It hasn’t been a quiet year in the front-end development industry since 2017. Affected by the cold weather of the Internet and start-up market as a whole, the demand for front-end jobs has contracted to a great extent.

On the one hand, after the Internet dividend period, the market is returning to rationality, and it is hard to find a job. On the other hand, front-end technology is also very active, and salaries and status continue to grow.

The juxosition of these seemingly contradictory scenarios makes one wonder: How have front-end programmers fared in the past two years?

Primary front end – “Ice”

Primary front-end programmer supply flood, treatment deteriorates, development encounters cold. For junior personnel, the front-end market has indeed entered a comprehensive cleaning period, facing greater risk of elimination, survival of the fittest brings about the overall improvement of talent quality, it is not difficult to understand why a lot of people complain about finding a job.

Middle and high-end front end — “Fire”

In sharp contrast, the bargaining power of middle and senior engineers is improving and becoming more and more popular.

As the front-end technology stack is constantly updated and more efficient, the same number of front-end employees can perform more areas of responsibility than ever before. In many companies, a good front end engineer can handle Web and mobile development, and even part of the back end.

It’s still the same: in the fierce competition, it’s always the better people who stand the test. There is a large gap of middle and high-end talents, and their bargaining power is getting stronger and stronger, which drives up the average salary level of the whole market.

So, as companies become more demanding in hiring, what kind of front-man is more desirable?

  1. Solid foundation, strict requirements for specific mainstream technology stack

  2. Focus on technology breadth, with cross-terminal and back-end development capabilities

  3. Pay more attention to comprehensive ability and professional quality

Therefore, the weak foundation of the new and did not timely build competitive “old programmers”, should pay attention to the accumulation of solid basic skills, technical breadth and depth, as well as professional quality, to seize the time to “swim back to shore”.

Article source: Vue Chinese community

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