A colleague asked me how I learned IOS, the product does not necessarily know how to code ah ~

Well, yes, you don’t have to, but if you can, you can communicate better with programmers, at least we can all understand the same language.

That I will recommend the relevant information ~

For those of you who have programming experience before, don’t read this article, if you don’t know what a string is, right? That’s great, you can read my article, maybe you can avoid some detours

I prefer to combine my materials in multiple latitudes, so THAT I can see my resources from multiple angles. Yes, resources are important, so when introducing certain materials, I will mark them by latitude.

The first latitude: categorize my materials and learning paths according to the difficulty coefficient;

Second latitude: Categorize data by attribute or source

Third latitude: Categorize data according to the relationship between data

A. Courses at Wheat College

Features: Now it is not free, but I stopped watching it after charging, because I had bought RayWenderlich and Udemy’s tutorials at that time, and had not finished learning them, so I did not invest money in wheat Academy. Wheat institute on a benefit, Chinese, do not understand English and want to learn programming, estimate can only come to similar network school. There are stages. After we register and log in and select the IOS course, Maizi College will present four stages of courses. We can learn step by step according to his requirements. I will write a special article to comment on the courses of Wheat College and my study route ~

Degree of difficulty: The courses are graded from easy to difficult.

Source + attribute: Wheat Academy. Video.

Association with other learning materials: It has a lot of association with the materials of apple official developers, especially the courses taught by Teacher Sundy, which are from the official website of Apple and authoritative materials.

B. Cho Chol’s series of courses (abandoned)

Not updated for a while. Abandoned. Learning procedures or need to spend money to buy books to buy tutorials, free update is their own blessing, but did not bring any benefits to the teacher. It’s easy to end a course.

I watched it on Youku, or I could download it locally. Pay attention to Zhao Zhe’s wechat public account or weibo can obtain relevant information, directly download in Baidu cloud disk can avoid youku’s various advertisements.

Zhao zhe has A quick version of the course, which is translated from the video on the Apple website, but also adds his own understanding, so those who have basic programming skills and poor English are suitable to watch his A series of high-speed courses.

Difficulty factor: High speed course difficulty factor + low speed course difficulty factor

Source + attribute: Developer conference video translation + own compilation and recording of the course

Relevance to other learning materials: Developer conference videos

C. Item C is no longer recommended. Buy e-6 books if you have no problem with English.

D.apple website recommended reading

Estimates that just started learning might don’t like apple’s official website document, if you’re not used to, skip class D, directly go to the E class, under the E, introduce a few good books, can help you little detours, but the inside of the E books are in English version, program, after all, when it was invented by foreigners, of course, at the time of programming, you still need to use English. For this point, I have no choice but to force myself to read English books, or I can only read some domestic tutorials. However, many people told me that in order to become a senior iOS programmer, I must be able to understand the official Documentation of Apple, otherwise, really trouble.


Start Developing IOS Apps Today

This book is for beginners, and it’s the only One of the guidelines/ References on apple’s developer website in Chinese. It also illustrates the importance of this document.

Teacher Sundy of Wheat College also recommended this book, before learning UI, have a look at this book, it is helpful to understand IOS programming.

If you are an experienced programmer, take a look at this book in a magazine, it won’t take much time. For people without programming foundation, this book is a “three character classic” level of introduction.

It’s written in OC. But the reason hasn’t changed. The content is actually the “Quick Start to IOS Development” of Wheat College, and Ms. Sundy explained this guide using Swift.

Apple official document structure diagram

Apple official document structure diagram in English

What else do you need to see once you’ve finished the Start Developing iOS Apps Today document? The figure above is apple’s official recommendation, and the documents to look at are roughly divided into 8 categories (D1-D10).


App Distribution Guide 

Register/ Register: Register as a developer

The section “Managing Accounts” in the App Distribution Guide walks you through the process of registering as an Apple developer.


iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Interface/ Interface: Learn to design beautiful application interfaces.

The iOS Human Interface Guidelines guide you on how to make your apps conform to the iOS USER Interface Guidelines.


Auto Layout Guide

The Auto Layout Guide shows you how to make your interface automatically Layout for multiple sizes of Apple devices.


The Swift Programming Language

Language/ Language: Learn the Language

The Swift Programming Language describes how to use The Swift Programming Language to define classes, send messages, encapsulate data, and perform a variety of other tasks. If you want to program with Swift, you have to learn this, and Apple has nearly 500 pages, which is pretty good.


App Programming Guide for iOS

Develop/ Develop: Learn to Develop good applications

App Programming Guide for iOS explains the basic things you must know and do when developing iOS applications.


Swift Standard Library Reference

This is the Reference guide for Swift.

The Swift Programming Language Reference is The Swift Standard Library Reference. The Swift Programming Language Reference is The Swift Standard Library Reference. Is the concentration of D-5, if you forget which knowledge point, is also a quick reference query. Of course, the more detailed explanation is d-5. The relationship between the two books is that one is the textbook and the other is just the focus.


iOS Technology Overview

Technologies/ technology: Understand the available Technologies

IOS Technology Overview provides an Overview of the frameworks and other technologies that can be used in iOS applications.


Start Developing iOS Apps Today

Documentation/ Documentation: Browse through the Documentation

The chapter “Finding Information (page 109)” in Start Developing iOS Apps Today explains how to make the most of the documentation provided.


Xcode Overview

Test/Debug/Test/Debug: Debug and Test your application

The “DebugYourApp” in XcodeOverview teaches you how to thoroughly debug and test your application in Xcode.



Ship/ Delivery release: Release the application.

The AppDistributionGuide walks you through the process step by step: prep your test device, submit your application to the App Store.

E. Other study books (English)


Introducing IOS 8: swift programming from idea to app store

Book covers

This book is linked on douban

This book is designed for the pure beginner, providing a personal guide to the world of IOS programming. Removing complex jargon and replacing it with relevant real-life examples, the book teaches programming using common scenarios such as going to the grocery store, driving a car, or eating at a restaurant. Concepts are explained clearly and concisely in each chapter.

The goal of this book is to cover everything from initial concepts to how to publish your APP to iHPOne’s APP Store. You will learn basic programming concepts, the steps and process of developing an APP, and how to publish your APP to the APP Store. No programming experience is required to read this book. You will learn to think differently and see the world from a new perspective. This book will give you a tool to change your life and the lives of others. Don’t worry, don’t fear, this book has been stripped of the horribly complex programming jargon.

English, I am currently translating some of the content. If you are interested, you can subscribe to my translation topic: Getting Started for iOS Development

I am so depressed that it has not been updated to iOS 9 (on December 1, 2015). Most of the following books have been updated, but this one has not been updated. Alas, perhaps there was no market for it, so it was no longer published? I should have translated books from Raywenderlich’s website.


Programming iOS 9 Dive Deep into Views, View Controllers, and Frameworks

Douban link

It has been updated to iOS 8 and swift2.0.

After e-1, follow up with this book, which covers views, view controllers, and frames more than E-1.


Core Data by Tutorials

This book is suitable for those who already have the basic knowledge of Swift and iOS. If you know iOS and Swift, and want to know some knowledge of iOS Core Data, you can check out this book. This book is written with Swift2.0 and adapted to iOS9. Core Data is a database provided by Apple.

Book covers

If you know Swift and you know the controls, what else do you need to learn? Database, of course. Apple’s official database is Core Data. The teacher of Maizi College once mentioned this Core Data when explaining database, which was introduced in the last and next two classes. At that time, the teacher said, “I can only talk about Core Data briefly, but if I want to finish all of it, it will be a book.” (Subtext: There are too many to finish, so I will explain it in two videos.)

E-3 This book explains how to use Swift to use CORE DATA, Apple’s official database.

This is the book that was used in the instructional video for Core Data Combat season 5 of Po Says Swifts, but it was published last year, before the latest version was released.


iOS 9 Swift Programming Cookbook Solutions & Examples for iOS

Book covers

Douban link

This book is mainly to explain some advanced IOS functions and some extensions. This is a good book for anyone who wants to offer their IOS development capabilities.

The storyboard in Xcode is almost not used, it is all code implementation effect. It’s an absolute disaster for me, I can’t leave storyboard.

However, I only focused on the Core Data section of the book. I didn’t go that far with the other chapters.


IOS 8 by Tutorials: Learning the New iOS 8 APIs with Swift

Book covers

Douban link

Introduce the new technologies in iOS 8, and I suggest you take a look. After all, what was new at the time is now widely used.

Raywenderlich.com, which has amazing instructional videos, currently in English. Maybe there will be Chinese subtitles or something. This is the iOS8 book that was published last year, and the iOS9 book that was published this year, see E-11.


IOS Apprentice 1 Getting Started V4.1

Book covers

Douban link

This is the first book in the iOS Apprentice series for people who have absolutely no knowledge of programming. Practical learning tool, if you don’t want to learn swift a lot of theoretical knowledge, or these theoretical knowledge has made you dizzy, then read this book is the best choice. Raywenderlich, good conscience, no regrets. A book for beginners.


IOS Apprentice 2 Checklists V4.1

Book covers

Douban link

This book is the second in the iOS Apprentice series and adds more knowledge than the previous one. In my opinion, this kind of teaching method is the best. Learning and doing can help you learn programming faster. The latest version has been updated to iOS9 and swift2.0.


IOS Apprentice 3 MyLocations V4.1

Book covers

Douban link

This book is the third book of the iOS Apprentice series, which can be learned in order. However, there is no Chinese version of the iOS Apprentice series at present. People who have the basic English can also watch it, so there is no psychological pressure.


IOS Apprentice 4 StoreSearch V4.1

Douban link

This book is the fourth and final book of the iOS Apprentice series. The knowledge in this book is a little more difficult, and the application of knowledge in Swift is also a lot more complicated. In this book, intermediate knowledge such as agreements can be found everywhere, and many knowledge points introduced in this book can be found in many apps.


Swift Apprentice v1.1

Book covers

Douban link

This book has been upgraded to Swift 2.0, mainly to explain swift knowledge, in fact, you can also see the official Swift documentation of Apple, but this is still more interesting, the author cited many examples, have their own understanding, can help us understand faster.


IOS 9 by Tutorials v1.0

Book covers

Douban link

Introduce some new features of iOS 9, suitable for those who already know swift programming, mainly to see how the iOS 9 new features can be applied, what effects can be achieved, matters to note, etc. The same reference is the official Video and documentation of Apple, but I prefer to see this, really good.


IOS Animations by Tutorials v2.0

Book covers

Douban link

This book is suitable for those who already have basic knowledge of Swift and iOS. If you have knowledge of SWIFT and iOS, and want to know some knowledge of iOS action animation, you can check out this book. This book is written in Swift2.0, for iOS9.


WatchOS 2 by Tutorials V1.1

This book introduces the knowledge of Apple Watch watchOS 2, which has been upgraded to Swift2.0. It is suitable for people who have basic programming knowledge. If you do not know SWIFT, it is recommended to learn SWIFT first. Anyone interested in developing an App for the Apple Watch should check out this book.


2D iOS and tvOS Games by Tutorials v1.0

Book covers

This book is only about game App programming and tvOS App development for Apple TV. If you specialize in games or TV apps, check out this book.

F. Tanford Course :Developing IOS8 Apps with Swift

NetEase Open Courses


Link to this course on NetEase Open Course

A link to this course on iTunes

Lol, this white-bearded professor has been teaching IOS APP development at Stanford since the days of Objective-C programming. When Apple launched Swift, his courses immediately used Swift, foreign courses are so down to earth with The Times and close to reality! Those domestic courses, after graduation are not used, pit dad. Happy students at Stanford! The Chinese subtitles have been translated. It’s also on iTunes. You can subscribe.

I think the Stanford course is still on iOS 8, right? Is there iOS 9?

An instructional video on g.Raywenderlich’s website

Links to sites

Website video List (on December 1, 2015)

At that time, WHEN I registered, I had to climb the wall, because the registration verification code used Google’s service, so I couldn’t print the verification code, I don’t know what the situation is now. But once you have registered, you can watch the video page, which is not blocked. I was also very satisfied with the speed of the video. It’s just that videos cost $19 a month and have English subtitles only, and a few don’t.

However, you will find that many people recommend this site from many articles. Articles are free, videos are $19 a month, and first editions of books can be downloaded for an additional fee. Foreign books are expensive when multiplied by six or seven. If you think about it, you take the subway in Beijing, you go to the farthest part of the city, and then you go back and you don’t have 20 yuan left. If you multiply that by 6,120 yuan to go somewhere in Beijing, you feel expensive.

That’s all for now, keep this post updated if you find anything new.

From the release of this article to December 1, 2015, the book version number has been changed one time, how time flies. At this stage, I only watch videos on Raywenderlich’s website, read their books, and other resources, and do not pay attention to them. So the article has a resource change update, please give me a message oh ~