According to the TOP15 list of fresh food e-commerce APP users’ active volume released by analyanqianfan in March this year, global catchers entered the top 10 with a 32.42% month-on-month increase in user active volume, ranking the ninth. With daily fresh, hema fresh and other fresh head brands together in the list, attracted a lot of industry attention.

However, although global Catcher has fresh plate, but also really can not be summed up by fresh electricity. In terms of the layout of the global Catchers platform, there are fresh fruits, snacks and drinks, beauty clothes and cosmetics, and maternal and child home furnishing, etc., which is more like a comprehensive e-commerce company featuring delicious food.

Global catchers can be among the TOP15 fresh e-commerce APP users monthly live, indicating that the platform still has two down son. On the surface, the platform category is complete, platform growth is also not bad, like wearing a layer of colorful robe. However, global Catchers, a food e-commerce business, also has hidden hidden dangers such as unclear platform positioning.

After being micro – envelope number, global Catchers food e-commerce road

To understand the future of Global Catchers food e-commerce, we need to start with what is global Catchers food e-commerce.

Global Catchers is actually a company dedicated to discovering and sharing global food and food culture, and actively build a global life experience platform focusing on food. To put it more simply, it is a food and lifestyle e-commerce platform that is said to be working with global food brands such as Yamamoto Hanfang, Meiji, Kalabi, SWISSE, Fanye and Tongrentang.

Global Caters said from the global selection of more than 20,000 kinds of characteristics of food, but also with Nicholas Tse “Feng Flavor cookies”, CAI LAN “CAI LAN”, Lin Yilun “fan ye” and other star brand cooperation, is committed to creating personalized food e-commerce, so that consumers can enjoy the global food life without going out. It is said that during the double 11 in 2017, the revenue in the first hour for two consecutive days exceeded ten million yuan.

In fact, in 2017, before the popularity of Global Catcatcher APP rose, Global Catcatcher also did wechat business on wechat like Yinji and Pinduoduo. At the time, Global Catcher was suspected of expanding its business by developing downlines. To put it simply, it is to give you the so-called agency rights, which is called spokesperson in global Catchers’ words at that time. Then you let other consumers scan the code to enter the e-commerce platform of Global Catchers. As long as they buy something, you can get a commission, which has been repeatedly mentioned by the media at that time. However, you need to pay a fee to become an agent.

Obviously, this mechanism is a bit suspected of illegal pyramid selling. At that time, many consumers wanted to realize their dream of earning 1,000 yuan a day by acquiring the agency at 299 yuan. But many people paid the agency fee after the money did not earn back, only to realize that they may have been cheated. Regardless of how Global Catcher explained its business model at the time, the end result was that its wechat account was suspended by Tencent. At this point, global catcher completely bid farewell to wechat business.

After being wiped out by wechat, Global Catcher’s parent company, Zhejiang Gejia, is focusing on building its large e-commerce platform with a recent investment of nearly 100 million yuan. Now, its food e-commerce platform has been built. According to the global Catcher APP’s page, there are 11 categories of products on the platform, including snacks, beauty and skin care, fresh fruit, milk and wine instant food, tonic and health care, maternal and child wear, department stores and home appliances, digital appliances, pet life and global materials.

It seems that the categories on the Global Catchers platform are rich and complete, which is a comprehensive category architecture of e-commerce. However, according to relevant sources, Global Catcher is still committed to creating food, food as the main line of the entire platform. However, it’s not so easy for Global Catcher to become an e-commerce food business.

There are “pyramid selling” impression difficult to disappear, after the lack of characteristics of the disease

Why is it not easy for Global Catcher to do food e-commerce?

First of all, consumers do not have a good impression of Global Catcher’s products, and there is no replication effect of brand impression. This is because when Global Catcher was still a wechat business, it left a negative impression on consumers as a suspected “pyramid scheme”. This has done a lot of damage to global Catcher’s platform image and has done a lot of damage to global Catcher’s brand. If consumers buy a product on the platform for the first time and the product experience is poor, few consumers will make a second purchase.

Consumers on the brand of the inherent impression once formed is difficult to eliminate, especially on the “pyramid selling” and other words are abhorred. If a platform has a bad brand reputation, it will be difficult to grow. On the one hand, the platform has to bear the doubts and even hostility from consumers. If there is a slight mistake in the future, it will be amplified by public opinion. On the other hand, the relevant authorities will be very strict supervision of the platform, every move will be under market surveillance.

Secondly, there are too many e-commerce platforms related to food. In other words, Global Catcher has too many competitors. Global Catchers face a lot of tough competition just in the march ranking of the fresh food e-commerce APP on Analyanqianfan. In other words, global Catcher is a great competitor, but it is not a competitor to the top e-commerce players.

There are multiple points, Daily Youxian, Jingdong Home, Hema Xiansheng, Yonghui Life, RT-Mart Youxian and so on in the list of Analyte Qianfan. These e-commerce companies all have food related modules. Most of the e-commerce companies that rank ahead of Global Catchers are backed by capital, and some of them have a long history in food related fields. Global Catchers such a transformation from the offline food e-commerce, it is difficult to compete with the strength of the e-commerce.

Third, Global Catcher failed to grasp the positioning of its gourmet life e-commerce. The categories on its e-commerce platform are rich, but there are no trump categories. The beauty of the platform is not obvious, and the whole platform looks very weak. Add too many other categories to the platform category layout. And so far, global Catchers itself has given no data on how far it has made progress with its gourmet module. So global Catcher doesn’t do a very good job of controlling platform positioning.

Of course, there is also the possibility that global Catchers’ food call is only temporary. In fact, it wants to open up the market through personalized food, and finally run through all categories on the platform to become a comprehensive e-commerce. But taobao, Tmall may also be difficult to allow the rise of other comprehensive e-commerce, right?

Finally, it will take a long time for Global Catchers to accumulate experience in food e-commerce platform operation. It can be said that global Catcher does not have much experience in the operation of food e-commerce platform. This is mainly because earlier global Catcher in wechat to enjoy user flow dividend, the implementation of the “pyramid selling” model and food e-commerce is completely different. Therefore, wechat business experience does not accumulate any experience for global catchers.

It seems that Global Catcher’s dream of gourmet e-commerce won’t be so easy. Global catchers, however, can take matters into their own hands.

How to realize the dream of food e-commerce?

Global Catcher’s path to gourmet e-commerce is fraught with difficulties, but it’s not impossible. But this lost youth, since then to more self-discipline, really began to take root in the field of food.

On the one hand, Global Catchers should have a clear understanding of their current situation, and never touch the “pyramid scheme” business model, so that users can slowly put down the past of Global catchers, and cultivate a good reputation of users with quality products and service experience. However, it takes time to cultivate user reputation and improve brand image. Global Catcher should be patient enough to concentrate on operating and polishing the platform. First serve the existing users, the existing user experience is high platform users will naturally achieve viral growth.

On the other hand, global catchers to grasp the positioning of food e-commerce. In other words, in order to become a personalized food e-commerce, we should really focus on food and concentrate on providing American food. Rather than focusing too much on other modules besides food. Global Catchers should understand that the current human and financial resources are not able to fully promote the platform to comprehensive development. Just take it one step at a time. Is the so-called skill industry has specialized, if not “Taobao” “Tmall”, might as well do food version of the “little red book”.

In addition, the social nature of food e-commerce platform is a good entry point for the development of e-commerce. Global Catcher should enhance the social nature of its platform. This should learn from the experience of little Red book. As a vertical beauty e-commerce provider, Xiaohongshu attracts a large number of users by sharing beauty experience and introducing beauty products every day. Beauty cosmetics with female consumers as the main body all have such strong social attributes, so it can be imagined that the social dividend of all people’s favorite food is huge.

All in all, being on the Analysys list is a big step forward for Global catchers. However, the increase in user activity does not mean that Global Catcher is on the road to growth. Global Catcher faces various problems that hinder the growth of the platform. Beautiful user activity numbers are like a colorful robe that hides the ragged global catcher inside. To become a personalized food platform, Global Catcher will need a decent outfit.

Article/Liu Kuang public number, ID: Liukuang110, this article first kuang Venture capital network