The epidemic of secondary and repeated to many primary and secondary schools under the winter vacation to advance the acceleration of the key. Since December 2020, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Dalian, Beijing, Heilongjiang, Shenyang and Shijiazhuang have been closed offline due to the epidemic. The suspension of offline education and teaching activities has once again rung the alarm bell of epidemic prevention and risk prevention in the education industry. Some schools and educational institutions in non-tense areas have also started online filing earlier, highlighting the demand for online classes again.

Second war epidemic, online classroom speed more quality

In early 2020, the sudden outbreak of schools, teaching institutions were forced to turn from offline to online in a short time, in order to ensure that “closed not suspended”, many schools and institutions have to temporary rushed online to select some online teaching platform, crowded traffic makes online classroom collapse events, make the teaching experience and the quality is difficult to secure.

After nearly a year, teachers, students and parents have accepted the online teaching form and formed a habit of using it. Meanwhile, the teaching platform also pays more attention to the quality and stability of online interactive classroom audio and video under the environment of large-scale concurrent system and weak network. Many schools and institutions have made preparations both online and offline, choosing online education platforms with quality assurance and real-time audio and video technology service providers in advance. Even in the face of the second recurrence of the epidemic, online teaching and guidance can still be carried out quickly and stably.

On January 6, the Qingdao Education Bureau announced that it would start online public service tutoring for primary and middle school students by famous teachers. The municipal Bureau of Education announced the arrangement plan of tutorial courses in advance, and students participating in the live tutoring can also select courses in advance. After successful course selection, participate in “Beneficial guidance” live learning. Students who do not get the live tutorial or who are not convenient to attend the live tutorial can also watch and learn through the on-demand tutorial.

Qingdao bureau of education “counseling” project quick launch, thanks to the real-time interactive sound cloud service provider network Agora and CiYun education in technology and platforms support, based on CiYun education learning platform, students through the education of Qingdao e platform, TV platform for counseling, to complete the account registration, to broadcast live interactive learning, teaching resources on demand, Outstanding teaching planning, systematic and convenient. Meanwhile, the underlying real-time audio and video technology services provided by Sonnet ensure the stability, fluency and interactivity of live interactive learning.

Relief live online tutoring for primary and secondary school teachers and students of Qingdao, Qingdao famous, not only make good use of qilu masters masters studio and other high quality teacher resources, meet the needs of schoolwork guidance part of primary and secondary schools their spare time, at the same time, also convenient, promote student counseling efficiency during winter vacation, solved the teachers and students during the epidemic prevention can not face to face to the problem of teaching, coaching.

How to solve the pain points of online classroom in public schools due to high hardware cost and poor interactivity?

In the past, K12 public schools usually have two modes to realize online teaching, namely, delivery class and aerial class.

The delivery courses emphasize specialization and mainly address the problems of weak rural schools and teaching centers lacking teachers and failing to open state-prescribed courses. They adopt special online courses or simultaneous online classes, and push appropriate and high-quality education resources according to the teaching progress through the Internet.

Classroom in the air refers to the use of network information and modern communication technology, recording and broadcasting the teacher’s lecture content or real-time broadcast of the teacher’s video, voice, courseware, blackboard writing, etc., the teaching process lifelike moved to the Internet, there is no special requirements for students, as long as they can access the Internet, they can join the class, participate in answering questions.

However, although traditional delivery class and aerial class can solve part of the problems of education equity and teacher sharing, there are still many pain points in the actual operation.

Traditional delivery classes are highly dependent on hardware conditions and require the support of various terminal devices, such as large-screen display devices, learning terminal interaction devices, teaching process recording devices, network connection and transmission devices, etc. A wide variety of hardware devices often means high deployment costs and complex device operations, which also brings difficulties to later maintenance. On the other hand, the traditional delivery classroom is faced with strict network requirements and needs special line support, but the special line is expensive, its stability and anti-weak network ability are not satisfactory, and the situation of delay and disconnection frequently occurs, which greatly affects the teaching effect and quality.

The pain point of traditional classroom in the air is also obvious. No matter in the form of recording or one-to-many live broadcast, the interaction between teachers and students is relatively lacking. With the development of online education in recent years, students’ demand for interactive online classroom experience is getting higher and higher, and the traditional in-flight classroom has been unable to meet the demand. On the other hand, the unstable quality of audio and video, the poor stability of high concurrency, and the poor adaptability of hardware platform are also the problems faced by traditional in-flight classroom.

In view of the above pain points, SD-RTN™, based on its self-built software-defined real-time network, has launched a solution specially oriented to the teaching informatization of public schools. It has upgraded the teaching scenes of traditional delivery classes and aerial classes and optimized them in terms of cost, convenience, interactive experience and stability. In order to better solve the problems of education fairness and unbalanced teacher resources in public schools, the online teaching platform of sonnet empowerment will also be built into a normal chemical tool to ensure that schools and institutions “do not suspend school” during the special period of epidemic prevention and control.

Sound net delivery class advantages

  • Reduce hardware pressure and operation and maintenance threshold

Sonnet is deployed by software to reduce the dependence of delivery classes on hardware and reduce the pressure of daily maintenance. The entry threshold for schools is very low. At the same time, relying on the Internet, it can also adapt to any school communication scheme, to avoid the problem of information island caused by the incommunication of equipment from multiple manufacturers.

  • Strong resistance to weak network, with a variety of weak network repair mechanism

Students in rural areas or in remote areas of the third and fourth lines are usually faced with complex network environment. For audio and video calls under weak network conditions, Sonnet has a set of anti-weak network transmission and anti-packet loss algorithms. Combined with network detection (such as delay estimation, bandwidth estimation, and packet loss estimation), anti-packet loss technologies (such as ARQ and FEC), adaptive Jitter buffer, and network congestion control policies, video calls with 70% packet loss and voice calls with 80% packet loss can be smooth.

Sound net aerial classroom advantage

  • Improve the real-time interaction between teachers and students

Sd-rtn ™ self-built software-defined real-time network based on udP-based AUT protocol, further optimized in the global network, avoiding the delay of TCP protocol is not controllable, can achieve the global end-to-end network delay is less than 400ms, the median delay is 76ms, to ensure real-time interaction.

  • Stable HD video quality under weak network

In the process of video processing, acoustic network no longer regards acquisition, pre-processing, coding, transmission, anti-weak network and rendering as an independent link, but forms a cycle closely cooperating with each other, so that the end-to-end video processing can achieve global optimization. Combined with a variety of self-developed codec algorithms and anti-weak network strategies, it can provide 1080P 60-frame HD video experience under weak network environment.

  • Meet tens of millions of concurrent platform single classroom millions of concurrent

Online class hours may encounter high concurrency scenarios of millions or even tens of millions, which is largely caused by the lag of some online platforms during the epidemic. Sd-rtn ™ of Soundnet has made elastic expansion in network architecture design. When traffic surges, it can be adjusted in real time, so that end users are not aware of it, and it can meet the situation of tens of millions of concurrent platform and single classroom.

  • Mobile phone, Pad, PC and TV box merge seamlessly

In terms of terminal performance and adaptation, Sonnet has been adapted to more than 6000 kinds of terminal devices, covering 20 platforms such as iOS, Android, Web, Windows, macOS, mini program, etc., which can fully guarantee the good application and seamless integration of real-time audio and video on mobile phones, pads, computers, TV boxes and other terminals.

Sonnet provides stable and reliable online classes for multiple platforms such as Xiaochalkboard and Wisdom Tree

During the epidemic period in early 2020, sonnet provided stable, high-quality real-time audio and video technology services for teaching platforms including Xiaoblackboard, Zhihuishu, Aopeng Education, Honghe Technology and other platforms when many platforms suffered from collapse. Up to now, sonnet has achieved seven consecutive years of no network accidents.

During the epidemic, Shengwang helped Xiao Blackboard to launch “Classroom in the air” based on educational Demo integration. It is reported that at that time, an average of 500 schools, 5,000 teachers and 200,000 students learned interaction in xiao Blackboard live classes every day, and there were 10,000 live classes on average every day. At its peak, 120,000 people attended classes at any one time.

Similarly, during the epidemic period, with the help of real-time audio and video technology provided by Sonnet, Wisdom Tree launched the live class function of online voice + courseware sharing, which was provided to teachers and students of colleges and universities for free, helping teachers and students to conduct smooth and efficient online teaching interaction, and ensuring that teachers and students of colleges and universities “do not suspend classes”.

In addition, Sonnet also provides underlying technical support for the stable operation of aopeng Teachers training Bao online teaching cloud platform, and continues to ensure that teachers and students in primary and secondary schools across the country carry out online teaching on the cloud platform. It provides 7*24 hours of technical services and support, and also ensures real-time online teaching and interaction between primary and secondary school teachers and students, so that students can enjoy high-quality teaching courses at home.

Honghe Technology, another education information company, also launched live interactive classes during the epidemic period, providing primary and secondary schools with the highest quality audio and video interactive live streaming services. Sonnet ensured the system stability of honghe’s live interactive classes with professional technical means. To ensure the smooth development of students’ online classes, the online has been highly recognized by the school and teachers and students.