“This is the ninth day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

The Tidal open source version is made use of fOFA’s banner

First, tidal defines a CMS list of CMS_finger_list, which is the same as the data in the SQllite data table.

And then when the following thing, temporarily did not understand what is dry

self.W = '\033[0m'
self.G = '\033[1;32m'
self.R = '\033[1;31m'
self.O = '\033[1;33m'
self.B = '\033[1;34m'
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And this tidal fingerprinting is based on THE HTTP protocol, rather than a host port scan. Although the current analysis of the code is I rewrite again, but basically nothing changed, now to analyze.

cms = Cmsscanner(target_url, self.request_timeout, self.pwd)
fofa_finger = cms.run()
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Let’s see Cmsscanner

def __init__(self, *params) :
    self.target, self.request_timeout, self.pwd = params
    self.start = time.time()
    self.finger = []
    self.agent = {'UserAgent': 'the Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; WIndows NT 9.0; en-US))'}
    self.rtitle = re.compile(r'title="(.*)"')
    self.rheader = re.compile(r'header="(.*)"')
    self.rbody = re.compile(r'body="(.*)"')
    self.rbracket = re.compile(r'\((.*)\)')
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The run method is called as follows

def run(self) :
        header, body, title = self.get_info()
        for _id in range(1.int(self.count())):
                self.handle(_id, header, body, title)
            except Exception as e:
    except Exception as e:
        return self.finger
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It calls the git_info method, so let’s see what it does

def get_info(self) :
    """ Get information on the Web. ""
        r = requests.get(url=self.target, headers=self.agent,
                         timeout=self.request_timeout, verify=False)
        content = r.text
            title = BS(content, 'lxml').title.text.strip()
            return str(r.headers), content, title.strip('\n')
            return str(r.headers), content, ' '
    except Exception as e:
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Use the GET method to make a normal request to the target and get the result, mainly containing the content, title and response header. Then the run method iterates through each fingerprint in the database again for processing. Take a closer look at the Handle method

def handle(self, _id, header, body, title) :
    """ Retrieve database key to match """ "
    name, key = self.check(_id)
    # a situation where only one condition is satisfied
    if '| |' in key and '&' not in key and '(' not in key:
        for rule in key.split('| |') :if self.check_rule(rule, header, body, title):
                # print '%s[+] %s %s%s' % (G, self.target, name, W)
    # Only one condition
    elif '| |' not in key and '&' not in key and '(' not in key:
        if self.check_rule(key, header, body, title):
            # print '%s[+] %s %s%s' % (G, self.target, name, W)
    # Condition where both conditions need to be met
    elif '&' in key and '| |' not in key and '(' not in key:
        num = 0
        for rule in key.split('&') :if self.check_rule(rule, header, body, title):
                num += 1
        if num == len(key.split('&')):
            # print '%s[+] %s %s%s' % (G, self.target, name, W)
        # and under the condition of existence and condition: 1 | | 2 | | (3 & 4)
        if '&' in re.findall(self.rbracket, key)[0] :for rule in key.split('| |') :if '&' in rule:
                    num = 0
                    for _rule in rule.split('&') :if self.check_rule(_rule, header, body, title):
                            num += 1
                    if num == len(rule.split('&')):
                        # print '%s[+] %s %s%s' % (G, self.target, name, W)
                    if self.check_rule(rule, header, body, title):
                        # print '%s[+] %s %s%s' % (G, self.target, name, W)
            And under the condition of existence and conditions: # 1 & 2 && (3 | | 4)
            for rule in key.split('&'):
                num = 0
                if '| |' in rule:
                    for _rule in rule.split('| |') :if self.check_rule(_rule, title, body, header):
                            num += 1
                    if self.check_rule(rule, title, body, header):
                        num += 1
            if num == len(key.split('&')):
                # print '%s[+] %s %s%s' % (G, self.target, name, W)
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What about the check_rule function for each rule

def check_rule(self, key, header, body, title) :
    """ fingerprint Identification """
        if 'title="' in key:
            if re.findall(self.rtitle, key)[0].lower() in title.lower():
                return True
        elif 'body="' in key:
            if re.findall(self.rbody, key)[0] in body: return True

            if re.findall(self.rheader, key)[0] in header: return True

    except Exception as e:
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This essentially means looking for a regular expression rule in the title/header and body sections of the home page, and if so, finding one.