Yang Guo this life when the most painful? Guo Xiang her sister cut off an arm, then he was in the poison of love flowers, can not live long, his favorite aunt left without saying goodbye; At that moment, all he could think of was a man slipping away, ready to leave the world.

When am I most miserable? When you sit in front of your computer and can’t write the article you want. At this time, I just want to be alone. So I locked the door behind me and yelled out to my wife and kids, “Don’t call me! I want to shut up!”

Nothing could be more painful.

At such painful times, I can’t help but think of the words haruki Murakami wrote in Hear the Wind Sing: “For me, writing is extremely painful. Sometimes they could not write a line for a whole month; Sometimes I write for three days and nights, and then I end up writing all wrong.”

What can be done? Haruki Murakami and I have never met, but we feel like each other. It is a blessing to be so close to the master.

I envy those who can write two or three thousand words in a long span, whose creative inspiration can dance a ballet on white paper; Where’s my inspiration? Can someone tell me where he went to hide and seek with me?

To find it out, I decided to see what the writing gurus I follow were updating today. Open Zhihu, Chen Octopus’s answer about improving logical thinking received thousands of likes easily! Open Jane book, “I work so hard is not mediocre to death” huai Left classmate, “left hand world of mortals, right hand Buddhist door” wujie teacher have updated my favorite articles, their articles are either full of dry goods, or emotional rich, really excellent Jane book signing author ah! Open the subscription number, pure smile article, an Xiaohui program view of the article traffic is still so high, far out of reach ah!

Seeing how good these guys are, I should be confident that I’m following their example, but instead, I feel a strong sense of burning anxiety. I can’t help but wonder, these big shots really have not “article can’t write” feeling?


Last Sunday, I posed a poignant question at The Green Seedling Incubator: “How far can programmers go in writing? Personally, all I had achieved was a few offers from publishers, millions of readings, and a paltry $1,000 in appreciation fees. But it takes at least three hours or even a whole day to write an essay, not counting the time spent reading and preparing materials. If it wasn’t for the freedom of time, it would be hard to keep up!”

I’ve been blogging about technology for five years since I started in 2014, and what have I achieved? I was beginning to seriously doubt whether I was cut out for writing!

I used to be confident; I have also written articles that I think are very good. Even now, I reread those articles with relish. For example, the number of page views is close to 200,000. Let’s talk about likes. The highest number is over 100; Let’s talk about comments. At most, there are over 200.

But why can’t I continue to output these highly viewed, highly liked, highly commented articles?


I have been writing for more than five years, but I still have two or three gray hairs, and I have not embarked on a path to financial freedom by writing. It is really a very unpleasant thing! In today’s post, I decided to dig a little deeper and find out what’s keeping me from achieving more.

1) Failed to find a writing position. When I first started writing articles, I wrote bits and pieces of book notes. Now looking back at those “gossip”, I am really worried for those readers – their eyes are so “tolerant of all rivers” ah!

2) No style. There are no vivid descriptions of characters, scenes or resonant stories in my articles. I can only take comfort in the fact that readers have reported a sense of Wang xiaobo’s sense of humor in my writing at times.

3) The quality of the article is not high. I once innocently asked Teacher Wujie: “If the page views of the article are not high, in addition to the article itself is not good enough, there are other external forces to influence?” Wujie’s answer was an emphatic “No!”

4) No marketing. In the age of we-media, if a writer can’t market his own brand, it’s really a big misunderstanding. At the beginning, I didn’t put the QR code of silent King ii under CSDN’s technical blog, missing the golden age of my writing on CSDN. Although the article I wrote in Jane’s book has been published, many articles have not been submitted because I have not found the skills to contribute, resulting in the page views of these articles still stay at the integer less than 1 up to now. I didn’t even know that technical public accounts could be commercially promoted, nor did I create a fan exchange group of Silent King ii. I’m a total marketing blind!


When a mountaineer was asked why he went to climb mountains — an activity which everyone knew was dangerous and of no practical benefit — he replied, “Because of the mountains.” I like this answer as much as Wang xiaobo does, because there is a subtle sense of humor in it — it is clear that he wants to climb the mountain, but it is there that makes him itch.

In writing, I am also a mountaineer. When I was about to give up, there was always a hysterical voice inside me saying, “Be a stubborn programmer! Write quietly, even if there is only one reader! Because sometimes, do a thing, do not want the result, just because the heart of the kind of fanatical love.”

Yeah, I like writing. Although my achievements were not so brilliant, the friends of The Incubation Valley of Green Seedling Science and Technology kindly advised me:

Brother, you know what? You’re already way ahead of hundreds of people! Believe in yourself, because you really have some literary talent, and you should do this.

Brother, you have written more than 300,000 words, right? Have you read 200 books? Give yourself a little more time when you are anxious, we believe you can do better.

Brother, haven’t you already found your writing niche? Every time I read my Monday app Life, I felt full of positive energy, as if an invisible hand was pulling me forward. Technical Dry Friday, it’s funny to read, I don’t feel boring at all.

Elder brother, I like your way of writing very much, and it is full of fun. If you can add some resonant emotions, I think elder brother you will be popular! You see Li Dan – egg length so an ordinary face all fire!

Second brother, the quality of your article is quite good, at least stronger than mine! As long as you dig deep again, next time I will reprint share, to ensure that your traffic is no problem. In addition, I suggest the elder brother to play more to reward some of the articles of big coffee, show face is also very important!

Second brother, I suggest that you share a touching story at the end of your writing. I’ll just give you one. My sister got married on May Day last year. Men to receive, before going out to kneel down to offer tea. We have a dog who can’t get off the couch with my parents. I chuckled, but I didn’t go to pick up the dog. Because it was late, my sister and her husband bowed their heads; People were laughing their heads off when they saw it. But after a while, I don’t know why inexplicable moved, tears have been in my eyes, I feel happy for my sister, because she found a right person.

Like and share, because your participation is the strongest motivation for me to write.