source=gold_browser_extension, Notice that the value of the utm_source parameter has changed from nav to gold_browser_extension, and at this point it’s pretty obvious.

  3. Finally, I opened the link of step 2 in the browser without the plug-in, clicked vote, and successfully cast the plug-in vote!

  4. Please change the userID on the link and share it with others, otherwise you are just helping me get votes, hahaha, of course, I don’t mind.


Web-side voting links use this: https://rank.juejin.cn/rank/2021/1117561754756488?utm_campaign=annual_2021&utm_medium=web_entrance&utm_source=nav

Plugin-side voting links use this: https://rank.juejin.cn/rank/2021/1117561754756488?t=user&utm_campaign=annual_2021&utm_source=gold_browser_extension

Canvass for yourself

Give me a personal vote if I’m going against the wind! portal

Can also give my year-end summary some praise: be back pay three months of development, in 2021 | year-end summary how to come over

Meiloufeng, thank you!